A preview of the new wireless “5G” standard that is going to greatly further enhance internet connectivity

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Already starting to look beyond 4G, 5G promises significantly more in various ways. We are expecting to see it becoming popular in 2018.

The “Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance” has been tasked with defining the following requirements for the 5G wireless protocol:

  1. GB per second to be offered simultaneously to connected users
  2. Data rates of several megabits per second should be supported for potentially tens of thousands of users.
  3. Several hundreds of thousands of simultaneous connections to be supported for local deployments in cities/suburbs.
  4. Coverage should be improved; spectral and signaling efficiency should be significantly enhanced compared to 4G.
  5. Network latency should be reduced significantly compared to 4G.

Improvements like this should even enable mobile “virtual reality” internet experiences; likewise our servers will be upgraded, when available, to serve even more and more data upon demand.

People involved in the wireless industry are talking about 5G nowadays. It is not quite yet just around the corner, but we at 4GoodHosting like to keep in mind such views into the future.

“New experiences like virtual reality, self-driving cars, robotics, smart cities and more are about to test networks like never before. 5G will help make them a reality. “, AT&T said in a recent press release.

5G is the current attempt at wireless network speeds approximately “100 times faster” than current [average] wireless technology. The speed goals will perhaps even exceed speeds “Google Fiber” is offering as is currently being made available in selected areas of the US. 5G’s promises of incredible speed and responsiveness has technology professionals and the consumer market buzzing with this topic more and more each week/month.

Qualcomm, a long-time leader in wireless networking chips, announced “5G will take it to the next level – bringing ubiquitous connectivity to and from all sorts of devices.”

2 hours of HD video would zip to your mobile receiver in approximately 20 seconds,instead of about 6 minutes it takes via optimized 4G networks today.

Let’s get into some of the other experiences you will have and things you’ll be able to do from your ISPs that begin to offer it.

WordPress – Optional New Javascript Admin UI released codename: “Calypso”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The new look of the WP REST BASED ADMIN UI: Picture1

WP Version 4.4 creates a new WP foundation that is being hailed as the next big thing in the world of wordpress. The WordPress REST API is being hailed as the next big chapter for the WP platform.

You are probably already wondering what that means for you. Well, right now it is optional, so you won’t be forced to learn or adapt for a while longer, at least, or perhaps forever?

For those inclined at developing for WordPress, we will explore WP REST API, its features, and what it brings to the workbench for those who work with WordPress professionally.

Dissecting WP REST API (JSON)

Before we dive deeper into the capabilities of the WP [JSON] REST API we first should make sure the basics are covered.

What is an API – Application Programming Interface?

It is much like a software driver that, if its protocol is followed, bridges between two different software applications.

You might have been using them for a while, but not even have technically realized it. For example, using a 3rd party website service or an application that to posts to Facebook or Twitter, is using the Facebook API and the Twitter API protocols/ports/etc connecting their platforms to your software. Therefore, as you might presume, there is a vast use of such API’s on the Internet.

4 Tips For Hiring The Right Business Assistant

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Business networking and acquaintances

This article will give you some advice on planning how to grow your business. At some point, this typically requires hiring some help, as things get business. Perhaps you are managing another job simultaneously as you transform into becoming an independent entrepreneur? Hiring good help can be a difficult process. Training requires effort, time, and expense. There is also the trust factor. It can be difficult to find out who is really worthy of your trust. People hired over the internet are more apt to be fly by night personalities. Besides being able to find help from a larger marketpool; telecommuting makes it easier for your online staff to find new employment and also ‘re-locate’.

Building an online business from scratch, or simply bringing a product or service that’s in demand, usually requires a large amount of time, energy and commitment. As we continue to invest our time and energy, we find out that our time goes into tasks such as answering calls, managing email, customer service, support tickets, inventory management, shipping, etc., all essential in their own way.

Managing e-mail can turn out to be one of the most time consuming parts of your business. You are always anticipating new messages,replying in a timely fashion, and reviewing past messages, and chasing down those who haven’t replied. It is all part of having a an online business. Eventually when your business grows and revenue starts to build, you will feel the need to shift matters into a higher gear and bring aboard an employee that can help you with these less technical areas; in order to free you up to land more sales or form more business relationships.

