The Pentagon has quietly built a multibillion-dollar cyberwarfare capability

Reading Time: < 1 minute

… the Pentagon has quietly built a multibillion-dollar cyberwarfare capability and trained its commanders to integrate these weapons into their battlefield plans.

U.S. Cyber Command was officially stood up in 2010, based at Fort Meade in the Maryland suburbs of the nation’s capital, consolidating intelligence and cyberwarfare capabilities of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines under one house. Soon, billions of dollars were being invested in the concept that cyberattackers targeting America should be prepared to sustain their own damage.

Little has been discussed in public about U.S. Cyber Command’s specific capabilities since, though budget documents detail a growing commitment to this form of warfare. The Pentagon’s cyberwarfare budget has grown from $3.9 billion in 2013 to $4.7 billion in 2014 and an estimated $5.1 billion in 2015.

More at: original Washington Times December 22nd Article Link

For an additional layer of internet security from many forms of spying and hacking, see information about our SSL certificates .

Canada Places Sixteenth in the Latest Web Index

Reading Time: 4 minutes


With the release of the Web Index Rankings, that measure economic, social and political benefits from countries across the world on December 11, there are some interesting results. The United Kingdom, as well as the Scandinavian countries continue to lead the index, and Canada ranks sixteenth.

The World Wide Web Foundation began to produce this index in 2012. The Foundation utilizes a wide variety of data that measure the web’s contribution to the world in the areas of social, political and economic progress.

The report furthers that the web has allowed a level-playing field with unprecedented access to information as allowed by Sir Time Berners-Lee and CERN when they choose not to patent the creation of the web. The report states, “Today, armed with little more than a smart phone, anyone– regardless of where they were born and or how much they earn– can start a business, record a music video, crowd fund an invention, take courses with Nobel Prize- winning professors, or even launch a successful campaign for office.”

In this new index, some chilling statistics have come back to the Foundation. Up thirty two percent from last years numbers, political censorship has increased to forty percent. This included the blocking of political or socially sensitive content. In the news lately has been the issue of net neutrality both here in Canada and the United States, and there is a lack of net neutrality in seventy four percent of countries. It should be noted that according to the Sunlight Foundation, only one percent of the US public is opposed to net neutrality, and this is after a plea from late night show host John Oliver on Last Week Tonight. Even with an estimated 1.8 billion internet users still with little to no right for privacy nor freedom of expression, the governmental control of the web continues to this day.

Virtual Private Internets(VPIs) or perhaps better named Virtual Private Planets(VPPs)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What are we talking about in this creative original blog post? How about a freshly deployed “blank content” completely-isolated-new-private-virtual-internet-environment; just like a starter internet on a different planet.

In other words, imagine being on an internet where you and your friends are the only inhabitants of Mars but you are all connected through a common (and private) internet on the surface of that distant planet.

We think you should be able to deploy and command your own completely isolated Virtual Private Internet (VPI) or perhaps better marketing name Virtual Private Planet (VPP); just add users! )

In this new age of omnipresent internet surveillance/spying/intrusions/ddos attacks, etc and creeping and shadowy “Orwellian” state takeovers, we here at 4GoodHosting thought thinking-up a new service offering, as private and secure as possible, could be a big value-add overall for our customers.

So does the idea of a Virtual Private Server(VPS) still sound impressive?

Well, try this instead…

Virtual Private Internet(VPI) – or Virtual Private Planet (VPP – as private and secure as you and your friends and family living on another extremely distant planet and interacting over your own private internet). “Imagine” a virtual instance of an entirely other pre-configured “encapsulated internet” with almost no content stored in it, maybe just a couple of images and some started ‘hello world!’ webpages and templates and web builder programs.

What if all “content” and logfiles were deleted from this internet, with just open-source webservers and virtualization software (vps – virtual private servers, instead of physical ones) and applications, programming languages, and scripts left on it? And then compiled and condensed into a VPI/VPP container with extra starter terabytes of storage (deeply encrypted by the VPP container) available only to itself and using its own entirely unique ip address protocol?

