Maybe a mobile website addition to your standard website is just what your business needs?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

mobile website builder
The advantages of attaching mobile website to your existing website can be highly advantageous in today’s mobile-equipped world population. When people are out and about, and certainly at times when someone’s home internet service is interrupted, people look up information through their Android smartphones or iPhones. When our friends, family, and neighbors are commuting in their cars or on a train or just walking around downtown – they after often web searching for local, national, or even global businesses.

Every day, the number of mobile devices (especially smartphones, android tablets, i-pads) grow rapidly. Literally hundreds of thousands more worldwide are upgrading from old-style cell phones to larger screen smartphones. Most everyone eventually will choose to have the internet in their pocket. And already today every other person doesn’t leave home without his/her cell phone, especially teenagers; as everyone knows.

Mobile websites are really new marketplaces, like desktop/laptop websites have created; and are always winning new customers to a greater degree each new day.

Start here: mobile website builder

Google is suggesting that SSL-encrypted websites (https://…) will rank a bit higher than (http://) sites.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear 4GoodHosting customer, now google is suggesting that everyone buy a SSL certificate for their website; in yet another way they are declaring it will soon give websites a small boost in rankings. They are using this with the excuse that such websites are less vulnerable to giving up site passwords via unencrypted network traffic that your website generates as pages traverse across the internet.

We are not excited nor promoting this; hoping that we sell more SSL certificates to our customers. We generally think google has too much power already to be calling such absurd shots anyhow. And we barely make any profit on our SSLs, as they are already priced quite near rock bottom.

We however, just want to express on our blog, not only this ‘insight’ into google’s next ranking algorithm, but we just want to show you a sampling of how a lot of people out there feel about this ‘non-content’-related google search engine ranking factor:

List of some intelligent and eloquent tweets on the topic: