6 Key Factors Boosting Popularity of Linux Web Hosting for Bloggers

Reading Time: 5 minutes

6 Key Factors Boosting Popularity of Linux Web Hosting for Bloggers Before the Internet it was often a lot more challenging to find a means of voicing what you had to say. Even though everything a blogger writes will be ‘voiced’ digitally, the ability to publish with WordPress or whatever other means they use is something that has been incredibly valuable in the world of communication. Oftentimes it’s much more unique and interpersonal and better suited for connecting people and expanding on their interests. A lot of new bloggers will be looking for an affordable web hosting platform in Canada.

Nine times out of 10 that is going to be most possible with Linux web hosting. The reason most Canadian web hosting providers like us here at 4GoodHosting choose Linux servers is because of their versatility and the way they are less expensive to operate. When it comes to an affordable web hosting platform in Canada that equates to cost savings being passed onto the customers who have signed up for web hosting plans with us.

In recent previous entries we’ve detailed about how Linux shared hosting Calgary will make a lot of sense for smaller personal-venture / interest oriented websites in Alberta’s biggest city and one that is really booming population-wise these days. But Linux shared hosting is going to be the best fit for basic inexpensive web hosting for anyone who has a blog that exists on its own at a specific domain name.

You may need to talk to us again regarding any affordable web hosting platform in Canada when you start receiving more than 1,000 visitors a day. But realistically that’s not going to be the case for most people and their web logs, and they’ll be just fine with shared web hosting for a blog for as long as they’re inclined to keep theirs going and continuing to write entries. Your ultimate Linux hosting with cPanel is likely right here, and having Linux servers behind it is a big part of the appeal.

Linux – Best for Blogs

Blogging continues to be a supremely effective tool for communication and publishing personal content. These days we even have corporate bloggers creating blogs using affordable web hosting platforms and one-click WordPress functionality to communicate with their audience and customers more interpersonally. Audiences and customers that will often share a specific subject of interest depending on what it is we’re talking about.

Cheap Linux shared hosting for Montreal will be just one example, although in fairness if you read this blog with any regularity we’re much more about an affordable web hosting platform for Canada in its entirety and with the same appeal for website hosting in any Canadian city. Even if the bird’s too fat, even if she’s 100% started to look like that. SO FAT.

Linux web hosting servers have come a long way and the progress and its continuing to be an open-source OS means it has the best stability for the greatest array of website types an it’s the widely used and more popular considering the price and stature as a reputable open source operating system. So here are the 6 reasons by WordPress backed by Linux web hosting has become so popular with bloggers and is in many ways the near-equal of WordPress web hosting for these sites.

  1. Pricing

Anyone and everyone can start a personal blog at an affordable price on a Linux server platform. Linux is open-source software that can be downloaded, installed and modified for any purpose, and CMS compatibility is a big part of why it’s so good. A Linux web hosting OS is going to support user-friendly content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. The affordable pricing that comes with all that functionality is where bloggers can see a whole lot of bang for their buck with Linux shared hosting Calgary.

You won’t even be paying $20 a month to have your blog up on the web and ready to receive visitors who want to read what you’ve written and see the images you’ve included.

  1. User-Friendly Control Panels

Bloggers tend to not be fond of complicated user interfaces at all, and most of them are more writers than tech-savvy people to begin with . Linux web hosting plans here include cPanel, an easy-to-use dashboard that gives you explicit platform control to configure personal accounts.

Another big plus with the ultimate Linux hosting with cPanel is how with WHMCS (WebHost Manager Complete Solution) users are able to provide complete turnkey solutions to a web hosting provider which helps them make their systems even better. Those who write and publish multiple blogs will find this to be especially true.

Note as well here that cPanel now has a financial stake in WHMCS Ltd where WHMCS Ltd. has been granted access to cPanel, Inc.’s vast business resources, with the aim being so that both companies can benefit from shared expertise with what is seen as a ‘brain trust’ model.

  1. Easier Maintenance

Blogging is increasingly used as part of efforts to promote products, services and advocacies an in these instances frequent updates are often necessary. That’s why it is highly recommended that companies and individuals use easy to maintain content management systems to update posts, photos and videos for effective communication. Cheap Linux hosting in Montreal supports WordPress (self-hosted), one of the most popular blogging platforms in the blogosphere and it is a popular web publishing platform no matter where you are in the country.

  1. Supports WordPress

WordPress hosting often involves a Linux server anyways. Most bloggers prefer this blogging platform because of its security and the variety of plugins they have to work with, and these tools are a big part of why Linux often gets the nod as the best affordable web hosting platform Canada. WordPress is renowned for the way it is a publishing tool that focuses on aesthetics with cross-blog tools, posts, importations, technical support, multiple authors and more.

Consider this; WordPress is currently the framework for 14.7% of the top million websites in the world, and that new number is an increase from the previous 8.5%. And 22 out of every 100 new active domains in the US are running WordPress.

  1. 1-Click Installation Script

You can set up a blog using WordPress instantly and many users are pleasantly surprised with how quickly and easily their first blog post comes about. It is usually only a handful of minutes to install and an hour or so to modify the site for aesthetics and navigation. Linux web hosting includes PHP scripts that can be used to develop and modify self-hosted WordPress themes in number of ways.

The other thing to consider with Linux shared hosting in Calgary is that Linux web hosting servers complement nearly every content management system much more extensively. That joins the long list of reasons why websites or blogs of any sort are usually best served being backed by Linux OS web hosting.

  1. Resource Allocation

The open-source nature of the OS means that allocation of resources as dictated by the webhost OS are more frequently reviewed and optimized. The outcomes of that may not be something that’s on the radar of anyone who has an inexpensive web hosting plan where they have shared and their perfectly happy with what they get from it.

But there can be blogs and others smaller-scale sites that make use of dynamic content or anything else and it is here that having the Linux OS servers hosting their site makes these advantages something they can utilize directly via ultimate Linux hosting with cPanel.

2024’s Trends in Website Design and Layout

Reading Time: 5 minutes

It has just turned Fall 2015, 3/4 of the year has passed, and we have seen many new developments in modern website design emerge.

The era of cluttered pages, information overloaded and packed with information are generally passing. The new focus has been on greater User Interface (UI) simplicity. Below is an overview of a handful of new hot trends we anticipate that we’ll be seeing more of as we enter 2016.

Since 2005, a decade or so ago, it was typical for various websites to basically have the same sort of general experience. There has always been diversity in color logos, images and typography, but aside from that most usually have the same menu across the top and/or down the side, and sub-menus contained in rectangles so that we can easily navigate the site structure.

Progressively, over time, UI web designers and layout artists have experimented and evolved designs. Each year new trends have emerged that have taken layouts and designs to new levels. Over the past year, we have seen some new trends emerge, which create dynamic & compelling user experiences.

The best web designers are now combining tried & tested elements with new creative techniques. The following trends and concepts, shown with screenshots, are presented individually, but these ideas can be combined in interesting & intriguing ways – and be the new layout methods for 2016.

A. Full Screen Video Splashes

While minimalistic designs are the new vogue, full screen videos and dynamic backgrounds are more often filling the void; a quick look from the visitor can be worth a hundreds of words, and quickly sets the intended mode of the website experience.

Advances in HTML5 are enabling brands to use videos in a way that wasn’t previously possible. Here is how Apple has used this to market its new Apple Watch.