A) Am you considering giving up on the new business, because it feels overwhelming?
B) Do you feel lonely while running the show all by yourself, or feel exhausted at the end of each day?
C) Ar matters forcing you to neglect other important aspect of your life, such family life?
D) Is the growth rate of the business inhibited because you don’t have enough help? Do calls get missed because you are already on the phone?

Interested in Podcasting?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Podcast word on a sign hanging on a microphone for a forum, show or interview audio program

We recommend integrating a WordPress blog for your website for publishing your podcasts. This is recommended due to the availability of great set of plugins for managing and publishing podcasts. We have narrowed down some of best ones out there. There are dozens of podcasting plugins but in this article we have narrowed it down to 5 good selections for you.

As a replacement or supplement to blogging, many people are transforming their text content into audio, or even video. Podcasts provide additional benefits for your audience. Audio podcasting can help you connect with your audience on a personal level.

Written content can be easily dictated into an audio podcast and both versions can be published. Podcasting is also another option for monetizing your content. With a podcast growing in popularity, then you can also service sponsorships directly on your podcasts (for advertising revenue).

Today’s on-the-go people find it more convenient to consume audio content; rather than reading. Adding podcasting will only expand your website’s audience or ‘reach’. Also even if people don’t have the interest or time to listen, they will at least be impressed that you also offer an optional podcast on your site.

The titles below are also direct links to the following recommended plugins.

1) Podlove

Podlove offers an advanced podcasting experience. This plug has been under development for over 3 years so far. Podlove is a simple podcasting solution gives you will control of how your podcasts appear on the web. You can view how well your podcasts are performing, how you can optimize them, and includes monetization support.

2) Buzzsprout Podcasting

Buzzsprout is a popular podcast publishing plugin. With the help of Buzzsprout you will be able to manage your directory of uploaded podcasts. This will change how they are displayed on your WordPress blog through the integrated media-player. iTunes integration makes Buzzsprout appealing to those who want to publish high-quality podcasts.

Tim Berners-Lee Interview, his recent thoughts on the current state of the internet and its future.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The man in the right position to play a hand in inventing the “http” protocol for the then forthcoming World Wide Web recently stated his thoughts on some keys issues on the current and future Internet. Mr. Lee was tasked with helping computers communicate over a network, him and others helped create the protocol that transmits web pages between computers over a distributed IP network.


Mr. Berners-Lee worked as a contractor at CERN from June – December 1980. While there, he proposed a project based on the concept of “hypertext” to facilitate sharing and updating information among researchers. To demonstrate it, he built a prototype system named “Enquire”.

After leaving CERN in late 1980, he went to work at John Poole’s Image Computer Systems, Ltd, in Bournemouth, Dorset. He ran the company’s technical side for three years. The project he worked on was a “real time remote procedure call” which gave him experience in computer networking in 1984, he returned to CERN as a fellow. In 1989, CERN was the largest Internet node in Europe, and Berners-Lee saw an opportunity to join hypertext with the Internet.

“I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and domain name system ideas and ‘ta-da!’ the World Wide Web … Creating the web was really an act of desperation, because the situation without it was very difficult when I was working at CERN later. Most of the technology involved in the web, like the hypertext, like the Internet, multi=font text objects, had all been designed already. I just had to put them together. It was a step of generalizing, going to a higher level of abstraction, thinking about all the documentation systems out there as being possibly part of a larger imaginary documentation system.”

Sir Tim Berners-Lee surprised people at a recent independent festival in California recently. He spoke about, net neutrality and the scandal regarding the “elusive promise” of a truly free Internet. The subject of net neutrality is brought to the forefront in the independent film “For Everyone.Net”, which hopes to put a friendly face on the fight for a free Web. This is the reason why Berners-Lee came to an independent film festival; where his words were recorded.