As the whole container is encrypted other than its login sevice, so ,you would need to authenticate into, to get onto, that virtual private internet.

Inside it, or on it, you could only request webpages and emails and voice communications from the other users within that self-contained virtual internet.

Your ‘allowed-in’ VPI/VPP users can even pick their fantasy geographical location in your virtual fantasy world. Your users could even all pretend they were colonizing another planet. A surface map of Mars or Venus could be used instead of Earth in the VPI/VPP; as if there was a functioning internet existing on Mars or Venus. Your ip geolocation could point to a certain crater on the surface of mars, lol – now that’s real privacy!

And another user allowed in to the VPI/VPP could pick some other location on the red planet.

What we are suggesting is the next step in the thought process…

If you can deploy a virtual server on the internet, which is possible now, then you can also deploy a entirely self-contained virtual model of a virtual private internet… Just add

more users and more raw storage to your VPI/VPP with time. The VPI/VPP container itself virtualizes, in software, all the necessary data links of the Earth’s mother internet (high speed bitreams carried by wires/radio/light).

And all services would be free to users on the VPP. Free domain registrations (and they are all still available at first!, lol), free webhosting, free bandwidth, etc.

The whole idea is to set up a completely isolated virtual network all running within the equivalent of a secure impenetrable steel vault.

Anything done or said on that internet stays there. Like when people go to Las Vegas…

Many often like like to say “What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas…”

People log into the VPI/VPP from an encrypted tunnel connection somewhere on the main mother physical internet.

So we are proposing the idea of deploying new ‘blank virtual internets’ with an extra terabyte of starter raw data storage – with a FREE virtual hosting company in it.

Once in.. just maybe a dozen example websites exist, a free web hosting company like 4GoodHosting.mars with instant automated web server and even simpler hosting account deployments; so users can get started growing the VPI/VPP right away.

Clone websites from the main internet can be imported easily of course through the user’s secure tunnel connection – so setting up an array of new websites within the VPI/VPP can be made easy.

Somebody could purchase a VPI/VPP from us and give out free access to only and all women, for example; therefore you could start a new private internet with 99.9% just females on it – perhaps appropriately named the Venus VPI/VPP. So when one logs into the equivalent of Skype on that VPI/VPP, they can only find or talk or video chat with females that exist there; like lady’s restrooms are partitioned.

Popular open source applications can be included on the VPI deployment. And organized by the free automatic web hosting company on it; all the popular software to enable a whole internet of things could come pre-included with the the VPI/VPP.

Basically you would have a view of a computer desktop once in the VPI/VPP, running Linux perhaps with its own virtual local storage. To create yet another layer of complete isolation, it could use some random and unique ip-protcol as an option, making your VPI completely unhackable from anycreep or anything outside it.

A VPI/VPP customer would be mainly billed by us just how much raw storage the VPI/VPP grows into plus how many parallel processors of computational power their VPI/VPP is using on a daily average.

Since everything on the internet is just application code/services or otherwise digitized content, all the content can be all erased just leaving behind the applications and functionality; it is just a matter of having enough required private storage.

A virtual private internet for just 6 year olds, just 7 year olds, just 8 year olds – it’s all possible; for clubs or companies, counties, societies…

The wires and cables between servers and users just become virtual software wires, all ethernet cable is virtualized in the VPI/VPP container that operates the whole thing, forming a completely virtualuslized and extensible/scalable transport (wires/radio/light links) OSI layer.

Artificial ping delays can be included if desired. Otherwise all VPS servers communicate instantaneously within the VPI/VPP with just always one packet “hop” to each server in the environment as all the various physical data links are virtualized in software.

This is what the VPI outer container does. It is the virtualization of all physical hardware (plus all commonplace non-commercial internet applications) necessary for a new blank internet instance.

Too much processing power would be required? A standalone i7 processor could probably support 100 or 1000 single VPI/VPP instance users, while running all their webservers if they each have their own websites on that virtual private internet.

