Changing your web host: How to do it with 4GoodHosting?

Reading Time: 17 minutes

Changing your web host: How to do it with 4GoodHosting?Are you thinking of changing your web host lately? Perhaps your website is constantly experiencing issues like unexplainable loading speed and persistent downtime, and your provider has no effective customer support. If yes, you’re on the right page.

As the leading web hosting Canada provider, 4GoodHosting aims to provide individuals and businesses with a top-notch host for an enhanced online presence. So, if you are hunting for the right partner, we offer seamless host transitions for everyone at an affordable rate.

Web migration seems overwhelming at first, but with us, you don’t have to break a sweat and your pocket to complete the process. We made the entire procedure easy for beginners and seasoned users.

In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step guide for web host changing, as well as what to expect in partnering with us. We will also talk about the warning signs that indicate the need to bid farewell to your current host.

How to Change Your Web Host with 4GoodHosting

Before you start migrating to a new web host, choosing the right web hosting provider is pivotal for success. With 4GoodHosting by your side, you don’t have to worry about the daunting journey of transferring your website, emails, and databases. Our expert server engineers, admins, and technicians are always ready to guide you to a seamless process that even beginners can follow without a hitch.

Here, we show you our step-by-step guide to changing your web host with us.

  1. Get Started

Make the first move in migrating to a new host by deciding to choose 4GoodHosting as your new provider. Having a firm decision to opt for our services is crucial in ensuring an unparalleled hosting experience.

Explore our web hosting plans here. Our plans cater to diverse requirements, whether for individuals, small businesses, or enterprises. We offer an array of web host services that boast a perfect balance of features and pricing, which gives you the maximum value for your investment.

Once you have decided which plan you need (shared hosting, VPS hosting, or customized hosting), the next step is to proceed to the pre-payment. This annual pre-payment solidifies our partnership and marks the official beginning of your hassle-free migration journey.

  1. Account Activation

After signing up with our platform and completing your payment, we will send you a welcome email. So, make sure to check your inbox to not miss our warmest welcome. This email contains your login details for your cPanel, which is your primary center for hosting management. You will also receive information about 4GoodHosting’s domain name servers (DNS)—used to ensure seamless functioning of your domain on our platform.

Besides your crucial information, this welcome email provides information about the tools, information, or guide to configure your settings, manage domains, and explore various hosting features. So, make sure not to lose this message.

  1. Initiate Transfer Request

Now that you have the essential information for this migration journey, you can start your transfer request. With an active account with us, you can navigate our platform seamlessly. Submit your transfer request by using the support ticket system in your portal account. You can also email us at to initiate your request.

Once you send us your request, our team will proceed to the next step of the migration process. If your previous host uses cPanel, the migration process will occur seamlessly with zero downtime—meaning your website will still work during the process. Otherwise, expect minimal downtime during the migration process.

  1. Provide the Necessary Information

As the transfer progresses, our team may ask for some necessary information to ensure that everything is handled efficiently and correctly. We may request access to your current hosting provider’s control panel. If you’re leveraging cPanel, we will need your login information. For non-cPanel hosts, we require access to your current control panel dashboard to successfully retrieve your file, email, and database.

This step is one of the most important procedures since this streamlines the entire process. So, make sure you keep your lines open. We need clear and concise communication and your cooperation is needed by providing the necessary details to ensure an efficient transfer to 4GoodHosting.

  1. DNS Update and Migration

In this step, our team will send you an email to update and migrate the DNS (Domain Name System). Don’t worry, because the email contains a step-by-step guide of the process. If you’re unsure, you can always contact our support team, and let us detail the process of updating DNS on your domain to our name servers.

This migration may take up to 48 hours to complete, depending on your website’s size. Some websites are done in 1 hour, but our average completion time is 4 hours. No matter how long this process may take, we guarantee zero downtime throughout this period.