“We should be able to use the Web without worrying about being spied on and without finding that you can’t get to places because the ISP you use has got a deal with somebody else,“ said Berners-Lee. “The incentive whether you’re a government or a company to mess up net neutrality is control—for example, if you’re an oppressive government and you control the Internet, you can use it in all kinds of nasty ways. “If you look at the world through blurry spectacles, you see a slow and uneven march towards more openness. It’s true that when you go to China you can’t get to YouTube, but you can get to Vimeo. You can’t get to Twitter, but you can get to lots of other sites. China charts on the Web index not because they have an excellent record when it comes to censorship, but because they have a massive amount of stuff happening there—a huge amount of e-commerce, a huge amount of social chat,” he explained. “They’re using the Internet and it’s having a big positive economic effect. I hope that what will happen, bit by bit, is each country realizes it needs to play a part, just from a purely economic point of view. Companies have to be able to see and understand what the outside world is like, and the outside world has to be able to understand what China is like.”

Internet growth Projection summary from the Cisco Visual Networking Index forecast

Reading Time: < 1 minute


The article covers the results of the annual Cisco Visual Networking Index forecast; which analyzes Internet protocol (IP) networking growth and trends worldwide.

The report quantitatively projects the volume of IP-traffic expected to travel public & private networks including: overall Internet, mobile data traffic generated by consumers & business users, global & regional residential, consumer mobile, and business services growth rates.

Through 2016, annual global IP traffic is forecast to be 1.3ZB (zeta-bytes), or a 1.3 trillion gigabytes. The projected increase of global traffic between 2015 & 2016 alone is more than 330EB (exabytes), which is almost the total amount of global IP traffic generated in 2011 (369 exabytes).

This level of traffic growth is driven by a number of factors:

  1. More Internet users: By 2016, there are expected to be 3.4 billion Internet users online; about 45% of the world’s projected population.
  2. Increasing #of devices: The ubiquity of mobile phones, tablets, and other smart devices as well as machine-to-machine “M2M” connections are driving up the demand for connectivity. By 2016, the forecast states there will be nearly 18.9 billion network connections — almost 2.5 connections for each person on earth, — compared with 10.3 billion in 2011
  3. More video: By 2016, 1.2 million video minutes — the equivalent of 833 days (or over two years) — would travel the Internet every second.
  4. Faster broadband speeds: The average fixed broadband speed is expected to increase nearly fourfold, from 9 megabits per second (Mbps) in 2011 to 34 Mbps in 2016.
  5. Wi-Fi growth: By 2016, over half of the world’s Internet traffic is expected to come from Wi-Fi connections.

Total expected growth in ‘bytes’:

Global IP traffic is expected to reach 1.3ZB (zettabytes) per year (110 exabytes per month) through 2016; nearly a 400% increase from approximately 31 exabytes per month in 2011.

Average global IP traffic in 2016 is expected to reach 150PB (petabytes) per hour, the equivalent of 278 million people streaming an HD movie (at an average streaming speed of 1.2 Mbps) simultaneously.

Regional IP traffic trends:

By 2016, the Asia-Pacific region is forecast to generate the most IP traffic (40.5EB exabytes per month), maintaining the top spot over North America (27.5 exabytes per month); which generated the second most amount of traffic.

The fastest-growing IP-traffic regions for the forecast period (2011-2016) are the Middle East and Africa (58% compound annual growth rate, for 1000% growth), and Latin America (49% CAGR, for 700% growth).

For fastest-growing IP traffic at the country level, India is expected to have the highest IP traffic growth rate with a 62% CAGR from 2011 to 2016. In a second-place tie, Brazil and South Africa both have 53 % CAGRs over the forecast period.

Through 2016, the highest traffic-generating countries will be the United States (22EB (exabytes) per month) and China (12EB per month).

Cybersecurity investments for companies in Canada increased 82% over the past year

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Internet Security System

Investments in cybersecurity by Canadian companies increased 82% over 2015 into 2016.

However “security incidents” increased by about 160% over the same time span, as reported at this beginning of 2016 by Price Waterhouse Cooper.

Cybersecurity spending in 2015 represented about 5% of overall IT-spending average within datacenters. The PwC report indicates that Canadian companies are more likely than the global average to employ an information security strategy and/or active monitoring analysis or what is generally termed “security intelligence”.

PwC states: All Information Technology businesses need to better understand the full range of problems that cybersecurity breaches can have on their organizations. Beyond data loss there are impacts on: competitiveness, service quality, financial and reputation damages, employee retention, and in some cases the health and safety of both employees and the public. The Global State of Information Security (GSIS) Survey 2016 indicates a gap in executive understanding of the threat landscape.