So do you understand what is being talked about here? If you are connected in through secure tunnel and RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) into a particular VPI/VPP , then you can only browse websites that exist within that VPI/VPP and only email and chat with or video conference with users on that virtual internet.

Right now there are about 4 billion or so users on the main physical internet. The real physical transport layer all over the Earth makes this original internet possible.

But all the physical connections between servers could virtualized in software to where these is only a 1 packet ipv6 “hop” from virtual webserver to virtual webserver within the VPI/VPP completely isolated little virtual internet cloud; completely isolated from the main internet.

When you log in as a user of a VPI/VPP it would be much like booting up another computer – just like how you power on and stare at the screen of your computer to be on this main/mother internet. Once you are into your computer in the VPI/VPP, you cannot browse regular physical earthly websites unless they are physically cloned into the VPI/VPP already – you can only browse virtual webservers that other real users of the VPI/VPP have setup and/or continue to import or develop.

Could bitcoins be used inside VPPs? Probably not…. We aren’t quite sure if the currency would hold any weight on ‘Pluto’ for example. However as king or queen of your own VPP you could probably some kind of funny money to your inhabitant users of some sort, if bitcoins are non-transferable to other planets! Interesting thought there though.

We think we should also also offer access to the very first Mercury VPP, then a Venus VPI , skipping Earth VPP since we have an internet on the Earth already, Mars, Jupiter – for people wishing to pretend they live use an internet located on one of those planets. Nobody from the Jupiter VPP could ever email to or access any data or server directly or spy into the Venus VPP. Two people logged into separate VPI/VPPs would need to minimize the windows displaying the isolated planetary VPP and could only interact directly over the main internet.

People can pretend they live and work an interact on a Martian internet which would naturally be a completely isolated internet from this mother one here on Earth.

There would be no way to email anyone on Earth if logged in as a user on the Mars VPP; only email to other “Martians” is possible – to exemplify this concept…

As nobody or no agency on this mother internet on Earth can hack into or read/save/scan any email communications to each other conducted on Mars theoretically – as they have completely independent “atmospheres” and “planets”. Just like real puffy white atmospheric clouds from Earth do not mix with clouds on Mars – as it is impossible – any data sharing between a VPP and the mother internet would be made impossible; especially with an extra layer of entirely different ip protocol addressing (random key variations of ipv6, for example – the various blocks of different bits defined to be in different locations) different from the mother internet as an additional layer of data isolation.

So how will can anyone exchange email with anyone else?

Again only VPI/VPP users on the same VPP instance container can email each other.

A benefit is that the communication system from one VPI/VPP is completely isolated and different from from the communication protocol of another VPI/VPP and the mother internet itself. Your emails to trusted recipients become entirely private and secure again.

In simplest terms, we can model a virtual internet on another planet. If there really were Martians and they had their own internet, we can’t email them or hack into their emails from Earth – impossible.

All emails between users are entirely contained in the VPI or VPP (Virtual Private Planet) container. Those emails can never be intercepted by anybody. There is no secretive spy agencies or overreaching corporations possible inside a VPP. There would be no physical wires connecting webservers to wiretap!

Basically we can model a functional internet entirely run in software using ip packet routing that is always just one “hop”between VPS’s within the VPI/VPP. On this physical internet, there are like 30 physical “hops” between two servers perhaps. But in a VPI/VPP deployment – all the physical connections (wires/radio/light) are made virtual – no long wires needed between webservers – like two VPSs sharing the same processor and memory bus – there probably is a way each can communicate to each other without bits having to go out and back in the same network interface card (“nic’) and ethernet cable.

And that is all that is needed to create the VPI container functionality itself – virtual NIC cards and virtual packet routers and virtual wires rather than real ones – a completely virtualized functional internet physical transport layer.