Explore 10 Unique Applications for Linux Shared Hosting

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Explore 10 Unique Applications for Linux Shared Hosting Shared hosting plans are usually entirely sufficient for websites that aren’t especially large and never see spikes in traffic. But independent of whether or not you go with shared hosting or choose to have dedicated (VPS) hosting the one constant that always applies here is that Linux web hosting is going to be the best fit as the web hosting OS for Linux shared hosting in Calgary or elsewhere in Canada. That’s because it has been built with infrastructure that most optimally accommodates the greatest variety of different websites.

Linux got its start in 1991 as a free working framework for Intel x86-based PCs and has since then becomes the most famous webhosting OS frameworks available. The fact that it’s an open-source OS is a big part of that, and the regular and ongoing contributions from web developers is also a big part of what makes it the best choice most of the time.

Most good Canadian web hosting providers will offer Windows web hosting too, but these days the bread and butter of their business and operations is going to be their Linux servers. That’s definitely the case for us here at 4GoodHosting, and by being focused on this aspect it makes it possible for us to offer the best prices on web hosting in Canada.

Like most web hosts in Canada we’ll insist that Linux webhost OS servers are best for shared hosting. Your site will utilize the Linux OS and be sharing resources on the server. The way it is a Unix-like operating framework that is open-sourced makes it superior for the types of website most people will have and – more importantly – the way it is able to function consistently as it receives requests.

Another reason Linux web hosting gets high marks is because of the way it offers so much in the way of customization potential for people who want to add to the functionality of their site. In fact for some this may be the primary draw for securing web hosting that is powered by Linux servers. And some of these very useful and practical applications are just as available with shared hosting plans too.

So what we’ll do with this blog entry here is to look at 10 unique applications for Linux shared hosting and ideally you’ll see one or more that you might like to implement with your site.

Smart Open-Source OS

As mentioned, Linux is an open-source operating system and clearly the most popular one in the web hosting industry. If you’re not familiar with what open-source means, it means that the source code can be utilized, adjusted, and reallocated for both commercial and non-commercial businesses and without any level of inaccessibility for it. It’s a wonderful aspect of it and in comparison to web hosting providers that are more inclined to go with a Windows platform there is quite a bit more in the way of being able to customize the capacities of server and client choices.

The advantages and value are even more there for anyone who has smaller needs with their web hosting, and this will apply for Linux shared hosting Calgary or for any other larger metro area in any Province of Canada.

It is often the best option for blogging websites, or smaller business company sites and with Linux servers and good management you will probably find you get all the reliability you need with ideal cost affordability at the same time. The same reasons will apply for why they’d be better with Linux if it’s Linux vs Windows for the web hosting OS and in the same way that it would for virtual private server hosting. This is what we always recommend for cheap Linux hosting in Vancouver too and VPS for websites experiencing increased traffic or having more bandwidth-dynamic multimedia components.

You may also come to find that Windows web hosting is more expensive Linux-based hosting, and again that has everything to do with Linux being an open-source OS in the same way we talked about before. A Windows OS will optimal stability for certain sites and of course we have Canada Windows web hosting here at 4GoodHosting, but Linux web hosting is always going to provide you with greater flexibility.

Solidest Fit

Linux is a mainstream OS that has significant advantages in the way that it’s been more modestly and has the best functionality cPanel and other webmaster controls as well. It is also superior for networks, documentation, and updates, and as we talked about before it has the best cost effectiveness when you consider what you’ll pay for your web hosting paired with what you need to receive from it.

Anyone who is going to go start a small e-commerce venture in Alberta’s big city will find that Linux shared hosting Calgary is going to be exactly that when it comes to residents there making their choice about web hosting for a smaller business website. Linux will continue to be best and a shared hosting plan will likely be all that’s needed to have their site fully accommodated. If not, then you consider moving up to VPS webhosting.

Those same people may or may not be their own webmasters too, but in the event they are then they will also like now the Linux OS enables utilization of PHP, Python, CGI, and Pearl. You won’t have this same ability with Windows hosting although with a Window-based site you’ll often have all the scripts you’d need built in from the get-go.

Go Linux

Linux Shared hosting is also going to be all that’s needed for someone who is looking to get started with a blog, start selling their arts and crafts, or promoting their band with a website. If you were to ask any of these folks a few years into the future they will likely say that the top advantages of Linux hosting are is cost, flexibility, security, reliability, and simplicity.

We’ve gone on about this long enough, but we should mention cheap Linux web hosting Vancouver one more time. Here is the list of ways you’ll be more empowered with your applications when you have a website on a Linux OS.

Improving Website Execution

Better Linux web hosting makes your website’s pages load more quickly. Page load speed is one of the metrics that serve to indicate how well websites handle traffic . Slow page load speeds mean visitors – and often ones who might be customers if you’re in e-commerce – will leave and become part of your website’s bounce rate instead.

There are all sorts of other relevant detriments that can come from that, and so you will want to know that you have the best website performance and good page load speeds when you choose a web hosting plan. Linux web hosting is very much known to have page loading speeds, although one exception to that might be for someone with a WordPress website who has WordPress web hosting.

This makes your traffic low and furthermore impacts your site ranking. So pick and purchase decent web hosting such as Linux shared hosting plans that feature a high stacking speed.

Domain and Email Associated Address

Any new business or venture will spend a lot of time deciding on a domain name, and for good reason. Once you have yours you will require a specific email address attached to it. When it’s not attached your email address won’t be immediately associated with your business and these days it’s the norm to have a @businessname.ca email address that you use for all primary workplace communications.

Most Linux shared hosting Calgary providers will be setting you up with domain name and email address registry as part of that setup process with your account and of course that’s what you’ll have here too at 4GoodHosting.

Improved Technical Support

Some sites will dispatch items and administrations too, and some users may needing to give client care or specialized help for clearing any questions or issues. Having a shared hosting website with Linux OS and cPanel is going to be a good mix for anyone who wants to handle the entirety of their customer and / or technical support through their small website.

Best Uptime Reliability

Linux is absolutely best for website uptime guarantees. Uptime dependability is one of the main considerations for your site’s availability, and anytime a site is not accessible it is hugely problematic if the site is serving as the primary e-commerce portal. And it will definitely affect your search engine ranking pages (SERPS) too. You do not want to have to stress over uptime dependability and not having full trust in the web hosting facilitators and / or the reliability of what’s provided with the webhosting OS. Linux is definitely best.

Better Site Security

Cyber threats are growing in frequency and complexity all the time. It is necessary to protect websites from hackers, cyber attackers, and malware attacks. In the same way it is for uptime reliability Linus is better for web site security too. The only exception to that will be a Windows website. For starters, Linux is much more conducive to having your site backed up fully and regularly. That may not be the best case if you choose another type of web hosting.

Linux in Cloud Services

Cloud Linux shared hosting may also be something that you want to look at, especially if the website contains many set assets. A site that does go through a large number of them may cease to function if the site isn’t on a Linux OS that has the framework to accompany the demand surge and that’s another huge part of the reason why web hosting providers in Canada prefer Linux, and that will certainly for what we recommend for Linux shared web hosting in Calgary.

Other site accounts on the servers will keep on running as usual, and with CloudLinux hosting you’ll also have shareable resources for each client with different PHP versions, stable hosting conditions, a secured Linux Kernels, the stable MySQL data set, and a lengthy list of other tools and advantages you can utilize so that your site gets the resources it needs with Cloud Linux web hosting.