  1. Migration Testing

Once the migration process is complete, you are now free to test your mirrored website. Inspect the emails and domain to ensure that they are correct, look perfect, and function accordingly. We expect you to give us feedback during this phase because it’s the time when we determine the differences between your old and new hosts.

If you see any discrepancies, make sure to inform us immediately. Let us know if there are features and parts of your website that are not functioning as needed. Our responsive team will address and correct any issues promptly. For quality assurance, we ask for up to 48 hours to complete this process.

  1. Cancel Your Old Hosting

You’re one step away from completing your successful migration to 4GoodHosting. In this step, it’s time to say goodbye to your old host and welcome your new provider wholeheartedly (because we do that too). However, make sure to do this step only after verifying that everything works correctly with us.

Once you’re sure that we have taken care of all your data, you can now contact your previous web host to cancel their service. Make sure to inform them about your domain registration and indicate that you’re canceling the hosting service. Tip: You can transfer your domain name to us or leave it with your current registrar.

Take note that with 4GoodHosting, changing your web host might be different from other hosting providers because we made it easy for you. By following our comprehensive guidelines and keeping in touch with us, your reliable, top-notch, and cost-effective hosting solution is within your reach.

What Are the Different Web Host Plans at 4GoodHosting

Choosing the right hosting type is like selecting your weapon for combat. You need to pick the best choice among other options to achieve your primary goal. Opting for the most fitting hosting solution is a strategic move to ensure your success in the digital world.

However, your decision may not be as easy as choosing whether to eat or not because of the wide range of options available. Fortunately, each option comes with distinctive features and benefits, along with its optimal usage, that will help narrow down your options.

Let’s discuss further the hosting selections we offer at 4GoodHosting below.

  1. Windows Web Hosting

Windows Web Hosting is a specialized service for businesses or individuals operating under Microsoft technologies. As the term “Windows” suggests, this hosting type provides exceptional compatibility and stability with websites built on Microsoft’s framework.

This host allows you to integrate your website into any Microsoft tools or applications seamlessly and enables your pages to run smoothly with Microsoft-powered software like ASP.NET and Microsoft Access.

If you’re accustomed to working in a Windows environment, this hosting provides a familiar dashboard, which allows you to manage your website efficiently. While it might be ideal for Windows users, it is more expensive than its competitors.

Moreover, it may consume more system resources than other host types because it usually requires higher resource requirements, which may impact its performance on low-tier plans.

  1. Linux Web Hosting

In contrast to Windows Hosting, Linux Web Hosting is your reliable fuel when running on the Linux operating system. It’s a popular choice for many developers because it’s an open-source platform—meaning you can see and improve its source code. It allows you to modify everything according to your needs.

What’s more, it has become a budget-friendly option due to its open-source nature, making it the most cost-effective choice for start-up companies, small to medium-sized businesses, individuals and bloggers, non-profit organizations, small e-commerce, and even developers.

Not only that, but it also offers stability as it can handle various workloads efficiently. It also supports diverse web applications and offers solid security walls. Although it offers flexibility, it can still be quite confusing for users accustomed to Windows-specific technologies and environments.

  1. Windows Reseller Hosting

Windows Reseller Hosting creates an opportunity for individuals who want to enter the world of digital entrepreneurs. How does it work? It’s similar to having a reselling business in a traditional setup. You purchase your Window-based resources from a reliable hosting provider in Canada and redistribute them to individuals and businesses.

By allowing you to resell these resources to third parties, you became free of higher upfront costs and server management. You can even brand your services with your business name and logo. It’s a great way to launch your business online. Plus, you get to set your own pricing and packages, allowing you to generate profits.

It might be your express ticket to entrepreneurship, but keep in mind that you still need to consider factors like initial fees, dependency on your hosting provider, competitors in the hosting field, limited OS options (only Windows-based services), and required technical knowledge.

  1. Windows VPS Hosting

Before we talk about Windows VPS Hosting, let’s discuss what VPS is. VPS, also known as Virtual Private Server, is an exclusive space that provides dedicated resources for enhanced performance compared to shared hosting.