Two separate VPI/VPPs’s don’t need to use the same ip protocol or packet structure or bit positions – as they will never communicate between environments; just like Martian air or clouds doesn’t ever mix with Earth air/clouds – the are completely separate and isolated atmospheres

Let’s call the extra security concept random key(structure) ipv6 protocol variations – it is unhackable because the an external intruder will not even have an idea of the VPI/VPP packet structure The packet structure it could be completely randomized upon VPI /VPP deployment as long as it is all homogeneous within the VPI/VPP instance itself. Just like we would have no idea even how to start hacking into some alien planet’s internet – even if we could somehow reach it or tap into it from afar.

So again all a VPI/VPP container does is replace all the physical data links (wires/radio/light) of this mother internet system with internal virtual highspeed bitstreams instead. You could randomly configure your own data/packet protocol so VPS’s running in the VPI container can understandably send packets back and forth to each other. Virtual NIC cards, virtual packet routers, virtual wires…. all within the same VPI/VPP, all hooked up with 0ms(zero) ping response time between all vps’s in the VPI/VPP.

The only thing on the ‘surface’ of a VPI/VPP is the user login/authentication screen with upon successful authentication boots your Linux desktop and then you view that computer screen over secure remote desktop protocol and viewed on the screen in front of your eyes. That tunnel connection has to be just as secure so nobody on the mother internet can view or take over your desktop being streamed to you from the VPI/VPP.

The VPI/VPP. wrapping container itself has a rather simple function – to route and deliver privately(randomly) structured ipv6 packets between VPS’s existing in the same ecosystem/atmosphere/planet. The container replaces/emulates the lowest physical transport layer of the OSI model (wires/radio/light) of the physical mother internet. All the other software that already exists which operates this existing internet would run right on top of all those virtual wires/links within a VPI/VPP instance/container – (Just as secure as Earth is its own separate container or Mars is its a completely isolated atmospheric container.)

Domains name registrations would also be free, naturally, within each VPI/VPP, and all available at first, lol; they can be registered, naturally, logically, for free, as long as they are utilized for something and the VPI container system could also help automatically administrate that. A VPP creator could make up their own TLD’s too – you can choose your own principle TLD for your VPP, such as (domainname).mars .

Did you read all over the above? Would you like to create your own new “planetary” internet? You could make up your own name for your own fantasy planet – it doesn’t have to be one from our solar system; if you think others would like to be an internet pioneer on it with you.

We don’t have the VPI/VPP container software developed yet but we think the code for a the VPI/VPP wrapping container shouldn’t be that extensive; but rather concise – just a lot of similar processing for a purely software mechanism to move ipv6 packets from one VPS to another in the same VPP network ecosystem. The software would model and replace the entire diversely connected physical(hardware) network like the one connecting all these computers on the mother internet that are connecting us right now.

What do you think? We’d need your help to get the word out about this idea so very skilled programmers could be recruited or volunteer to help create the first VPI/VPP for all of us to potentially privately and securely enjoy – to create our own entirely isolated worlds for us to interact within; without any possibility of our conversations or surfing habits being archived or being spied upon.

So tell others who might be able to help make this idea into future 4GoodHosting product offering. The most we offer in this direction so far is our Canadian Virtual Private Servers (link to VPS page). Impossible? Please tell us your thoughts or questions about this next-generation-internets idea, at support@(thishostingcompanydomainname).com

more info:

Also, SSL certificates would not be needed in a VPI as transport links between virtual web servers would no longer need to be encrypted (protocol) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In computer networking, a softwire protocol is a type of tunneling protocol that creates a virtual “wire” that transparently encapsulates another protocol as if was an anonymous point-to-point low-level link.[1] Softwires are used for various purposes, one of which is to carry IPv4 traffic over IPv6 and vice versa, in order to support IPv6 transition mechanisms.[2]

So an Ethernet software cable can be modeled and programmed as a method in a programming language, like Java for instance – to replace Ethernet cable that would normal allow two webservers or vps’s to talk to each other.

Using softwires in between VPSs on the same physical server environment allows websites to interact, without anything plugged into the box besides a keyboard and mouse. Softwires therefore make the VPI/VPP container possible.