Ask web hosting providers and they’ll tell you there’s everything to like about having Linux web hosting if someone is starting an online business and they don’t have a Windows website. It is that simple for the most part.

About 4GoodHosting’s Windows VPS solution

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our Canadian Windows VPS, or virtual private server hosting, allows a company to upgrade from regular hosting options to more configurable resources that allows them to deploy full applications and eCommerce models without having to pay the high costs of a dedicated server or dedicated hosting arrangement.

Windows VPS is a server virtualization software that uses Windows technology on high performance multi-cpu hardware. A VPS arrangement creates a virtual server inside a physical server. For many people, especially businesses, Windows VPS offers several advantages. Each windows virtual server is indistinguishable from a real standalone server. 4GoodHosting has the infrastructure and expertise to create many of these digital servers utilizing a single high-performance server machine. And we have many such server racks in our datacenters.

This allows us to offer fairly inexpensive packages for other companies; which enables our server clients to create and run complex websites, control large amounts of data, and stream a variety of adaptable services. Windows VPS hosting also allows you to run as many websites on your server as you wish for/can manage. The primary advantages in addition to the cost savings are increased resources and scalability. VPS servers are created in a virtual state so VPSs can be quickly and easily scaled or “beefed-up” as, and when, needed. The working of 1 virtual server does not affect any neighboring digital servers.

A VPS is are also ideal for customers that are not sure how much web traffic they need to plan for. You will receive your own dedicated IP; and extra IPs can be requested and configured as needed.

Another advantage is RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol connectivity). Do you need to access your server almost as if it was sitting under your desk? Well, it is entirely possible to view and manage your server through your remote monitor. We supply the instructions and support for you on how to do that.

We create Windows Server 2008 or 2012 Standard 32 or 64bit VPSs, depending on your preference. This is very much like the familiar windows interface you are comfortable with if you have used the windows on a desktop computer. These Windows operating systems uses the same layouts and logic that Microsoft products have developed for years; using similar terms, tabs, icons, and general look and feel. As a result, people who have experience with Windows do find it easier to pick up a Windows VPS and manage the server as needed. On that note, when thinking about comparing Windows VPS to a Linux VPS a big difference between two is that the windows server is more graphically controlled (GUI) while a Linux VPS is more dependent on text commands.

Our Windows VPS system provides a wide range of functions including full update control and in-depth customization of any and all settings. That is especially useful for IT specialists who are detail-oriented and who want to arrange website resources to meet very specific requirements.

We will give you full administrator access to the server which will enable you to specify the exact settings to make your applications run at peak performance. And you also have complete control to perform updates when you want to, you are not locked into performing upgrades when the administrator of your windows shared windows hosting provider decides.

You are the administrator of your own server; therefore can install any programs: from architectural design programs, to betting/gambling servers, to holographic or 3D simulation or animation; anything a programmer can imagine! An example use of a Windows VPS is a Forex financial trading server; because it is hosted in a datacenter you can keep your trades going throughout the week without the unwanted interruptions for fully automated trading 24/5.

Try our Windows VPS monthly. 4GoodHosting’s service is so good that we don’t require contracts.

6 Reasons Drupal 8 is the Best CMS Platform Around

Reading Time: 5 minutes

These days, if your website – and overall web presence – isn’t backed up by fresh, relevant content being shared via it every week, then you’re going to be at a disadvantage compared to those that do have good content. Drupal is definitely a household name when it comes to content management, and while WordPress may be king based on the simplicity of use it offers, Drupal is really where it’s at for those of you who have even the most basic of computer application wherewithal.

Here at 4GoodHosting, we’re not unlike any other Canadian web hosting provider in that we strive to relate the importance of promoting your business or personal venture effectively on the web. Drupal is currently the top content management platform used by governmental and non-governmental agencies, global companies, and higher education institutions, so it’s fair to say that it is the most solid choice for a content management platform that’s designed for those who have a more developed and polished web site and web presence and know their way around that site with a measure of can-do authority.

Since Drupal was first released in 2000, it has stayed at the top of the industry by developing the latest innovations, raising the standards of digital experience, and being the consensus preferred content management platform available.

Here are the top 6 reasons why the new Drupal 8 is the best choice for you and whatever interest you have in promoting yourself online via quality, original content.

  1. It Is Easy and Intuitive to Learn Everything About The Platform

Drupal’s developers here introduced a convenient, user-friendly interface that allows site admins and editors to perform quickly and easily. They have streamlined foundational tasks like data modelling, front end, landing page, installation, establishing information architecture, and much more.

But what sets it apart from other platforms is Drupal 8 accessibility. Learning how to navigate it is very simple, thanks to the Drupal 8 user guide and the large number of Drupal training organizations available on the Marketplace.

Further, its accessible feature not only means it’s easy to navigate but also caters to users of all abilities. Bookworms and visual learners can look into its wide variety of video tutorials and books. You can also have all your questions answered by engaging in forums and a community.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, you can learn how to maximize Drupal 8’s potential and explore and thrive in web development.

  1. It Offers The Perfect Combination Of Functionality & Features

Drupal 8 is indeed very functional and user-friendly, but it also boasts a wide array of features and enhancements, establishing significant Drupal CMS advantages. It now lays claim to being the first CMS with almost 59 core modules, including JQuery Update, Entity API, and CKEdition. Users will also love automatic packaging, and it is particularly good for businesses utilizing their website for e-commerce. It analyzes your site and automatically packages the site configuration into a set of features, rather than you having to do all that manually. Other important business features provided are:

  1. Twig, a new PHP-based theming engine that is secure, fast, and flexible
  2. Built-in themes that are mobile-first, easily adapting to different screen sizes
  3. Text editing on any page without having to go to the full edit form by default
  4. Views are integrated with the core, allowing users to quickly create pages, admin section, blocks, and modify existing pages with real ease

With its user-friendly aspects and power functionalities, Drupal 8 features are still the preferred choice of many web developers, specifically those who want to elevate their online presence. In a world, where the internet has emerged, opting for this CMP allows your brand to ensure a dynamic and efficient web development experience.

  1. Drupal 8 Comes With Built-In Configuration Management

Configuration management is built in at the file-system level with Drupal 8, so you will have no problem carrying over configuration elements like fields, content types, and views from your local development to the server. Tracking your configuration changes is made easy by the use of a version-control system. All configuration data is stored in files that are kept separately from the site database.

Drupal 8 also comes with the Drupal Module Upgrader, which lets you automatically convert your Drupal 7 code to Drupal 8 with a smooth and reliable migration process. The Module Upgrader scans and then upgrades the previous version while flagging any code that should be upgraded and also pointing out relevant changes as they are needed.

But, Drupal 8 multilingual capabilities leveled up the notch. With this feature, users can experience seamless web development. Whether you’re into reaching a global audience or juggling between diverse content, it allows you to communicate across languages.

  1. Drupal 8’s Scalability Allows for Transitions with the Growth of the Business

Successful businesses grow, and with that growth comes an increasing demand for interactive websites with a variety of elements. Sometimes, sites that are handicapped by one or more functioning components of the site can leave that website running much too slowly.

And this is where Drupal 8 performance and speed come to the rescue. It is equipped for scalability and has the enhanced features necessary for your website to be as dynamic as it needs to be without running slow. Whether it’s managing numerous pages or increased traffic, it ensures optimal performance—meaning, your website will not lag behind.

Additionally, it provides Drupal 8 customization options. Business owners can tailor websites according to your business’s needs. When your business evolves, so does your website, as it can easily adapt to changes and trends. With its flexibility, you can maintain and enhance your online presence.

