Anyone who’d unfamiliar with Siri or Alexa these days will have had to very consciously done something to stay so totally out of touch with how voice searches are entirely commonplace nowadays. Even if you’re not among the hundreds of thousands who make use of virtual assistants this way every day, you really can’t not know of them. It’s true that advances in digital and Internet technologies are coming fast and furious these days, however, so for some who aren’t keeners these sorts of things may arrive on their radar much later.Well, as you might imagine given that we’re a Canadian web hosting provider, the lot of us at 4GoodHosting are totally keeners for this sort of stuff as it factors into the way we make decisions on what we do with our product and services. That’s going to be true for a whole lot of people who rely on the Information Superhighway to make them visible for ‘searcher’s on the lookout for whatever it is they have to offer. And so here we are with a number of figures that bear out what we’re getting at here; the fact that mobile web browsing is outdistancing desktop variations is well established, and now we’re also seeing that more and more often those mobile web browsers are utilizing voice search on their devices. Voice Search Becoming Commonplace It’s being reported that more than 50 percent of all smartphone users will utilize voice technology on their devices over the course of the rest of this year. There’s no debating that voice and visual search tools have completely transformed the way we use the internet, and that half figure there indicates that the transformation is definitely being well received. We’re at a point now where using our mouths and eyes to guide searches has transformed how we find desired information, items, and whatever else it is we have access to on that Superhighway. We may be just a quarter of the way through, but 2020 is already proving to be a big year for internet development. Whether it’s huge gains in major data storage expansion capacities or the way cloud computing has been...
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