It’s ideal for growing businesses with websites receiving up to moderate traffic only. Without sharing any resources with your neighbors (other websites), you get to boost your website’s performance without incurring too much cost. And since it’s private, you are free to modify your server’s settings to meet your requirements.

Now, Windows VPS Hosting is a tailored service for Windows operating systems. This hosting brings the flexibility of a VPS but is limited to running in Windows-specific applications or Windows ecosystems. So, if you want heightened control, like VPS, and are familiar with how Windows works, then this type could be your best friend.

  1. Windows SSD VPS Hosting

Windows SSD VPS Hosting accelerates your virtual experience by combining the two powerhouses—SSDs and VPS. Solid-state drives (SSDs) serve as your fuel to speed things up while VPS optimizes and provides you with a centralized server.

With the help of SSDs, you can reduce data access times and prevent data loss, which allows your website to perform extremely well. This hosting is ideal for users who have a high demand for top-tier performance in a Windows-centric environment.

While it offers deal-breaking features, it also comes with some challenges. Since it provides superior performance, its cost might be on the higher side. More so, SSDs are considered advanced today and may not be fully compatible with older systems. So, if you have budget constraints or have specific needs that may be compromised, it’s best to look for other options.

  1. Managed WordPress Hosting

Are you lost in managing your WordPress website on your own? Let us take care of it for you with our Managed WordPress Hosting service. As the leading Canada hosting provider, we will handle all the technical aspects of your website, so you can focus on expanding your business.

If you’re new to this hosting, let us break it down for you. This is a specialized service to manage and address your WordPress website issues. When WordPress powers your website, this ensures seamless and optimized management.

You can enjoy the benefits of automatic updates, 24/7 expert support, and enhanced security. It’s ideal for individuals and businesses that rely on WordPress for their online ventures. However, you may face plugin restrictions and server configurations since it’s specialized for that specific host. At the same time, it might not be the best choice for budget-conscious users.

  1. Web Hosting Acquisitions

If you’re trying to scale your operations swiftly, Web Hosting Acquisitions might be your way to go. This strategically positions your business within your industry by acquiring the host’s infrastructure, customer base, and operational aspects.

Building a web host from scratch requires time, effort, and money to complete. Acquisitions, on the other hand, are like the shortcut that gives you leverage or a free pass, so you don’t have to do the initial steps that require substantial resources.

By doing so, you instantly boost your business’s online presence, which allows you to generate revenue and audiences. However, integration and transition may require careful planning and expertise. Fortunately, with us, rest assured that these challenges are addressed effectively.

When to Switch Hosting Providers

You might have noticed that your website has been facing several issues recently, such as persistent page loading, prolonged downtime, or security breaches. Perhaps these red flags are waving because it’s time for you to explore better hosting options.

But, how would you know if it’s already time for a change? Here, we give you a list of the warning signs that you should watch out for to make sure your website and business survive and thrive.

  1. Your Website is Frequently Offline

“Website is down.” “This page is offline.” Seeing these prompts frequently is a sign that you need to re-evaluate your current host. When your website disappears more often than your meals, it means you are facing a major crisis—and should not be overlooked.

Frequent downtime translates to a decrease in potential customers. That’s because your website visitors can’t find you (your website content, including your products/services and contact information). When this happens, you face frustrations, not to mention losses.

Not only that, but it also tarnishes your online reputation. Customers often visit your website to learn more about your business and what it offers. But, if your site is always offline, visitors may doubt your business’s credibility. As a result, your brand may become invisible over time.

It’s okay for websites to be offline for a time, especially when you’re doing regular maintenance or redesigning. However, switching hosts might be your best choice if your page plays hide-and-seek frequently.