  1. Drupal8 Gives The Content Editor Real Power and Unmatched to Date

Thanks to WYSISYG editor CKEditor being bundled with the core, authoring with a content management platform has never been easier. Drupal 8 is integrated with a variety of key marketing tools, and it offers a greater variety of better content authoring tools. Add improved translation capacity, which allows your business to interact with a global audience that may have previously not been within your reach, and this really is its big selling point—powerful and convenient content management with Drupal 8.

Another key feature that any website owner would like is Drupal 8 SEO optimization. This built-in tool allows content editors to optimize and boost your search results visibility in as easy as 1-2-3. When comparing Drupal 8 with WordPress and Joomla, the former boasts a strong foundation in enhancing search engine visibility. This includes but is not limited to creating highly structured content, customizing meta tags, and generating clean HTML markup codes.

  1. Drupal 8 Is Fully Responsive from Day 1

You can use Drupal 8 to deliver experiences on desktop, laptop, phone, tablet, or anywhere else a customer chooses to view your content, and nothing additional is required of you. Keep in mind when considering this that if your site is not mobile-friendly, you can expect anywhere from 50 to 79% of your visitors to bounce within seconds of arriving, and they will also be very unlikely to return anytime in the future. Avoiding this possibility is made easy when you’re migrating to Drupal 8.

This user-centric approach allows your website to exceed the standards and excel in today’s digital landscape. By opting for a full-responsive design, you not only allow users to access websites seamlessly, but you also allow your developers to navigate and maintain your website conveniently. There will be no need to separate mobile versions of your website, which may incur additional time, effort, cost, and complexities for development.

In conclusion, Drupal 8 for web development stands as the best choice, primarily because of its easy-to-use feature. And in the event you do run into a problem, there are plenty of directions you can turn to for assistance. You can also count on it to make authoring, configuration management, and upgrading equally simple while offering translation services and being able to adapt for mobile devices immediately. While there has been a debate about Drupal 8 vs Drupal 9, the former remains a slam dunk for the best CMP with a proven track record out there right now.

What is Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting?

Reading Time: 10 minutes

What is Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting?One of the nicest things you can say about a coworker is that they work well with others and that they’ve got the right amount of flexibility to them and a willingness to adapt. A web hosting OS is never going to be an animate being, but if Linux was a person you can bet there would be others giving these same accolades to it. The one thing anyone who is an expert in web hosting will tell you is that Linux is the most flexible and readily adaptable OS for web hosting.

There’s no other one that is so accommodating of such a wide array of website types. Indeed, the benefits of Linux VPS hosting stretch far and wide and that’s exactly why the majority of good Canadian web hosting providers are going to have Linux-based servers laying the foundation for websites that need their spot on the web and want to be on the most solid of footing with that. It also tends to be less expensive, and this is why there’s even more affordability in the equation when we talk about affordable Linux VPS hosting Edmonton.

Or anywhere else in Canada for that matter, because it’s not just folks in the Northernmost big city in Canada who need to be mindful of budget constraints when operating their business. Reliable web hosting is a must, but where can it be had for the absolute best price. For Linux VPS hosting we are very comfortable saying that it will be right here with 4GoodHosting, and this will be the same truth for any city of any size in Canada.

From there the next thing to say is that not all sites are the same, and some will have features or components that mean they need more in the way of resources. You might want to think of that as ‘elbow room’ for sites that need it, but this is exactly why VPS hosting is better when a site needs that space. There are options with that, but as always we think having a Linux OS for it is the way to go.

So what we’ll do here for this week’s entry is to go deeper into what is Linux VPS hosting, and what makes it the best choice the vast majority of the time a site is needing more than what can be offered with a shared hosting plan.

Ideal Versatility / Reliability

Market share is often a pretty good indicator or product quality resulting in implementation, and Ubuntu (a Linux distribution) has an impressive share of over 32% of the market in server operating systems. The Linux OS is prized as a web server platform for its ability to deploy a wide range of applications, and particularly with web hosting control panels like cPanel, Plesk, and Spanel. And of course the option for anyone who doesn’t have the skills or inclination to control is to go with Managed VPS web hosting in Canada.

This will apply for affordable Linux VPS hosting in Edmonton too, although we don’t have anything here to suggest that Managed web hosting is more popular in Alberta than elsewhere in Canada. But like anyone and everyone else we’re seeing how Linux VPS hosting plans are among the hottest services in the online world right now.

The way VPS offers an isolated environment and dedicated resources allocated for your site’s needs alone are going to the be the biggest reason for that, and it may also be a reflection of how certain businesses have chosen to go with larger and / or more dynamic websites simply based on the increasingly pivotal role their site plays in the visibility of their website.

And while they might not come to a web hosting provider in Canada asking for Linux VPS hosting by name, they’re asking for it in a roundabout way when they say they need a supremely reliable hosting service that’s reasonably priced and also has more in the way of site-ready optimization available for theirs.

With VPS solutions there may be a few clients sharing the same physical machine, but their accounts are still completely independent and safe from neighboring breaches. This is just the start of one of the many benefits of Linux VPS hosting that we’re going to touch on here, and the next part of what is VPS hosting that is hugely advantageous is that way you can scale your server resources. When you start to come up near limits for CPU, RAM, or disk space you can easily add more of what you need when you have Linux OS web hosting.

This valuable feature means you can steadily accommodate your business growth without having to constantly make arrangements to upgrade to a better web hosting plan.

Impressive Compatibility

Another huge plus is there is that there is simply no better operating system for your virtual private server runs on. Let’s consider how some of the applications and software solutions require are developed to run in a specific environment, like how .NET apps and MS products will only work properly with a Windows-based server.

The reason that Canadian VPS hosting providers will nearly always opt for Linux OS servers for affordable Linux VPS hosting in Edmonton or elsewhere is because of its flexibility and affordability. The way a Linux VPS will support WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and thousands of other web-building apps without even so much as a single hiccup is a big part of what distances it from other web hosting OS systems.

Optimal Fits

We can choose to launch from pretty much anywhere when it comes to use cases where a Linux VPS platform enables you to do so much more with online project and get more from it too. One of the best examples for people in Canada who have ecommerce websites hosted on a Linux OS is the way the service means they get superior performance boosts, customization control, and enhanced security. And they receive them to an extent that no other OS choice is going to come even close to matching.

Page load speeds are also always going to be a forefront performance metric for web hosting too. Make it another vote for Linux VPS hosting, because virtual server platforms excel when it comes to handling high-traffic websites where growing amount of RAM and CPU will be required and load speeds will suffer if they’re not available. The next mention in favour of it is going to be for configurability, although from this point we stray from the performance benefits of Linux VPS hosting.

Better configurability certainly is part of the equation too for why VPS hosting is better, and Linux VPS hosting is best. This extend to web apps, gaming projects, mail servers, backups, VOIP services and reseller businesses are all made better when you’re working in a Linux OS environment.

It is true that deep server customizations will require more in the way of knowledge and previous experience. If this is your first time, make sure to work with a knowledgeable developer or go for a managed VPS plan to get more support from the host.

