7 Strategies to Market Your Reseller Hosting Business

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7 Strategies to Market Your Reseller Hosting Business

Buying a home with an unfinished business presents the opportunity to create a mortgage helper, and of course what we’re talking about is having a secondary suite in your home that you’re able to rent out. That’s especially common here in Vancouver, although the astronomical costs people pay to carry a mortgage here has nothing to do with why 4GoodHosting is always tops for Vancouver hosting. There’s also no connection to reseller hosting marketing with that, but that’s going to be our focus here for this blog entry.

Now if you’re someone who is a regular reader here it is likely that there aren’t many if any terms related to web hosting you’re not familiar with. Reseller hosting may be one of them though, so before we go any further with this let’s provide a definition for those of you who might need it. It is also called white label hosting, meaning that it’s hosting that is owned by one but has another’s name on it.

So to speak, but as a more functional definition it is when someone rents server space, software, and bandwidth from another individual or entity at wholesale prices, and then resell the resources for profit to someone looking to build a website. It essentially works in much the same way as the rental suite analogy we provided earlier – they’ve got more space than they need included in their web hosting package, but moving down to a lower one would mean they wouldn’t have enough.

The additional unneeded space is then made available for resale, and there you have it – reseller hosting. Reseller hosting sales can become its own business when an entity will have several web hosting arrangements being paid for every month and most of them will be for separate sites, apps, or other internet-based ventures. When you’ve got plenty of bandwidth to spare, you start focusing on reseller business promotion.

What we’re going to do here is tailor this communication to individuals or companies that are in that position, and lay out 7 strategies to market your reseller hosting business. Let’s get right into it.

More All the Time

Over recent years there has been notable reseller hosting growth and that makes sense as there are ever-increasing numbers of new development initiatives coming online and often they are doing so with understandably limited budgets. Reseller hosting may be where they look to bring themselves online as with affordable reseller hosting they may end up with better web hosting in Canada as compared to what they’d have with a standard shared hosting plan.

As is always the case you may be better of going with VPS hosting right from the start, but we won’t go down that path this week. Although it is also possible that reseller hosting sales may also have VPS hosting space available for you. This is not something that happens very regularly though, and with reseller hosting you’re almost always going to be paying for remainder space existing as part of a shared web hosting plan in Canada.

Getting back to our overview, a reseller hosting business is not unlike a big bag of internet resources like server space and bandwidth, with slices of it being sold to other people who are looking to launch a website. We’ve touched on why these days this option by and large sells itself, but even still it can be beneficial to market what you have available and reseller hosting branding and SEO for reseller business will be a part of that.

Remember that the online world is a bustling marketplace, and everyone wants to have their online storefront or service portal front and center on the web for people who would ideally be regular customers. Standing out and thriving means involves being super visible to these people and if you are in the reseller hosting business they will be looking for you to provide them with more affordable web hosting.

Count to Seven

So what we’re going to move to now are simple and effective ways to make your reseller hosting business stand out more than others. Server proximity is often a factor, and so First and foremost here is knowing what type of people will have what types of businesses or ventures coming online where you are. If you are in a big city with a web hosting provider who features local servers this is not going to a decisive factor, but if you’re in any part of Canada where you web hosting provider and their servers are a ways away it is going to be one.

Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your audience is important for this reason. The better you know the people you’re looking to offer affordable reseller hosting to, the more likely it is that they’ll be turning to your business to provide them with what they need. What sorts of new business ventures have been popping up in your area, and ones where there is almost certainly going to be competition coming along in the near future.

Identifying potential customers means figuring out who would benefit most from what you offer. Are they small businesses looking for a reliable hosting partner? Maybe they’re aspiring bloggers or e-commerce enthusiasts who are keen to establish their online presence but very likely don’t have a lot of money to be spending on web hosting for a spot on the web to publish their content.

Think about the characteristics of your potential customers that make them a good fit for your hosting services. Factors to consider will be the size of their website, technical expertise, and the specific features they might need. You’ll also want to understand their needs and preferences

The next step is understanding the needs and preferences of your potential customers. What features would they be looking for in a hosting service? Would lightning-fast website speed, top-notch security, or an easy-to-use interface be priorities, or would other ones be higher up on their list of must-haves. Surveys, customer feedback, and market research can be your trusty tools in this stage. The more you understand what your audience values, the better you can tailor your hosting services to meet their expectations.