  1. You Receive Zero-to-Less Customer Assistance

It’s normal for a website to face minor glitches. And it’s completely understandable for you to panic and seek immediate help, especially if a business transaction is at stake. But what if your current host’s customer support is always MIA or missing in action? That would be a huge problem.

Customer assistance is your lifeline when it comes to the hosting landscape. If you face technical issues, their help is your rainbow after every storm. Thus, having responsive support is one factor you must consider when thinking of changing your web host.

Whether you’re tech-savvy or a beginner in the digital landscape, knowing there’s someone you can ask when glitches or concerns arise can make you feel at ease. So, if ever-ready and reliable customer support is not your current host’s priority, it’s time to switch to a new host.

  1. Your Page Takes Too Long to Load

Besides constant uptime, an effective hosting provider should provide quick-loading pages. Your website’s load time can make or break your online reputation in the digital landscape. If your page keeps on loading, you’re losing potential customers.

Imagine. Your site visitors are excited to purchase your product, but when these prospective customers click your checkout button, they’re only faced with a blank screen or the hypnotic, circling loading screen. That’s where frustration comes in. As a result, your potential customers will reload or, worse, exit the page.

Speed is a necessity and your golden ticket to thrive in the hosting arena, and if you fall short of that, expect significant losses. If your current host cannot provide this speed, it’s time to look for other hosting options.

  1. You Are Given Limited Plans

Thousands of hosting plans, and you end up with an inflexible one. What are the odds, right? Many website owners—individuals or businesses—experience going for a plan that looks the best initially, but found it not worth it in the long run. Good marketing skills, you say?

Choosing a hosting plan is your responsibility. Learn to examine your host’s options. If your current host only offers a couple of plans, it’s like camping for a month with only two weeks’ worth of supplies. Not the best scenario, isn’t it?

The digital world evolves continuously. As we all know, there’s no one-size-fits-all in every business. One hosting plan may work for others but not for you. So, looking for a host with a diverse range of plans to meet your demand is a smart move to achieve optimal performance and growth.

  1. Your Current Host Lacks the Latest Technology

We keep on mentioning that the digital world is constantly changing. And it’s true. The trend today might not be what’s in demand tomorrow. Similarly, your host must be able to keep up with the latest technological features your website needs.

But what are those features? An ideal host provides cutting-edge features, such as Solid-state drives for lightning-speed data access, SSL/TLS certificates for data encryption, an integrated CMS for easy updates, and automatic backups and restorations.

Think of your website as your smartphone. Having the latest model upgrades your overall experience. Likewise, switching hosts that offer updated technology and features will help you keep on track and lead the digital landscape in terms of performance and security.

  1. Your Bill Keeps on Increasing

Good and reliable hosting should give you your money’s worth. If you notice a sudden change or increase in your billing statement, it might be time to question your host. Hosting fees should be transparent, as this serves as a strong foundation for a healthy and long-term hosting relationship.

Your bills should be as you have discussed with your provider and should align with the service and quality you receive. A price increase is acceptable only if your host’s services have significantly improved or have offered additional benefits, like premium features or VIP support.

Web hosting should not be a financial burden. It should help you do business successfully and generate leads or sales continuously, instead. If this is not the case or if your website experiences multiple issues without any improvement yet incurring additional costs, it’s time to let other hosts manage your business.

  1. You Notice a Lack of Security Measures

Consider your website as a prey in the digital world. It’s like a warrior constantly facing battles with malicious software attacks or hackers. As a fighter, you need weapons and shields—that is your security measure.

If your website’s fortress is weak and insecure, you show vulnerabilities. This may threaten not only your business but also your potential customers. And that’s a bad thing in the digital frontier. Now, giving your website a secure stronghold, which is the latest security measure, can shield your website from online bandits.

But what are these safety measures? Your web host should offer SSL/TSL certificates, firewalls, malware software, two-factor authentication, DDS protection, security audits, regular backups, and other tools that will allow you to control and protect your data.