Linux Hosting with cPanel

We mentioned the use of cPanel briefly earlier here, but having such a superior website control panel available to customers is a big part of the benefits of Linux VPS hosting here. As an OS, Linux is only responsible for the communication between applications and various resources on the web server. Web hosting presents more needs, and this is where the benefits of a smartly-designed control panel come into play.

cPanel has always been one of the most popular web hosting control panel applications, and that has in large part been based on its functionality and the ability to run on Linux. Where Linux handles resource allocation, cPanel sets users up with a handy interface to manage their web hosting accounts.

Through it you can be performing various tasks such as setting up and configuring email, managing databases and files, performing backups, and more. The only drawback is one that we will need to mention here though. It’s the fact that cPanel has been increasing licensing fees over the past year and this is increasingly the cause of user dissatisfaction.

Linux Hosting with SPanel

So there is an alternative, however, and it’s going to be something else worth weighing if you do intend to be proactive with your site and you’re in the market for affordable Linux VPS hosting Edmonton or elsewhere in Canada. There are the right similarities to cPanel, and SPanel helps users manage their web hosting accounts too along with similar capabilities to cPanel. And, in some cases, maybe even superior ones for certain aims.

With Spanel users can manipulate all facets of their accounts, including managing their websites, webmail, and more. It may be available based on what your Canadian web hosting provider is offering with managed VPS plans, and the ease with which cPanel accounts can be ported can be a very persuasive point for a lot of customers.

Plus with SPanel you won’t subject to arbitrary price increases in licensing like many competitors, and you’ll also like to have free site migration too if necessary. SPanel supports various web servers, including Apache, LiteSpeed, and Nginx. The appeal of better server performance, inclusive services, and less restrictions because of licensing goes a long way in pushing the appeal of Spanel in comparison to cPanel.

Choose from Popular Linux Versions

Modular design concept means Linux is an OS that may be fine-tuned for specific uses, and this has resulted in the rise of various Linux versions or distributions. Over 600 of them are known to exist at this point, and each has its own degree of popularity for member of the user community. Several Linux versions have gained popularity for use in web and physical servers over the years – CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, and OpenSUSE.


CentOS gets top marks for exceptional stability and high compatibility with installation packages. It is one of the popular versions of Linux that is run for web servers and server maintenance requirements are always minimal because relatively slow version updates. Other pros include extensive compatibility with various packages, extreme stability, low maintenance requirements, and strong community support.

On the flip side of that the aspect of CentOS that isn’t as great is the way it is known for slow adaptation to new applications


Among the entirety of the Linux distribution range, Debian is known as a good CentOS alternative because it is exceptionally easy to install and configure, making it perfect for Virtual Private Server (VPS) deployment.

Pros for this one are that it is remotely maintainable and that is has easy system integration and reconfigured packages. Cons are that is not always working with most up-to-date Linux OS version, and it’s been said to have poor enterprise-level support too.


Ubuntu is probably the best-known desktop version of Linux, and it’s well-regarded in webmaster circles for many reasons because of how it works so well in virtual server environments. It’s ongoing popularity also means it is easy to get support and many users will also like the familiarity they have with how it behaves.

Pros for Ubuntu is that it is easily kept up to date and there is high package availability. If anything is going to take away from Ubuntu’s appeal it will be that is struggles with Windows product compatibility, but most people with sites incorporating them will probably be using Windows web hosting. We’re looking at the best Linux VPS hosting here.


OpenSUSE is not the same as the enterprise version of SUSE Linux. It was designed to be useful for server administrators. This provides a technical explanation as to what it will do well as a web server platform. But compared to others like CentOS and Debian it lacks the strong community backing that is big promo point for Linux VPS hosting users.

Pros for OpenSUSE are easy installation and administration, easy package deployment, and support for RPM packages. Cons are limited community support and releases that have short life cycles,

Choosing Your Linux Version

Your choice of a Linux distribution for your web server should start with an understanding that its utility as desktop and server platforms are very different. Some Linux versions may perform well as desktop operating systems while being entirely unsuitable for server environments at the same time.

Your safest choice is almost always going to be going with CentOS. Availability is nearly guaranteed as it is highly popular and it also has the reliability and stability users want, along with good security infrastructure incorporated into it. It’s at heart an enterprise-class OS anyway, so it will be good as a base for web server duties.

Debian gets the runner-up nod here and that’s because it is easily the most stable version and stability is everything when it comes to VPS deployment. If you’re going to be running a website that needs to be deployed on a VPS, chances are that you want it to be as reliable as it can be.

Best Linux VPS for your Business

Deciding on your operating system for affordable Linux VPS hosting Edmonton or another city will being with accurately identifying your project’s specific needs while taking other critical aspects into consideration too. Most offerings will make their feature set readily only display for webmaster or other decision makers when it comes to web hosting plans.

It’s really not possible to have too many features included in the VPS hosting deal. Even if you don’t see any immediate need of a certain feat, there is a good chance it might come in handy as your project progresses and needs grow. Compare different packages to determine which one is more cost-effective.

Ease of use will be important for a lot of first-time users and that’s because they’ll like to feel comfortable with the environment and server operation as soon as possible. Look for providers that give you a comprehensive enough interface and plenty of pointers how to find the most essential options. And if there’s a free trial to test the VPS before you purchase it then that’s something you should definitely take them up on.

Security will always be a top priority too, and for obvious reasons. This is even more true if you will be hosting a mission-critical website that records user data in ways too. Ensure your future VPS hosting company has enough security measures in place to handle different types of web attacks.

Customer support including technical support is often provided to existing clients through internal ticketing, but if you have a providers who also has live chat, phone, or other channels then it’s a sign that their customer support is likely better. The level of knowledge you can ascertain in them sales team can give you a good idea of the level of support too.

Brand reputation may also be a part of your decision-making process, ad companies with extensive experience and the testimonials of many satisfied clients are always a good bet for reliable Linux VPS hosting. TrustPilot and other websites like it are available to get a better idea of how reputable the Linux OS web hosting provider may be. Beware of affiliate reviews that exist only to provide site owner’s with a commission.


As an overall takeaway here, when it comes to VPS the flexibility you get with the choice of an OS is probably always going to the primary consideration and the one you come back to repeatedly as you get closer to making your decision regarding web hosting. To some extent this is separated into Linux and Windows camps, and while Windows does have specific exclusive benefits too they just have the same far reach when it comes to site compatibility.

Explore the Benefits of VPS Hosting in Canada with 4GoodHosting Toronto

Reading Time: 5 minutes

VPS Hosting in Canada with 4GoodHosting TorontoIt is always the population and people like you and I who provide the resources for a local economy to thrive and grow and provide the well-being that draws people to the city in the first place. And it also makes sense that the largest cities in any country will have the largest local economies and much more in the way of extensive investment in business. Canada is no different and that is why the most expansive and richest local economy is going to be in Toronto.

It is far and away Canada’s largest city, and the wealth of money in business there is also a direct reason why you’re going to have more local competition no matter what business you’re in. Digital marketing and having yourself be explicitly visible to potential customers is everything nowadays, and your websites is going to be nearly invaluable for doing that. Business owners are going to see reliable web hosting as something that’s worthy any cost if it means they can be found on the Information Superhighway at any time.

So uptime guarantees are needed, and very much so if you’re a Canadian web hosting provider looking to attract new customers who need the reliability of Linux VPS hosting. VPS isn’t one of the more everyday acronyms, so for those who don’t know it means virtual private server. The primary appeal of these servers isn’t as easily connected to the idea of privacy as it is resource availability though.

