About the Value of Privacy

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear Customer and/or blog visitor,

Please do see this important video presentation. It is certainly worth the time it takes us to wake up to what has really being going on: http://vimeo.com/106681730

For your information, when people send you email to your 4GoodHosting hosted website account (for example: me@my-very-own-site.ca ), or when you send email to another person at another 4GoodHosting hosted website, your email conversation is ‘really’ or ‘actually’ “private” – just like real snail-mail used to be.

We actually do honor your right to control your private information and to guard it from information wholesaling. We don’t look, share, or sell any of your private information. We believe in doing this, and we base our business model on respecting your wishes.

But when you email somebody at a @gmail.com account, then your email is definitely wide open to at least google (and who-knows-who-else ultimately gets a copy of it from them throughout the future). Basically if you have a conversation with somebody using google mail (gmail, or yahoo mail, etc.) then your conversation is being recorded for prying eyes and will be potentially/possibly used to profile you to interested parties throughout the future.

That’s just one point of this eye-opening presentation. We are recommending this video been seen by you, because we believe in the old-fashioned concepts of personal privacy. If you feel the same way, please share the link of this article with your friends.


About the Expanding Universe of Online Gaming

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Hey 4GoodHosting customers and visitors. Here is a topic that we haven’t really advertised before, but we decided to write this article about online gaming.

The expanding universe of online gaming is certainly becoming more popular with no end in sight. Perhaps you are familiar (or an expert) with one or some of the following popular online games.

Just scan over the following alphabetical list:

Alien Swarm, America’s Army Proving Grounds, Arma 3, Battlefield 1942 & 2142, Battlefield 3 & 4, Call of Duty (COD) World at War & Blackops, Contagion, Cube World, Crysis Wars & Crysis 2, Counter Strike – Source & Global Offensive, Day of Defeat, Dayz, Halo,Insurgency, Minecraft, Natural Selection 2, Quake 4, Rust, Sniper Elite v2, Starbound, Team Fortress 2, Terreria, TrackMania 2, Zombie Panic…

Perhaps you haven’t heard or seen just how popular these games are becoming?

Fyi, Microsoft just bought the Minecraft video game company for $2.5Billion dollars(US)?

Here is the details about that:


Mark Perrson, the head of the company, personally raked in 71% of that deal for $1,775,000,000. That’s enough to buy 7,100 quarter million dollar homes!

Maybe you would like to be part of all this action? What better way to learn about the world of online gaming than setting up your own gaming server! Then you will be able to learn what the game is all about and have fun inviting some others from across the internet onto your gaming server to play with you and each other.

Let’s look at Minecraft in this example. Many people around the world have set up their own minecraft servers, to support the many millions of people who play this game daily.

Internal links: How they can either degrade or improve your website ranking on Google and other engines

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Most of us already know about backlinks, or links from other websites, and how google currently assigns a quality score to different backlinks. For instance if Google thinks many of your site’s backlinks are “spammy” – or not high quality, then they will lower the pagerank score for your whole website. However, if most, or all, your backlinks have good ‘link juice’, or Google interprets most of them as high quality backlinks – especially from other well known or well trusted websites, then you ranking will improve more than significantly.

Internal linking is another subject area. Your internal, or intra-site, links also play a role in how search engines determine the quality of your website, and give a ranking boost to those that follow the below guidelines.

Tip A: Internally link your blog content (you really should have a regularly updated blog for many seo benefits) to your service and/or product pages or category pages.

Essentially if you publish a new blog article that has something to do with a service or product that you are offering (on the same website; as we are focusing on internal links on your website), then definitely link to the relevant page from your article. This applies to category pages as well.

The best method to get higher rankings for certain keywords or phrases is to optimized your link’s anchor text for the correct category or product/service page. So, for example, if you offer ‘solar shingles’ as a product, and you are based in Vancouver, then linking from your article or press release to your product page with the link ‘Vancouver solar shingle sales’ or ‘Vancouver solar shingle installation’ will get your product or service page highly ranked for those keywords. When doing so, also try to make it look natural and smooth within the context of your sentence in your article.

Close variant keyword matching – the cost just went up for pay-per-click advertising

Reading Time: 3 minutes

One effective, yet costly, way to help drive traffic to a website is through the use of PPC (pay per click; google-adwords) advertisements. Yet google has found a way and, by the end of the this month, are enforcing us all to use the new adwords policy termed “Close variant keyword matching”. But what does this really mean?

This article is not authored by google, therefore we will skim over the positive spin that they would automatically inject into their new campaigns, but rather focus on some potential drawbacks.

If you read google’s articles about it, it sounds like a good thing; and google plays it up that advertisers already using the new close variant method claim to see an increase in traffic. That may be true: but what is the cost of all the extra ad-impressions being served out?; and perhaps also errant click-thrus by people searching for something ‘slightly different ‘.

So say that you have been used to paying google to advertise your site for keywords ” women’s floral skirts “. So, under the new policy, on he default close-variant matching option “Broad match”, web searchers typing in “women’s floral shirts ” or even “colorful female shirts ” might be presented with your ad. Google might *think* there is a possibility that perhaps a typographical error happened when a person typed in ‘shirts’ and your ad for ‘skirts’ might pop up. This is just one tiny example, as the total domain of possibilities is immense. Perhaps you can quickly think of your own example(s) too.

