Companies to Let You Know When Government Requests for Your Data

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Date posted: May 6th , 2014

An increased number of big tech companies are denying compliance with government with regard to personal data by updating their terms and conditions and other policies.

alarm notification



News that raises concern

Washington Post has published that many businesses such as Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft will be notifying their users when their personal data will be asked by the government. They are changing their company policies to suit this. They would comply with such requests only if a judge or other agencies to do so secretly.


Many of the protectors of law are concerned that these moves of the company will intimate the criminals before hand and they will try to destroy the evidence of the crimes committed. The government can loose important information on the case. But they need to know that it is criminal and not just on the part of the government to spy on their citizens seeking their personal information.