  1. Your Host Ran Out of Available Resources

Your business is thriving. Your website is gaining high traffic. And suddenly, your host slows down and crashes. This will create an uproar and a frustrating user experience, which may result in losses of potential customers or business transactions.

When your host runs out of available resources, it means your website cannot handle its growing audience. You’re at full capacity. The ideal host can provide you with numerous options to expand your resources to accommodate more audiences and prevent downtimes or frustrating user experiences.

Your website may crash when you already reached the limit of your storage space, bandwidth, or RAM. It’s also possible to experience slowdowns when your CPU loses power. You must also keep in mind that backup systems and network infrastructure play a crucial role in your website’s performance.

If any of these resources run out and your host cannot offer an upgrade, then it might be best to migrate your business to a new host. Switching hosts on time can help you maintain your website’s function and performance in optimal condition.

Why Choose 4GoodHosting

Starting your journey to a new web host requires a reliable co-pilot to ensure your smooth and successful online adventure. Before you make up your mind, ask yourself this question: “What makes a web hosting provider my ultimate choice?”

If you haven’t come up with a firm answer, maybe it’s time you do some research on what to look for in a web host provider. Here at 4GoodHosting, we view ourselves as your website’s guardian, who ensures reliability and security and is always ready for action.

So, what makes us your trusted ally?

  1. We Are Your Local Hosting Partner

There’s no better way to navigate across Canada’s privacy laws and legal compliance than relying on a local itself. We are 100% Canadian-owned and operated, which is why we know our way around. We are dedicated to committing to legal obligations and the highest standards of business practices.

Not only that, but we also operate with various advanced data centers in Vancouver, Toronto, British Columbia, and Ontario. We strategically position these centers to ensure optimal website performance and efficiently meet your demands.

What’s more, we provide specialized free hosting packages for eligible local charities as our way of supporting the community. So, choosing us means supporting a local business and helping us give back to charitable organizations.

  1. We Offer Coast-to-Coast Data Protection

As a high-performing hosting provider, we take data security to heart. 4GoodHosting provides coast-to-coast data protection—a one-of-a-kind offering in the Canadian hosting industry. We back up your digital information in separate locations, specifically on both sides of the country.

Why do we do this? This approach adds an extra layer of security in case of potential threats or unforeseen disasters. If something goes wrong in one data center, all data is still safe and sound in the other.

We also offer SSL certifications to ensure data encryption and make your website trustworthy and secure. We show our dedication to data privacy by giving all of our clients cost-effective security solutions and peace of mind—ensuring all sensitive information is in safe hands.

  1. We Use Fast Fiber Network

Our FastFiber Network is our hosting’s backbone. This state-of-the-art technology is like our secret recipe to make your website faster than the blink of an eye. It powers every website we handle to ensure seamless and reliable connectivity.

This network serves as the express route that leads users directly to your website. It ensures your data flows effortlessly and securely. Its primary goal is to make sure that every interaction or click on your website is a smooth journey.

Nowadays, speed is number one. When your website takes too long to load, visitors will exit your page right away. They will lose interest, which could lead to potential losses. That’s why, we use this marvelous network to ensure your audience experiences seamless and instant access to your content.

  1. We Provide SSD-equipped Server

Working hand in hand with our FastFiber Network, our SSD-equipped servers deliver your data at a blazing speed. While both aim for speed, the latter handles the storage and retrieval of data on your website.

This quick data access also leads to faster loading times for your websites. In addition, we use Solid-state drives to reduce the risk of data loss due to hardware malfunctions (this is because SSDs don’t have any physical components).

Compared to traditional drives, SSD-equipped servers offer a more responsive user experience. It’s ideal for websites that are on the larger side, have numerous forms for audiences, and use various multimedia content. It allows these kinds of websites to perform quickly and efficiently.

  1. We Give Uptime Guarantee

One of the concerns we get a lot from our new customers is they have experienced frequent and prolonged downtimes with their previous providers. So, we make sure that we don’t make the same mistake by guaranteeing that every website is always available.