It would certainly be the most ambitious software project yet since the creation of Earth’s original mother internet.

Yet another new WordPress Security Issue: CryptoPHP (Nulled Scripts)

Reading Time: 2 minutes


A Scandinavian technology company, Fox IT, was one of the first discovers of a new threat to PHP based programs (such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. )

The Fox IT CryptoPHP white paper is quite technical but we will summarize the issue for you here.

It is about something termed ‘Nulled Scripts’ and given another label too, CryptoPHP. This is perhaps a new term to most of our customers.

So what exactly are these so-called Nulled Scripts?

Nulled scripts are scraps of PHP code, which can be found on free or otherwise non-approved WordPress plugin sites or even in WordPress theme archives; which have had their copy-protection removed.

Various *pro* plugins and themes come with a serial number, or key, which enables paid features or provides access to download free upgrades.

Nulled scripts have such protections removed (so that it is become ‘free’).

There are many websites that are offering these nulled-scripts and also nulled WordPress plugins and theme installers.

They shouldn’t be used because of the following problem:

CryptoPHP explained

The programmers who published the white paper have witnessed a drastic increase in the availability of nulled/corrupted scripts.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Canadian Web Hosting

Do you ever feel like somebody is watching your back (and not your computer screen) when you are on the internet? Well Canada’s privacy law is still protecting you when you are online surfing.

Our fellow Canadian Social media users are shielded from the complex details Terms of Service on many popular social services. Just because you are forced to check the many lengthy terms of service, that of course most of us don’t sit there for a half and hour and actually read, our privacy law trumps any provision that is against the grain of our current privacy law.

“This overriding provision in our federal privacy legislation actually does provide protection for unexpected, unreasonable uses, even with consent,” stated a Toronto-based lawyer and expert on internet law Barry Sookman. “So I actually think there is a standard here that applies that is fairly useful and is consumer friendly.”

“An organization may collect, use or disclose personal information only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider are appropriate in the circumstances.” reads Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

This means that “the person has to agree to the terms,” Sookman said. “So a person who simply accesses a social networking site and hasn’t seen or hasn’t had a reasonable opportunity to review the terms wouldn’t be bound by them.” If the policy had terms that a reasonable person wouldn’t consider appropriate, then those terms may not be binding.

“There’s two good examples of when a service’s privacy policy wouldn’t be enforceable: either when a person hasn’t been put on notice that there’s going to be a policy that’s binding, or when it’s an unreasonable term.”

Depending on the service, when somebody accesses their website, many website companies automatically collect basic information to know, for example, where people are coming from and to know if they are a returning visitor.

Those kind of data collection is rather hidden and it is automated usually to facilitate the operation of their site.

When data collection crosses the line:


Where there is some completely unexpected use of one’s personal information, matters “may go over the line.”. “So the test in Canadian privacy law is whether it goes over the line,” Barry says.

In several years ago, researchers at Carnegie Melon University calculated it would take an average user 76 8-hour days to read all the privacy policies that the average internet user typically has by then already agreed to.

“Many experts now realize that consent is not the linchpin that is the right standard for internet governance of use because of that fact that many people don’t actually read the privacy policies as well,” Barry said. “ However, social website users should realize that these services are free, and the only way it makes sense to continue to offer them for free is by finding a way to monetize their usage”, Barry adds.

“The currency that individuals pay for the privilege for the free use is giving up some usage of their personal information.”

However, we at 4GoodHosting pledge to you in our Terms of Service that we will never resell your private information. We are strong privacy advocates!

Free webserver encryption? It is almost here, mid-2015.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Did you know what google gives a very slight ranking boost to websites that use SSL (https://…) encryption?

There are other more significant reasons for your website to offer secure connections to your website visitors, especially if your website conducts ecommerce or credit card transactions.

