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Day: May 11, 2020

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It’s pretty much several times a day that we hear about how some aspect of life has been turned on its head by the current global pandemic, and while the workings of the digital world won’t be front and centre for a lot of people it most certainly is for us. Here at 4GoodHosting, that ongoing interest and eyes wide open nature is likely a large part of what puts us among the best Canadian web hosting providers. With that said, even if you’re not working in the some wrinkle of the industry it’s still going to be hard not to be aware of the importance of cloud computing. It’s very much a staple of the digital nature of business, and it’s at the very heart of the IoT (Internet of Things). Which brings us today’s topic - what can webmasters or shot callers of other stripes do to keep the current situation from taking cloud computing costs and pretty much running away with them? Managing financial uncertainty is going to be a challenge, even during the best of times. There are two major factors driving the need for continuous cloud cost optimization; first, there’s the evolving global financial conditions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Next, we’ve got the accelerating adoption of cloud usage. A recent report is showing that organizations expect cloud spend to go up by 47% in the coming year. This rapidly growing spend leads to challenges in forecasting, as the majority of respondents contributing to the report indicate they’ve exceeded their cloud budget by an average of 23% and they don’t see much in the way of what can be done to counter that. More Difficult to Optimize Cloud Costs Along with the growth of crowd spending goes businesses finding it difficult to ensure that cloud costs are optimized. The consensus is that nearly a third (30%) of cloud spending is wasted, and 73% of respondent see the need to optimize their existing use of cloud as a primary initiative for this year. As one might expect, the new digital-heavy realities of life that COVID-19 has thrust upon us all has meant that cloud use...

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