All Yours

The privacy part actually means exclusivity more, and meaning that the servers and all of its resources are available to your site exclusively. Is it more expensive than the entry-level shared hosting plans that most people will go with if their site is just for personal interests. But businesses will usually have their websites being larger, more dynamic content, and – ideally – spikes in traffic volume that tend to occur at the same times.

Those spikes mean lots more visitors, and in that case the business owners will be pleased because the website is doing exactly as hoped. The best Linux VPS hosting can go a long way in making sure those traffic surges or spikes can be accommodated, and again that’s because the server is all yours.

So here we are with the best Linux VPS hosting in Canada for those who aim to take their business online and taking advantage of our powerful VPS hosting backing their websites with the perfect mix of reliability, versatility, and – last but not least – affordability.

One of the big advantages with Linux VPS hosting for Toronto is going to be having the site’s server physically closer to the location where the bulk of your customers will be finding you from. And in this case this is the expansive and densely populated region that is the GTA. For web hosting in Toronto, 4GoodHosting is always best and especially if your business is always working within budget constraints.

Page load speed are just a part of offering a more full and satisfying experience for your customers, but the need for them goes significantly deeper than that. For years now faster page load speeds for a website has been made possible with Linux VPS hosting, and they’ve contributed to SERP search engine ranking pages for Google and elsewhere. So what we’re doing here is providing full information about Canada location based VPS hosting service, and in this case for Toronto. Our Linux VPS plans for Toronto are available in three different variants.

Startup to Start

Our low-cost Linux VPS for Toronto businesses starts with our startup VPS hosting package that can be had for as little as $18.99 per month when you sign up for 2 year of Toronto VPS hosting, and the sum of what makes this the top choice for best Linux VPS hosting is that all our private server web hosting Canada packages come with 24-hour monitoring, full root access, comprehensive Perl, Python, ASP.net and PHP support. Plus – and most importantly for those of you who want optimal site performance – dual hexa-core Xeon servers.

This doesn’t make any mention of excellent security with intrusion protection too. When it comes to Linux VPS hosting in Canada, you won’t find any provider that’s been as thorough as we have when it comes to security for hosted websites. But to be fair, it is in large part because the open-source nature of Linux means ongoing contributions continue to make it more stable.

We’d be remiss if we also didn’t mention how guaranteed RAM (random access memory) from 3.8GB and up is another part of why our Linux VPS hosting is the best bang for your buck if you’re in Toronto or any other metropolitan city in Canada. And consider as well that our cloud platform delivers a level of redundancy to compensate in the event of multiple failures of the hard drive, processing power, storage, or whatever else it may be.

OS System & Applications Choice

Another part of the appeal of this will be especially good for those who have the means of being more in control and ‘on top’ of their website as it benefits from VPS hosting. We support four Linux OS hosting services, and VPS hosting plan members are able to choose from any of the following operating systems:

  1. CentOS
  2. Cloudlinux
  3. Ubuntu
  4. Debian
  5. Control Panel

Plus you can also add the ability to import Softaculous scripts to your site for just an additional $5 per month with your plan. cPanel controls are also available for an additional price and if you know what’s possible with it then you are likely the same type of webmaster we were talking about earlier.

It is best for the provisioning of web hosting, as well as managing your users and mailboxes, hosting unlimited domains, and more and doing it all from a single interface. cPanel and Plesk are also really helpful if you’re doing reseller hosting. It’s also possible to have software or applications pre-installed on your VPS, and this is something we can do for you if you make the request. The applications mentioned in your order will be installed while preparing your VPS.

2x Daily Backups

Linux VPS hosting is ideal for those needing an inexpensive server solution that comes with more in the way of configuration options. Here at 4GoodHosting another large part of the reason we’re better for VPS web hosting and Canada is the way we conduct full backups of our data server twice a day to provide the most thorough defense against data loss. For an additional charge each month your data can be backed up for safety too.

Let’s not forget to talk about Managed Linux VPS hosting here too, because it can be the better choice for those who don’t have the means or time to be managing their website performance on their own. They may be happy to pay to have their Canadian web hosting handle it for them, and managed VPS hosting will also have the same array of additional web hosting resources available to you.

The last mention here is that you’ll have the ability to upgrade your hosting arrangement quickly and easily if your site is increasingly busy and perhaps bigger too based on the success of your business. With Tier 3 managed hosting support you’ll have security backups included in the charge, and you may also have your Canadian web host provider taking the initiative and contacting you to recommend upgrading your Linux VPS hosting plan.

If the cost is no object and your business website is entirely integral in the sales funnel and viability for your business then going with Platinum VPS hosting and adding the Tier 3 managed support for additional $75 is going to have you sitting pretty with the absolute best in Linux VPS hosting. With very little if anything required of you to have your site at its best. Plus knowing that your host is on top of everything that needs to be done to optimize the site’s performance and having it contribute to the profitability of your business in a roundabout but still very direct way.

Linux Web Hosting Now Most Reliable Hosting Choice for Today’s Digital Landscape

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Linux Web Hosting Now Most Reliable Hosting Choice for Today’s Digital LandscapeThere will always be matters of personal taste factoring into web design. When it comes to the widespread trends with it, however, the greatest driver of uniformity between sites and their infrastructure is desirable functionality. The extent to which that functionality works well increasingly has to do with what type of web hosting OS the Canadian web hosting provider is employing with their hosting server choices, and in the here and now the runaway winner in that regards is Linux website hosting Canada.

This is because of the way it can functionally accommodate the greatest variety of sites. And whether or not that is possible is based on what type of site you’re bringing online. WordPress sites will continue to have the best made available for them with managed WordPress hosting in Canada. But the proliferation of WordPress sites and the way they can be nearly as well accommodated with Linux OS hosting is just the first testament to how Linux web hosting is the most reliable choice for today’s digital landscape.

An explanation as to why that is will be what we’ll provide with this blog entry here, and in comparison to last week’s we won’t look past Linux shared hosting as an option in favor of Linux VPS hosting to the same extent. For smaller and less-dynamic sites that don’t have much in the way of requirements for page loads and the like and lower traffic volume flows there’s absolutely nothing wrong with shared web hosting plans when they’re on a Linux web hosting OS.

Mega Bird

We don’t need to be starting at the start here and stating that choosing web hosting is an important decision that any small to medium-sized business needs to evaluate to a necessary extent. But we’ve seen and heard how much of the time Linux hosting is the best and most suitable fit for website building, blog, portfolio, or any other online venture.

As well alluded to at the beginning here it is true than Linux website hosting Canada has in some ways become the default choice for web hosting providers, but it’s not only because of the way it usually sets out the best fitting platform for providing a website with what it needs. The majority of technical-minded professionals know the reason behind this, but the way it’s the most popular choice goes well beyond just the nuts and bolts of how a web hosting OS affects the websites being hosted with it. It also has to do with offering more affordable web hosting to people who use their services, and as we’ve also talked about that’s a result of Linux continuing to be an open-source OS. Open-source equals less cost for roll out and implementation.

But before you also agree to go with Linux because of all the good you’ve heard about it, you should be even more in the know about some of the significant benefits of this operating system and why it is checks more boxes for many professionals when they are evaluating a web hosting OS for themselves.

Linux Hosting in Greater Detail

Web designers will be as keen as anyone to laud the benefits of Linux hosting, and that will in large part be because Linux hosting is all about working with Linux operating system on a dedicated server. Linux is a free and open-sources system that has over the years shown itself to be a remarkable development and it has definitely gained renown as the seated Penguin icon becomes an iconic one in web design and web hosting circles.