Nowadays, people everywhere have to purchase a SSL certificate if they want to offer secure/private connections to their website visitors. However, that might just be a thing of the past with

As their website explains:

“ The challenge is server certificates. The anchor for any TLS-protected communication is a public-key certificate which demonstrates that the server you’re actually talking to is the server you intended to talk to. For many server operators, getting even a basic server certificate is just too much of a hassle. The application process can be confusing. It usually costs money. It’s tricky to install correctly. It’s a pain to update.

Let’s Encrypt is a new free certificate authority, built on a foundation of cooperation and openness, that lets everyone be up and running with basic server certificates for their domains through a simple one-click process.

Mozilla Corporation, Cisco Systems, Inc., Akamai Technologies, Electronic Frontier Foundation, IdenTrust, Inc., and researchers at the University of Michigan are working through the Internet Security Research Group (“ISRG”), a California public benefit corporation, to deliver this much-needed infrastructure in Q2 2015. The ISRG welcomes other organizations dedicated to the same ideal of ubiquitous, open Internet security.

The key principles behind Let’s Encrypt are:

  • Free:
    Anyone who owns a domain can get a certificate validated for that domain at zero cost.
  • Automatic: 

    The entire enrollment process for certificates occurs painlessly during the server’s native installation or configuration process, while renewal occurs automatically in the background.

  • Secure: 

    Let’s Encrypt will serve as a platform for implementing modern security techniques and best practices.

  • Transparent: 

    All records of certificate issuance and revocation will be available to anyone who wishes to inspect them.

  • Open: 

    The automated issuance and renewal protocol will be an open standard and as much of the software as possible will be open source.

  • Cooperative: 

    Much like the underlying Internet protocols themselves, Let’s Encrypt is a joint effort to benefit the entire community, beyond the control of any one organization. “

We hope the above initiative will be successful, but until then we still offer the lowest-cost and also highest quality SSL certificates available:

So if you want to offer secure encrypted connections to you website, you can get started with a SSL today, and in about a year’s time the above free encryption standard should be available starting in mid-2015. For more information on the project please see:

Satellite internet set to blanket the world

Reading Time: < 1 minute




Do you think the Internet is big now? Well, yes it is, but it is only going to get much larger in the next decade as billions more people come online.

This comes with the help of big money investors such as Elon Musk backing this idea to put hundreds of lightweight, but heavy on bandwidth, low-earth orbit satellites to cover the world with internet access.

The Wall Street Journal published on Friday November 7th, 2014 that Elon Musk and Greg Wyler have been discussing plans with the retired Google billionaire Wyler to develop such an array of satellites with a goal is to deliver internet access around the entire world.

The reported idea is to send 700 satellites into space, each about 260lbs. or half the size of the smallest current commercial communications satellites.

The pricetag? Estimates are about $1 billion to develop the new addition to the internet grid. Manufacturing locations in Florida and Colorado are currently being mentioned.

The project is still in early stages and many are not certain if Mr. Musk will complete this plan. His company, SpaceX has delivered on its goal of delivering and returning supplies to and from the Space Station 4 times, successfully, already. Tesla motors is struggling with it’s electric car designs.

The timeframe? The currently stated goal is 360 satellites operating in low Earth orbits becoming operational around 2019-21.

Google and Facebook have already announced plans to deliver internet access around the globe using balloons, satellites, and even, oddly, balloons.

Just image purchasing web hosting for the price of a fast food lunch, for a whole month, and beamed down directly to some of your website visitors through satellites in space. Pretty neat, eh?


Penguin 3.0 Google ‘refresh’ update and free backlink checking tools:

Reading Time: < 1 minute

4GoodHosting to the rescue
Hi Folks. Have you checked your website rankings in google this week? The recent ‘Penguin 3.0’ update, also called a refresh, has just been completed. Supposedly only 1% or so of search queries are affected by this recent Google search index update. Simply, Google support ( ) recommends avoiding the following linking techniques:

Excessive link exchanges

  • Buying or selling links
  • Using automation to create links
  • Low-quality directory or bookmark site links
  • Forum comments with optimized links in the post or signature
  • Links with optimized anchor text in articles or press releases
  • Widely distributed links in the footers or templates of various sites

So if you haven’t participated in ‘link spamming’, you should not need to worry, but it is always good to verify anyways, and perform any cleanup that may be necessary to improve your website’s search ranking.


