Why is my website Lagging? Fees for overages, I can hardly believe how much I am having to pay. Of course, if you are dissatisfied with your host, the next question you might have is, how do change my web host? If you discover this is the time to change your hosting provider, but you don’t know how to begin, then this is the perfect article for you. Most people relocate their business websites like they relocate within homes – it could be stressful but it’s also fresh. Are you considering moving your site to one of the Edmonton hosting providers? Then, you are welcome here. This hands on Workbook will help you every step of the way from the basics of why it’s worth it, and right through to how to go about getting your website migrated. If you are an entrepreneur in Edmonton, an artist who needs to present their portfolio, or simply a user who is interested in hosting services in Edmonton, we have collected extensive and comprehensive but simple and informal information for you in this guide. Why Switch Web Hosts? Before we talk about how to change web hosts, let's consider why you may want to switch your web hosting account. Many small businesses start off by using the cheapest web hosting they can find, but bargain web hosting probably isn't going to be suitable for your business when it expands. What are some warning signs that indicate you need to change hosting providers? Your website is slow: If your website runs too slow, it may be time to move on to a different hosting provider. In many cases, hosted sites can cause your performance to be slowed down, and this happens in some situations. Ideally, hosting providers should give you page cache and Redis object caching with the aim of boosting site performance. You Pay Overage Fees: Most hosting providers limit the bandwidth or number of visitors a site can receive in one month to ensure that one site on a shared plan does not cause all the other sites to slow down. In case you end up exceeding these limits every month, then...