Maybe a mobile website addition to your standard website is just what your business needs?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

mobile website builder
The advantages of attaching mobile website to your existing website can be highly advantageous in today’s mobile-equipped world population. When people are out and about, and certainly at times when someone’s home internet service is interrupted, people look up information through their Android smartphones or iPhones. When our friends, family, and neighbors are commuting in their cars or on a train or just walking around downtown – they after often web searching for local, national, or even global businesses.

Every day, the number of mobile devices (especially smartphones, android tablets, i-pads) grow rapidly. Literally hundreds of thousands more worldwide are upgrading from old-style cell phones to larger screen smartphones. Most everyone eventually will choose to have the internet in their pocket. And already today every other person doesn’t leave home without his/her cell phone, especially teenagers; as everyone knows.

Mobile websites are really new marketplaces, like desktop/laptop websites have created; and are always winning new customers to a greater degree each new day.

Start here: mobile website builder

Using a Hosted Website Builder, the Pros and the Cons

Reading Time: 4 minutes

4goodhosting website builderThe time has come. You decide to redesign one of your website’s pages or just a part of a page or three. Now do you want to spend unknown number of hours writing new code? Most likely not. That is why a hosted website builder application is a good tool for anybody who has a website and and need to make occasional changes. If you want to move one of your website’s page objects, such as an image or a video, using a ‘sitebuilder’ you simply drag it to its new spot and drop it into place. This does not require any coding knowledge and takes just a few seconds.

Having a website is one of the first steps towards business growth and success. It is pretty much imperative for most every business to have an attractive and easy to use website to promote their services and products. However, developing a website from scratch is a time-consuming task.
No need to feel bad. Most people lack basic knowledge of web designing and all the various commercial or shareware utilities and tools with which a website is created. Even less people have code programming and editing skills.

But if you want to have a professional looking website for your business without spending a week or three learning HTML and/or PHP, etc., then an online website builder can quickly come to your project’s rescue.
The clear advantages of working with an Hosted Website Builder ( link: 4GH Website Builder )
4GoodHosting is one such host that offers a website builder with 100+ business templates pre-populated with relevant text, images and navigation; and each one displays on-screen ready to edit. Small businesses can realize their vision and complete their website quickly. Intuitive WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editing and drag-and-drop design modules help enable success for people of all skill levels.

Advantages of Hosting Your Website in Canada

Reading Time: 2 minutes


There are various reasons and benefits that your website will get when you get a hosting service from Canada when compared other countries, especially the United States.

The first and foremost reason is that, as a Canadian, choosing a service from Canada, you keep your dollars in Canada. This amount is small but the act shows you are loyal to your country. Yet there are some other points that you need to consider. One of the top most reasons that come to many people around the world as an effect of Snowden NSA-leaks is data and personal privacy. Hence, 80% of Internet traffic is routed through US servers and 8/10 of the Internet fiber optic bone links flow in and out of US. It is difficult to have the data and usage guarded totally by NSA surveillance as of today. However, having your website files stored within Canada, and the ability to directly connected to your local Canadian webserver., reduces the chance that your personal information has been read and/or stored by state-actor spies or otherwise malicious entities.

Today, many Asian, American, European and Middle-Eastern companies are looking for Canadian web hosting service providers for hosting their business applications and mission-critical websites. The reasons vary across companies, but since 2012 and 2013 4GoodHosting is consistently signing up more customers from US and other countries and it’s only been speeding up.

Benefits of Shared and VPS Web Hosting

Reading Time: 2 minutes

4GH Shared vs VPS
Benefits of Shared Web Hosting

Affordable cost – The benefits shared hosting come in terms of cost as you share a common server with other clients of the web hosting company. With this, we can save money so that we can offer you the services at a lower cost. With less than $10 per month, you can get two different plans of shared hosting. If you consider the features that you are able to get today, our web hosting packages will be more effective and gives excellent value.

Simplicity – We maintain the servers and their associated hardware in our peer data center, provide you with the connectivity and along with it, we will maintain all the server administrative tasks that are complex for you. For those people who don’t know or who don’t have the necessary manpower to run severer or who just need to focus on the critical aspects of their business, shared hosting is a perfect solution.

The way to Backup Your Database with phpMyAdmin

Reading Time: 2 minutes

PhpMyAdmin database

On modern websites, information is often stored within databases (db’s) instead of directories on a web server. Therefore, simply storing your website’s files into directories of your website won’t deliver all the data your website application presents and also needs to operate.

So you should occasionally carry out a database backup. If you utilize a MySQL database, you should use phpMyAdmin to backup your database from inside its graphical interface.

To backup your MySQL database with phpMyAdmin, try this procedure:

1. Login to phpMyAdmin. It is possible to find it via your hosting control panel, such as cPanel.

2. Click the database name for the left column in the page.

3. Click on the Export tab at the top of the phpmyadmin page.