In the constantly growing web environment, threats become more systemic, and for that reason, the security of your web hosting environment is crucial. Secure web host is capable of preventing data leaks, malware, and DDoS attacks, and also guarantee the sustainability of your website. If you’re running a website in Calgary, you know how important it is to keep it safe and secure. Fortunately, securing your Calgary website doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In this friendly guide, we’ll walk you through essential hosting features to look for when you’re considering Calgary website security . Choosing the Right Hosting and Security Features Choosing of the right hosting plan is important in the success of an online business. There are many forms of hosting, including: shared hosting, dedicated server hosting, and managed hosting. Still each hosting plan has its own benefits and shortcomings, the most important factor is to meet your business needs and financial capabilities. It is also necessary to mention that apart from the hosting plan there are many other features that may prevent you from facing the security problems and protect your web site and data. Kinds of Web Hosting and the Security it Offers Shared Hosting On the other hand, in this environment all websites are hosted on the same server collectively known as shared hosting. It is cheap and suitable for small businesses and individual webpage without a lot of traffic. Still, the negative effect of shared hosting is that the efficiency of your site may depend on the efficiency of the other websites placed on the same server. Even then it may require additional security measures and this may not be enough from the web hosting company itself. Dedicated Server A dedicated hosting is a hosting plan type where you hire an entire server only for your Web site. This means more control over the server environment, starting with the operating system and moving downwards to the choice of the hardware being used. This sees dedicated servers provide better performance, upward scalability, and superior security characteristics to shared hosting. But they demand more skills to implement and maintain they can be costly to small...