Different Keywords Require Different SEO Tactics

Reading Time: 3 minutes

With recent Google algorithm updates, it is not that easy to get great rankings. But, fortunately it is possible to get good rankings if you preform right things and it depends on your targeting keywords. To rank high, you need to do various things.

1. On-page optimization has a big impact with long keywords

The degree of on-page optimization will be high, if you are able to target long keywords and with little external competition.

If you want to be listed for the search term “the nashville etymologists club t-shirts” then, it is sufficient to optimize only the web page that is having the search term because there is not much competition for that key phrase.

If you target more of competitive keywords, you should have more backlinks that are of good quality or non-spammy in order to rank high in the search results of Google.

2. On-page optimization is important even for more competitive keywords

To rank high in the Google and other search engines on-page optimization is the main factor, it is the foundation.

Google: Reason Why Your Site is Not Ranked for Your Keyword

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently, a webmaster complained in an online discussion that, one of his important keywords was not listed on Google. He said that the backlinks and the other factors were of quality and he could not find any reason to not rank. So, what were the reasons for the drop in the ranking of the website?

What really happened?

The webmaster was a little surprised that his site www.mamajeanius.co.uk did not list for the keyword “”maternity jeans”. A forum member had analyzed the site and to their surprise they could not find anything unusual.

• According to the forum member, the backlinks were okay and they were not spammy.

• Around 417 web pages of the site were indexed on Google.

SEO is a Continuous Journey, It’s Not a Destination

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a continuous journey, it’s not a destination. In order to rank high on search engine results, you need to do several things that can help you rank. Some of them are listed below:

SEO is a marathon

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a continuous journey, it’s not a destination. In order to rank high on search engine results, you need to do several things that can help you rank. Some of them are listed below:

1. Willing to change and work hard

You need to improve your website by implementing certain things and making changes on your website. Take help and advice of your SEO provider, as they will tell you what works best for your website and it is upto you to implement. You need to work on certain things to bring your website into shape.

2. Stay true to yourself

When coming to making changes in your website, you should not do things that you like, instead do things that are recommended by the SEO provider. In this way it will help you rank high on Google.

Techniques for Building Future-Proof Links in 2014

Reading Time: 4 minutes


It will no longer be possible to build a link just by spamming, thanks to Google’s latest updates. This is a move initiated by Google. Now, some wise moves have to be made in order to achieve victory in 2014.

It’s more fun to build links in 2014

You might have came across a few articles on the Internet stating that building links is not possible any longer. These are the people who do not know any other means of building a link other than spamming.


Speaking concisely, the traditional ways of buildings links through creating backlinks automatically in bulk and creating fake profiles on social media to get backlinks are not going to work today. Older techniques like spamming article websites and forums with cheap and unreliable matter and automated link networks do not work today.In short: spamming does not work anymore.