We recommend the following free online tools to help diagnose your website’s relation to Google’s new update and guidelines.


From our review of these tools, we recommend you try Traffic Travis first.

Traffic Travis offers:

  • Keyword Tracking
  • Backlink checker for individual pages
  • Competition Analysis
  • Find Keyword ranking based on different geo specific search engine
  • Page rank checker for Individual pages
  • Sitemap Support
  • Domain name research
  • SEO warning for individual pages
  • Filters to refine your report
  • Adsense finder
  • Keyword research

We’re always interested in hearing about your experiences with various tools and strategies employed in your search engine optimization efforts. Whether you’ve encountered challenges or celebrated victories, your insights are valuable to us.

If you find yourself seeking professional guidance or are overwhelmed with the SEO landscape, we’re here to assist. We offer affordable SEO link building services tailored to enhance your website’s authority and visibility effectively. Our experienced team employs innovative strategies, ensuring quality backlinks that boost your site’s ranking and traffic.

Moreover, we pride ourselves on offering the best white hat SEO services in Canada. We adhere to ethical and effective SEO practices, ensuring that your website not only ascends in rankings but maintains its position, offering long-term benefits.

Feel free to reach out to us for personalized advice, or explore the opportunity to hire our skilled team to elevate your search engine rankings. We’re committed to delivering exceptional results that align with your business goals. Contact us anytime at, and one of our friendly agents will promptly respond to address your needs and queries.

[This is] going to wind up breaking the Internet – Google CEO

Reading Time: 3 minutes


On a Wednesday afternoon in the first week of October 2014 in Palo Alto California, some of biggest names in technology, together many less famous others, were talking with harsh words in response to the ongoing US government surveillance scandal; during a meeting to discuss the potential of the ever creeping state funded spying activities.

The event included Google chairman Eric Schmidt, Microsoft’s Brad Smith, and Dropbox representative Ramsey Homsany, and a long list of others.

Breaking the Internet?

They spoke their thoughts on the matter to a Senator from Oregon, Ron Wyden. Google’s CEO warned that the impact of all the hyper-surveillance is “severe and getting worse.”

Fired NSA employee Edward Snowden exposed the US government’s creepy and secretive multi-billion dollar surveillance activities; by coping thousands of official documents (perhaps to a tiny memory card) that clearly outlined the mass surveillance of regular internet user to be far more extensive than the ever-gullible population were aware of.

“We’re going to wind up breaking the Internet,” Google’s chief added.

World-wide effects and ramifications on the US economy

The concerned interests focused on the sequence of issues…

MarketGoo is a slick and powerful solution to optimize your website for search engines

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear 4GoodHosting customers and visitors ,


We have replaced the “Attracta” search engine optimization tool with a more modern and effective “seo” optimizer for your website. With this new included tool, MarketGoo, you will be able to get your website ranked faster and higher; helping you with your overall website marketing.


We hope that you decide to take advantage of the new service. As with most new services we offer, this one comes with your hosting package at no additional charge.

How does the Marketgoo application work?

MarketGoo’s unique toolset will analyze your website regularly. It will suggest from an assortment of about 200 actions and recommendations; which will be tailored specific to your website and industry. So every single task that you complete while using MarketGoo will be driving your website closer to online success.

Where will you be able to find it?

If you remember seeing the “Attracta” icon, you will now see “MarketGoo” there instead, in the “Marketing tools” section.

How can it benefit you / your website?

The Marketgoo application helps you market your website and enables you to improve your website ranking in google and other search engines by “optimizing” your website’s Search Engine Visibility, Link Building, and Social Media marketing; and it also benchmarks your site against your competitors. It will help you perfect your website’s structure and content and to help you with promoting the relevant keywords associated to your business.