In Canada, “cybersecurity insurance” coverage grew to 59% of companies in 2015, the report stated, 54% percent now use big data security analytics, and use of cloud-based security services has grown to 64%, right on par with global averages for cloud security services.

The PwC Canada report states there are three areas where public & private sector organizations are investing in cybersecurity right now: solutions to manage how employees and customers and third parties access and use data, outsourced “Managed Security Services” to monitor & detect security events more efficiently, and “data privacy compliance” for mandatory breach notifications.

4GooodHosting employs the most appropriate and always the latest versions of our cybersecurity security suite guarding our customer’s webservers. 4GoodHosting has never had a databreach, or severs brought down by outside hackers, and we intend to keep it that way. The security and availability of our customers’ websites and servers is always out top concern.

“Halow” is a new wifi-frequency that offers double range

Reading Time: 2 minutes


HaLow There!

“Halow” (pronounced “halo”) is a new wifi-frequency that offers double range, and uses half as much power; or succinctly “low-power, long-range wifi”.
( 802.11ah standard )

The WiFi alliance has finally approved the frantically-anticipated 802.11ah wifi standard and nicknamed it ‘HaLow’; which uses less power and has better wall penetration. It can be thought of much like a long-range Bluetooth signal. Basically HaLow is all about connecting low-power & long-range wifi; which is critical to the production of small, affordable smart devices.

“Halow” enabled devices will operate at a lower and much less dangerous “less-microwaving” frequency, in the unlicensed 900MHz band (incorporating IEEE 802.11ah protocol standards). Coincidentally this also extends the range of a typical router or device of the current 2.4GHz standard, uses less power and provides better wall penetration.

The new wifi standard is seen as essential for the Internet of Things (IoT) and various futuristic connected home devices. The biggest obstacle has been gadgets like home-security sensors, smartbulbs, cameras, smart-watches, connected cars, digital healthcare products, and wearables; as well as industrial and retail sectors. These devices have had to supply enough power to send data long distances, constantly, to remote hubs or routers. However, today most prevalent wifi-standard in the 2.4Ghz spectrum doesn’t allow for long battery usage and transmission distances.

4GoodHosting’s New Year 12 Top Website Script Recommendations

Reading Time: 3 minutes



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If the service is free, you are the product !

Reading Time: 5 minutes

New Product Concept - Green Pushpin on a Map Background with Selective Focus.The Resistance
They are the digital dissenters.
They see tech companies tracking our every move.
They want to go back to the basics – to a world where the interests of
humans come before robots, algorithms and the needs of Silicon Valley.

“Techno-skeptics”, is the current name given to a growing minority of such people. They are emerging today as they don’t want to see a “dystopian” ( or dark/”1984”-ish/police state; the opposite definition of “utopian” ) future form around all of humanity – due to the fact that we are seemingly constantly marketed to and driven to adopt and adhere to ever more digital technology. ‘Humanists’ may be the most fitting new term.

The point being made by the Techno-Skeptics, is that our culture, the way it is being influenced, seems to be taking less pleasures in the simple and wholesome family or community-oriented matters, but seems to have an insatiable need for more digital entertainment technology; and ever more more “feature-rich” cell phones, and mobile ‘wearables’, even some wired clothing products that somehow interfaces us to the internet of things, etc.

This deep thinking minority group of “Humanists” have grown to believe us humans, and our most important needs and sense of priority, are getting lost in the current technology frenzy. Are we developing technology, such as Artificial Intelligence and robots that is destined to replace most of the human workforce?

These techno-doubters are even going so far as to address their views in public, as their thinking is that “too much of a good thing” will have the adverse affect of changing or re-arranging priorities off from what is actually more important: health, sanity, and family. They believe our society is being fundamentally changed for the worse; and it seems they have some good points; so their movement is growing and gaining some notoriety. Many of them also believe we are being slowly micro-wave damaged biologically by the microwave radio signals our cell phones and laptops, and office and home wireless routers constantly emit. If there is truth to that, we should indeed to go back to the drawing boards and invent safer methods of wireless data transmission.