Using a Hosted Website Builder, the Pros and the Cons

Reading Time: 4 minutes

4goodhosting website builderThe time has come. You decide to redesign one of your website’s pages or just a part of a page or three. Now do you want to spend unknown number of hours writing new code? Most likely not. That is why a hosted website builder application is a good tool for anybody who has a website and and need to make occasional changes. If you want to move one of your website’s page objects, such as an image or a video, using a ‘sitebuilder’ you simply drag it to its new spot and drop it into place. This does not require any coding knowledge and takes just a few seconds.

Having a website is one of the first steps towards business growth and success. It is pretty much imperative for most every business to have an attractive and easy to use website to promote their services and products. However, developing a website from scratch is a time-consuming task.
No need to feel bad. Most people lack basic knowledge of web designing and all the various commercial or shareware utilities and tools with which a website is created. Even less people have code programming and editing skills.

But if you want to have a professional looking website for your business without spending a week or three learning HTML and/or PHP, etc., then an online website builder can quickly come to your project’s rescue.
The clear advantages of working with an Hosted Website Builder ( link: 4GH Website Builder )
4GoodHosting is one such host that offers a website builder with 100+ business templates pre-populated with relevant text, images and navigation; and each one displays on-screen ready to edit. Small businesses can realize their vision and complete their website quickly. Intuitive WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editing and drag-and-drop design modules help enable success for people of all skill levels.

Advantages of Hosting Your Website in Canada

Reading Time: 2 minutes


There are various reasons and benefits that your website will get when you get a hosting service from Canada when compared other countries, especially the United States.

The first and foremost reason is that, as a Canadian, choosing a service from Canada, you keep your dollars in Canada. This amount is small but the act shows you are loyal to your country. Yet there are some other points that you need to consider. One of the top most reasons that come to many people around the world as an effect of Snowden NSA-leaks is data and personal privacy. Hence, 80% of Internet traffic is routed through US servers and 8/10 of the Internet fiber optic bone links flow in and out of US. It is difficult to have the data and usage guarded totally by NSA surveillance as of today. However, having your website files stored within Canada, and the ability to directly connected to your local Canadian webserver., reduces the chance that your personal information has been read and/or stored by state-actor spies or otherwise malicious entities.

Today, many Asian, American, European and Middle-Eastern companies are looking for Canadian web hosting service providers for hosting their business applications and mission-critical websites. The reasons vary across companies, but since 2012 and 2013 4GoodHosting is consistently signing up more customers from US and other countries and it’s only been speeding up.

Because Net Neutrality is currently a very important topic…

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Net Neutrality is an Important Topic Today


‘Net Neutrality’ is a widely discussed topic today. Therefore, we feel it’s right explain to our customers for more clarity.


We found to be useful. It helps you grasp complex issues easily.


Network neutrality implies websites and services should be able to generate equal satisfaction among users across devices: cable, cellular, or via phone connection.


Companies such as AT&T, Verizon and Comcast intend to consider each site and service differently so that they can sell their services at different prices to different users.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is proposing a law to frame limits for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). This is likely to result in keeping the Internet accessible to all – without discriminating any websites or services.


If the Internet is offered via cable connections and bills, it might become hard to restore as it’s today. We should build completely an independent Internet service. Make sure to inform your friends and family.



Those who are vigilant and informed strive to Hold Net Neutrality in place during Government Negotiations

Reading Time: 2 minutes

100+ major tech companies have voiced some opposition in defense from a new proposal from Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler that would make concessions to a “pay to play” model of network management; which would allow ISPs to charge companies for preferential treatment.

These new rules, which are supposed to be voted on May 15, are anticipated to make a major stand against “net neutrality,” which is the idea of a level playing field for all: ISPs should treat all data that travels over their networks equally.

The good principled proposal by Wheeler, a former government lobbyist has been opposed in writing by the likes of Google, Reddit, Facebook, Amazon, and others. The proposal reads that the FCC should *not* permit “individualized bargaining and discrimination.”

The Open Internet Order, a prior attempt by the FCC to set forth regulations in favor of net neutrality, was shot down in January by a federal court that stated that it exceeded the FCC’s authority.

IPv4 Addresses to be Depleted by December 2014: Infographic

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Singapore has the highest number of IPv6 certified engineers as well as the highest percentage of IPv6 capable networks (38.57 percent) compared to other countries around the world, according to an infographic released on Monday.


Network Utility Force, an organization that provides IPv6 training and IPv6 network design and implementation, released the infographic to provide a look at the IPv6 migration landscape and some challenges in IPv4 exhaustion this year.

“Based on our IPv6 work to date, including work for our current customers, 2014 appears to be the year ARIN will have no more IPv4 addresses to allocate,” Brandon Ross, co-founder, CEO and Chief Network Architect of Network Utility Force said. “To that end, we expect 2014 to be a growth year for IPv6 migrations and deployments, and thus, forecasting and budgeting at the beginning of the year will be important, as engineering resources are limited.”

While Network Utility Force has an obvious motive for releasing the infographic, it does provide an interesting look at international adoption of IPv6.

According to the infographic, IPv4 addresses will be depleted by December 2014.