That’s our Uptime guarantee—ensuring your online portal is open 24/7, serving your potential clients even when you’re sleeping. Who wouldn’t want that right? This approach removes all your worries about canceled transactions and delayed business operations.

Businesses with wide audiences, coming from different time zones, can benefit from this the most. Having your website consistently available day and night can welcome your visitors from around the world, which could boost your online presence and business credibility.

  1. We Ensure No Hidden Costs

We believe in value that speaks for itself. So, we offer transparent and competitive pricing that you won’t see elsewhere in Canada. Plus, all of our fees are in Canadian dollars, making us one of the preferred hosting providers in the area.

4GoodHosting wants the best for our clients, which is why we discuss our pricing structures with our clients clearly. All of our pricing our straightforward and has no hidden fees. Rest assured that you won’t be greeted by unwelcome surprises like increasing bills.

Get your money’s worth with our hosting packages and services. We dedicate ourselves to creating high-quality plans that will not break your banks. What’s interesting is when you choose our annual web hosting service, we will transfer all your data, including your website and domain name, at no additional cost.

  1. We Boast 24/7 Customer Support

We know the importance of a reliable customer support team. That’s why our highly knowledgeable and super-friendly team is available 24/7, 365 days a year. We want our customers to feel at ease and satisfied all the time by providing an open line to assist with any concerns.

Whether you are experiencing technical issues or just need assistance with your hosting, our team is ready to answer your calls and messages. Plus, it’s open to all users, from a seasoned tech whiz to a digital novice.

We also offer live chat support for immediate assistance. You can interact with our support team in real time to address your time-sensitive queries, such as security concerns, billing problems, and critical technical errors.

  1. We Are Open To Various Payment Options

Dealing with customers for years opened our minds to accepting a variety of payment options. We understand that each customer has different financial preferences, cycles, and locations. That’s why, our customers can pay through various methods, including PayPal, PCI Merchant Compatible OS Commerce Cart, and ZenCart Shopping Cart.

We also offer billing flexibility, where you can choose whether to go for monthly or annual plans. You can also manage your subscription with us effortlessly—change payment methods or update your billing cycle.

By offering flexible, convenient, and secure payment options, we establish trust and connections with our customers. We align our customer-centric commitment to our payment methods and ensure each user is comfortable using our services.

  1. We Focus On Enterprise-Level Spam Filters

If we’re to tell the world what we’re proud of, it’s that our users receive zero spam emails daily. We’re only one of the few Canadian providers that offer this approach. We know how annoying it is to receive a message in your inbox but it turns out to be spam email.

So, we provide an advanced filtering option that allows you to achieve a spam-free inbox. By doing so, your business can focus on reading important messages, which enhances your overall productivity.

This method also allows you to give critical messages the appropriate action as quickly as possible. It also contributes to saving your time—you don’t need to filter and delete unnecessary messages one by one.

  1. We Design Plans For Future Growth

Scalability is paramount when it comes to your digital adventure. That’s why we designed our plans to adapt to the continuously evolving digital landscape quickly and effortlessly. Most website technologies are advanced today, but tomorrow or the next few years they might not be the trend.

Moreover, businesses have growing ambitions, and new projects over time. Whether your online venture is a personal blog, e-commerce store, or a non-profit organization, our hosting is scalable and grows with your goals.

We also update our technologies to successfully handle increased traffic on your website. At the same time, as your website expands, we are always prepared to manage your site for uninterrupted performance.

With 4GoodHosting, changing your web host is a breeze (it doesn’t have to be difficult). Our commitment to local expertise, reliability, data protection, customer-centric approach, and competitively-priced hosting solutions set the standards in Canadian hosting. If you need expert help with web host migration or you’re just looking for a better option, our lines are always open. Let a trusted web host provider in Canada, like 4GoodHosting, help you thrive and reach your goals in your online venture.

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