Today we now see it rising up to many previously reputed servers and quickly building a reputation for compatibility, reliability, and afforded that these servers just don’t have to the same extent. Many professionals go with Linux shared hosting, and the way these clients can access it with different records is another part of its functional superiority. And – not surprisingly – it’s almost always the best fit for reseller web hosting.

Which is a good choice for people who need a larger web hosting arrangement but still don’t utilize all of the bandwidth and other resources made available to them. There is quite a bit to unpack here, so why exactly is it that Linux hosting is the best option for the widest array of different website types.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness

We did mention briefly there about how being an open-source OS is the biggest contributor to Linux website hosting Canada and its affordability. But there’s a lot more to why so many clients select this type of hosting for their website and connected to operating budgets and budget constraints in some cases.

Getting back to the primary one, being an open-source OS like we talked about gives these web design pros more in the way of freedom to use extra resources or assets. Open-source hosting allows you to use free software for hosting the company’s brand name.

  1. Security

Security is going to be a priority, and one of the foremost ones for any small business website where ecommerce transactions are being done through the site. These companies will know that without security, there is a risk of website data being exposed and possibly leaked. Linux hosting provides so much more in the way of security.

Although to be fair the security you can expect to receive if you’re on a Windows web hosting plan is usually not significantly inferior by any means. But safety against malware and viruses is definitely something you get much more of with a Linux hosting server set up behind your website.

  1. Ease of Use

Nearly everyone who has an understanding of web hosting and has tried one or more hosting OS will agree that the most solid, robust, and easy to use hosting platform is Linux, and more of than not the litmus test for this for a lot of hosting recipients is loading speeds. With Linux website hosting Canada you have much more of the resources and assets needed to have your site’s pages loading as quickly as possible.

You will also have considerably more choice with choosing and using the best programming and applications for your business hosting.

  1. Reduced Virus Risk

The workings of servers can quickly and completely be thrown out of whack in the event of their becoming infected with viruses, ransomware, or other types of malware that are unfortunately becoming increasingly common these days. The good news is that Linux hosting is comparatively robust and keeps the cybercriminals and hackers at bay. Ask any web hosting expert and they will very likely tell you Linux is also the best web hosting OS option for security purposes.

  1. Superior Adjoining Tech

The argument just gets stronger when you consider as well that Linux supports many web development technologies like Apache, PhP, MySQL, etc. Utilizing these applications in the Linux climate makes working with data sets and other necessary infrastructure building tasks a lot more easily doable and webmasters are also able to revise the URL to give desired strength to the pHp pages.

  1. Privacy

One of the aspects of working with Windows 10 and then going with Windows web hosting that developers and others will probably dislike is the absence of protection choices. Linux offers the best protection to its clients, and with its adjustable framework you can dispose of products that you aren’t required for the framework(s) you have in mind.

Simplicity + Reliability

Linux server best put you in the driver’s seat for quickly developing your blog, website, multimedia application or other online entities. Making compromises or going without other aspects of favorable operating tools is much less likely when you’re working with a Linux web hosting OS. It’s also much more of a seamless fit for hosting that’s compatible with the highest number of programming languages.

Flexibility is also a big part of this. Linux allows a flexible hosting environment and supports many high-performing applications, plus better support for embedded systems along with server and desktop applications. Plus by installing only those components you use you can save disk space in Linux. Other advantages are being able to make full use of your hard disk with Linux hosting.

Last but not least, OS systems that are open-source tend to have better customer support as well as better libraries of support information and other forms.

Linux Over Windows for Us

As we’ve said, Windows web hosting Canada isn’t inherently inferior in comparison to Linux website hosting Canada. But it is true that professionals often prefer Linux for the aforementioned reasons. Linux has become popular because of its adaptability for pHp, CGL, Python, and Pearl, which are highly famous for website admin. With windows, you can make use of ASP or ASP. NET. However, these languages are a little bit difficult to use. Many designers, bloggers, and developers are more inclined towards Linux than Windows hosting.

Here at 4GoodHosting we are among a number of good Canadian web hosting companies who offer 24/7 reliable and rock solid Linux OS web hosting and there really are just so many benefits to having it as the foundational base on which your website is founded and humming along with everything you need and want from it.

Better Than Bit? An Intro to Stablecoin

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Here we are with our last entry for 2020 here, and it’s true that nearly every business seems to use their last blog of the year to do a ‘year in review’ themed or something similar entry. Normally we’d be similarly inclined but this year hasn’t been the best for anyone unless you’re a coronavirus. Then it’s been an unprecedented success. All joking aside, we are like all of you in hoping that 2021 sees all of this come to and end.

One subject that has sort of returned to the front burner these days is cryptocurrencies, and it’s gone along with increasing numbers of people thinking that the ‘new’ world will see something of a move away from fiat currencies. Not a fundamental shift, but a greater share of the currency with which goods and services are bought and paid for. Bitcoin has become a household name with this subject, but now there’s a new type of cryptocurrency on the scene – Stablecoin.

Now here at 4GoodHosting we’ll go ahead and assume that we’re like every other good Canadian web hosting provider in that there’s not a single bitcoin mining operation anywhere in the office here. But that’s not to say we don’t take an interest in this, and can see the value in a currency that’s not constantly at the mercy of international finance string-pullers and the IMF.

So instead of giving a warm glance back on 2020 when likely no one feels very warm about the year that’s past, let’s spend use this post to have a longer look at Stablecoin.

What Exactly IS a Stablecoin?

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies that better minimize price volatility in comparison to a specific ‘stable’ asset or basket of assets. Unlike the more well-known Bitcoin, a Stablecoin is one that is representative in value for a real-world asset. That could be fiat money or exchange-traded commodities like gold. This gives them steadier and more ‘stable’ value against a target price, making them appealing for investors as well as providing the stability that is making many merchants about operating in the crypto space as it exists right now.

Their greater value in being a more viable an option as an actual currency is how they are – as the name IS intended to imply – ‘stable’ against wild, daily fluctuations in price. They also project to be more useful for products people would otherwise be paying for in cash money or on the credit equivalent of it. It’s believe that Stablecoins will also be able to be used for insurance and loans, payments and even for investments.

Stablecoins will also let people use them make payments within the framing of currencies they already know well, and quickly transfer value around the globe while trusting that there will be price stability despite the alternate payment method. This part of it is huge. By increasing confidence that they are stable enough to be used as a daily medium of exchange, consumers will be more likely to trust the technology.

How Do They Work?

A good place to start with your understanding is that there are 3 primary categories of Stablecoins:

Fiat-backedThis is the primary on, and as the name tells you it is carries valued based on crypto assets that are backed directly by a government-issued currency (or commodity like gold) with a fixed 1:1 ratio. The value of the backing currency is explicitly what creates the value of the Stablecoin.

A central issuer or bank holds a certain amount of fiat currency in reserve, and a matching number of Stablecoin tokens are issued for it. The essential part of the equation is that the amount based on the backing currency reflects the circulating supply of the Stablecoin.

This type of cryptocurrency is then of course regulated, but there needs to be a certain degree of trust with the off-chain nature of the system. That’s because there is no way for a user to be sure whether the issuer is genuinely holding the funds in reserve. As a result, the stability of a fiat-backed Stablecoin price depends on the extent to which the issuer is trusted.

