There are plenty of people who have extensive business acumen running successful and profitable businesses who at the same time won’t know the slightest thing about web hosting. In fact that’s likely the case the vast majority of the time, but as we all know there isn’t going to be any more than a handful of such businesses that haven’t taken themselves online. The reason businesses put so much emphasis on digital market and search engine optimization for their sites is explicitly in the fact that nowadays the number one way a business secures customers is when they’re prominently visible on the web.
We likely don’t need to spell it out here, but without reliable Canadian web hosting any business in the country isn’t going to have their site locatable on the world wide web, but what’s good to understand is that not all web hosting is equal. There is a reason why a cheap linux server is always going to be in demand, and that’s because most of the time Linux cloud hosting is better than Windows web hosting or other types based on the universality of it and how it’s best for reliability, uptime guarantees, as well as promoting maximum performance for websites that have a lot more to their functionality than others.
Economy Linux hosting with cPanel is even more of a better choice for small businesses, and in large part that’s because the open-source nature of Linux means that Canadian web hosting providers like us here at 4GoodHosting can offer quality hosting at lower prices. Another part of that, however, is that small businesses may have a WordPress website and Linux web hosting is far and away the best performance fit for WordPress sites.
Superior Open-Source Hosting OS
Linux cloud hosting got its start in 1991 as something of a spinoff of the Unix operating that eventually became a free operating system for Intel x86-based computers. Since then it has grown in popularity and has become one of the most widely used open-source operating systems in the world. Any discussion of a cheap Linux server might be misinterpreted as suggesting it’s of lower quality, but as we alluded to earlier it instead is all about the comparative affordability of Linux web hosting in Canada.
What isn’t debatable is that Linux is better because is allows users to customize their OS so much more extensively, offers much more in the way of software and compatibility options, has lower hardware requirements and can run well on older machines, plus – and most importantly for a lot of people – crashes and reboots occur much less often in comparison to other web hosting OS.
That is good to know in a general sense, but here are 6 reasons why Linux shared hosting is even more of a good fit for any small business based on the specific operating needs that most of these types of businesses will share.
Small businesses are always operating expense-sensitive, and there isn’t a single business owner who will choose to pay more for web hosting than they need to. With Linux being an open-source platform hosting providers are able to utilize it and then using a cheap Linux server makes them able to offer lower rates to customers. Many free and common scripts like Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, phpBB, and others, are also included with Linux-based hosting. Linux distributors like Ubuntu and Fedora tend to cost less too, and there’s far more of them for Linux than the ones you may have to pay for when using Windows web hosting platforms.
Economy Linux hosting with cPanel can be used to assemble a blog, website, multimedia program, forum, or any other kind of online organization. Linux is made available via the GNU General Public License, meaning it can be used with a variety of distributions including SUE Linux, Red Hat, and Ubuntu. This makes for superior adaptability in comparison to other operating systems, and being able to use Conky to display system information on the desktop is something that a basic webmaster is going to take a liking to with Economy Linux hosting with cPanel.
Linux cloud hosting also offers the significant benefit of superior security. The most common approach for web hosting providers is to take the security offered by the OS itself and then expand upon it with their own security components and measures. Not to say that Windows web hosting or others are not secure, but with Linux and Ubuntu together there is much more in the way of security reinforcements to keep websites free of DDOS attacks and the like.
Linux offers a level of reliability that Windows cannot match. Many Linux users will agree that the reliability isn’t even comparable based on the superiority of Linux. Much of this can also be attributed again to the open-source nature of Linux as an OS – it is constantly being contributed to and improved upon by these contributors.
Another significant advantage of Linux cloud hosting is the flexibility of the OS. The general consensus is that Linux hosting offers greater convenience and user-friendliness than Windows hosting. Since Linux supports MySQL, Perl, and PHP, it has earned a reputation as a user-friendly operating system. This makes it easier for Canadian web hosting providers to offer economy Linux hosting with cPanel and have that user interface function better and put more control in the hands of webmasters – even when they are not web savvy at all.
With Linux things get ‘fixed’ much faster too. Without going into too much detail, you’ll receive software updates for getting rid of bugs or anything else that’s needed in response to a problem in a much more efficient and timely manner as you would with a Window web hosting server behind your small-business website.
This is not something that will apply to Linux shared hosting in Canada as much, but with Linux VPS hosting there is much more in the way of resources available to websites to allow them to perform at maximum capacity. Yes, a private server with any type of web hosting will do the same thing but with Linux hosting there is a significantly greater volume of all of this made available to sites that will need more of the ‘elbow room’ and that will include better allocation of these resources too.
More for Small Businesses
Another significant benefit of an OS that comes with a cheap Linux server is that it helps a small business avoid all of the obligations that come with managing and operating Linux services. Users can expect to see superior performance with network connectivity management, website traffic tracking, bandwidth allocation, dynamic rerouting of web traffic, better managing of device and server resources, and better integration of website software and databases.
The last thing to mention here for anyone looking into a cheap Linux server to provide web hosting is to say that for hosting high-traffic websites, eCommerce online portals, and data-related forums, a dedicated Linux server will always be the best option. That’s based entirely on the advantages we laid out above, but there’s more to it too. We’ll expand on that in future entry here, but before we go we’ll discuss economy Linux hosting with cPanel and why it’s always a more solid choice for budget-conscious businesses that still want their website to be brining maximum returns.
cPanel hosting packages can help you save money and time while maintaining a high level of service, and you’ll also like how you can easily install several plugins on your site using cPanel without needing to do much at all. This will also apply to add-ons, polls, forums, and more that you may want to incorporate into your site.