Crypto-backedHere Stablecoins are issued with cryptocurrencies as collateral rather than backed by fiat currencies. The benefit here is in being able to attach them to a basket of cryptos or a cryptocurrency portfolio. The nature of the blockchain technology plays a pivotal role here, with the system depending on the use of smart contracts to handle the issuance of units, ensure governance and establish trust.

Done correctly, the benefit is with a decentralised ecosystem that is user-regulated, as opposed to one issuer or 3rd-party regulatory body that dictates monetary policy. Users have to trust that all the network participants will act in the best interests of the group as a whole, which is one of the big draws of cryptocurrencies in general.

The last thing to know about this type is that Stablecoins must be locked into a contract, which then issues the token. Also, they must be paid back into the same contract before that collateral can be returned.

AlgorithmicThese versions – AKA non-collateralized Stablecoins, have no fiat currency backing them, and have no relation to a commodity or cryptocurrency reserve. Algorithms and smart contracts manage the supply of tokens issued in order to balance out price stability, and in that way it’s not unlike the monetary policy used by central banks around the world when managing national currencies.

These smart contracts are implemented on a decentralised platform and can run autonomously, with reductions or increases to the supply of tokens in circulation determined in relation to the price of the Stablecoin and in accordance to the price of the fiat currency it tracks. When the price falls below the value of the fiat currency, the token supply is reduced. When it goes above, it’s increased.

While they aren’t collateralized like fiat and cryptocurrency-backed Stablecoins, algorithmic Stablecoins have the advantage of a pool of collateral in reserve in case of major negative events or anything similar.

Stablecoins in Crypto Market

No one’s going to suggest that Stablecoins aren’t going to play a major role in the future of cryptocurrency. They look like they’ll be integral parts of the long-term adoption and use of cryptocurrencies, and the biggest reason for that being they overcome a key barrier that has held cryptocurrencies back from being used as genuine daily currencies until now.

Specifically, that’s the currency’s massive volatility and short-term fluctuations in value. But cryptocurrencies are certainly here to stay and the big takeaway for anyone should be that Stablecoins will do away with a lot of the apprehension towards cryptos that people have because they won’t be at risk of same friction and instability of Bitcoin, and should make people more open to the future of different forms of money in an ever-more digital world.


Happy New Year to All of You from All of Us here at 4GoodHosting, and we hope 2021 brings prosperity and happiness for you.

Linux Hosting for E-Commerce: Advantages and Features

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Linux Hosting for E-Commerce: Advantages and Features

Linux Hosting for E-Commerce: Advantages and Features

Commerce has been at the heart of economic interests around the world for centuries. But as with anything that start with the ‘E-‘ prefix, the way the Internet arrived on the scene 20+ years ago has made it so that e-commerce has changed the landscape of business forever. It wasn’t all that long ago that taking your business online and selling goods or services there in the e-commerce capacity was optional. Not any more – now being engaged in e-commerce is pretty much a necessity if you want your business to be able to compete.

This is the long and short of why businesses have websites, and more often that not the best Linux web hosting is powering these sites courtesy of the Canadian web hosting providers they’re working with. The reason most providers will employ Linux servers is because it is the consensus best choice among web hosting operating systems. It does the best job of accommodating different types of websites and giving them the resources they need.

The fact it is an open-source OS also goes a long way in making dedicated Linux hosting so highly recommended to the extent it is. Without going into too much detail, Linux servers contribute to end users paying less for web hosting in Canada and that’s true for the USA and elsewhere too. People who have their websites to further business interests will be operating-cost sensitive a lot of the time, so this another part of what makes Linux best for e-commerce sites.

So what we’ll do with this entry here is look at the best Linux web hosting in Canada and what are the advantages that come with the features and contribute to so many e-commerce sites having Linux web hosting behind them.

Ideal Adaptability / Dependability

Those running an e-commerce site will commonly aim to be with a best Linux web hosting hosting provider that can handle their activity and see to it their location continues to be up and running with the website open alongside the highway of the World Wide Web. For the best in adaptability and dependability Linux VPS hosting is the ideal choice and especially with the way it can be a solution for e-commerce businesses of all sizes and their websites.

So here are our choices for the best five reasons to select Linux VPS hosting for your e-commerce site.

  1. Cost-effectiveness

Front and center with the benefits of Linux VPS hosting is that it is much more cost-effective than other hosting arrangements, and especially in comparison to devoted servers made available through other more costly plans. Dedicated Linux web hosting with a VPS provides you with the benefits of a dedicated server at a fraction of the cost that you’d have with a VPS on a different web hosting OS.

For as long as Linux continues to be an open-source OS this cost advantageousness will almost certainly continue, and it really is a big part of why Linux web hosting in Canada is the best choice for those who need reliable yet affordable hosting that also optimally fits their site.

  1. Performance Superiority

The well-established shortcomings of shared hosting are magnified when you compare them to the superior performance you’ll get from Linux hosting and Linux dedicated web hosting in particular. Being in exclusive possession of committed assets means that your site won’t be slowed or affected negatively in any other way because of different websites being on the same server.

You can also expect to have more in the way of locations loading rapidly and effectively, and where site visitors are visiting from shouldn’t factor into page load speeds or anything else of the sort.

  1. Flexibility & Scalability

The best Linux web hosting is always going to earn top marks for impressive adaptability and flexibility. Being able to effectively update or downsize your assets depending on changing needs is a huge plus, and you can have this dedicated Linux web hosting or even with shared Linux hosting to a lesser extent.

Businesses usually start to do increasingly more business through their e-commerce site, and as this happens they will be more guaranteed of nothing in the way of downtime or execution issues. Plus also being able to scale your assets up or down as needed without anything in the way of technical or web-infrastructure expertise needed.

  1. Security & Reliability

One of the most appealing aspects of the best Linux web hosting Canada is the way it provides the very best in quality, reliability and security. Much of that security and reliability is attributable to the fact Linux is an open-source working framework that is consistently upgraded and kept up by a community of overweight engineers.

As a result the platform is up-to-date and secure, meaning possible cyber dangers and attacks aimed at your e-commerce site are very likely to get nowhere with that. The best Linux web hosting is much more capable for giving you the assurances you want that your IP is in the most secure hands.

  1. Ease of Use

This list here is not any particular order, and the advantages of Linux based web hosting shared here have presented in no particular order. The reason we put the ease of use with Linux web hosting last is to conclude with an emphatic vote in favor of the best type of web hosting for ecommerce websites. Here as is the case with most good Canadian web hosting providers you will benefit immensely from having a user-friendly control board.

It promotes an effective overseeing of your assets, and it is much better for introducing applications and monitoring your site’s execution. For anyone who wants to be more personally hands-on with their website as part of their e-commerce business then VPS Linux hosting is highly recommended.

The way that self-webmasters can make visual changes to the site and the way it functions to better promote their business or service based on every-changing realities is something that people have commented on with regards to our cPanel controls here at 4GoodHosting and standard with the best Linux web hosting.

For the vast majority of e-commerce site Linux VPS hosting is always going to be the way to go. When you weigh its cost-effective estimating, predominant execution, adaptability and adaptability, plus superior quality and security, and ease of use, it is hard to come to any other conclusion. Linux VPS hosting is far and away the best suited for hosting arrangements when an e-commerce business website is an integral part of a company’s operations and profitability.

That’s the case with so many of them, and even more so considering the way that customers find retailers and service providers online 90+ percent of the time these days. You want to be visible, but you also want have affordable web hosting and getting superior value and reliability from it based on what you need for your e-commerce website.