Then with a better understanding of your audience you can customize your approach to grab their attention. Targeting customers are tech-savvy entrepreneurs can be one of just many examples, focusing on the advanced features and customization options your hosting provides. A small business just starting out could be the opposite end of the example spectrum, and here you would emphasize the simplicity and support you offer.

Professional Website

Crafting a professional website is a bigger part of reseller hosting marketing, and often it is first step towards making a lasting impression on potential customers. If you’re looking for something simple and affordable then going with WordPress hosting and create a stunning website on a low budget is very doable. The design should be user-friendly, ensuring that visitors can navigate effortlessly through the pages. Aesthetics are only going to be a part of it though, as a professional website should also communicate a clear value proposition.

In this case that means having a concise and compelling message that makes it explicitly clear to these people that your reseller hosting services are the perfect fit for their needs. And all of your reseller hosting strategies are going to be tied into your website if they’re being implemented correctly.

First off, a user-friendly design is a must if you’re going to keep people looking for affordable reseller hosting on the site and considering you further with what you have to offer. They need to able to find the information they need quickly. Simple navigation, an intuitive layout, and responsive design goes a long way towards that and contribute to a positive user experience, encouraging potential customers to explore further.

You will also need a clear value proposition. Start by creating a landing page that delivers just that. What makes your reseller hosting stand out? Whether it’s exceptional customer support, top-tier performance, or competitive pricing, communicating this value proposition effectively can be an integral part of winning over these prospective customers. This really is reseller hosting business promotion done right.

Social Media Presence

Be selective with the social media platforms you use to promote your reseller hosting business. They don’t all have the same potential for promoting business, and it’s good to have an understanding of where your target audience spends their time online. Once you have that you will then establish a presence on platforms that align with your business goals. That may be Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook, or maybe another one entirely. Each platform has its unique strengths and audience demographics.

Utilizing valuable content on whichever ones you choose is a must, and you should be providing regular updates too. The key to success lies in effective social media strategies and creating content that resonates with your audience. Regularly update your social media channels with engaging content. Example can be industry insights, hosting tips, and promotions. Plus posting consistently helps keep your brand in the minds of potential customers and fosters a sense of community around your reseller hosting business.

Leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We touched on the value of SEO for reseller business earlier, and it really is critically important if you want to be optimally visible to people who are looking for affordable reseller hosting in Canada. Both on-page and off-page SEO can be focuses, and should be if you are committed to boosting the visibility of your reseller hosting business. Here’s the basics of what you will need to know for SEO strategies:

Keyword research - Identify and integrate relevant keywords into your website content to align with what potential customers are searching for. You can also check trending keywords on Google Trends for better results.

On- & Off-page SEO - Optimize your website content (on-page) and then use backlinks and collaborations (off-page) to build a strong online reputation through and improve search engine rankings.

Local SEO – we also talked about knowing your local reseller hosting audience and this goes along with that point. You should tailor your online presence for local audiences by using region-specific keywords, creating a Google My Business profile, and also try to have existing customers writing and submitting local customer reviews for your service.

Content Marketing - Explainer videos are a good means of communicating your value proposition, making it easier for your audience to grasp the benefits of choosing your reseller hosting services.

Content marketing is a potent tool to promote reseller hosting businesses and can contribute to reseller hosting sales emphatically. What good content marketing does here is provide a platform to inform and engage the audience effectively. If you’re able to blog, you can and should be making good use of it here to promote your reseller hosting business.

Regularly publishing articles on web hosting and reseller hosting in particular puts your expertise on display and keeps your audience informed about emerging trends, technological advancements, and relevant news. You will be building credibility and also fostering trust among your audience, and contributing to reseller hosting branding.

Most people can write just fine, or at least well enough. But if you can expand your horizons and start using video as part of your content marketing then you’ll be doing even better. With short, informative clips you can highlight the unique features of your hosting packages and be getting a lot more out of your reseller hosting marketing efforts.

Develop Partnerships and Collaborations

Strategic partnerships and collaborations are always involved expanding reach and fostering business growth, no matter what it is that you are promoting as part of your side business efforts. Networking within the hosting industry provides opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals, share insights, and explore collaborations that can open new avenues for business development. Participate in industry conferences or online forums to build a solid network for reseller hosting strategies. This will enhance your industry knowledge on an ongoing basis as you go along and also sets the stage for mutually beneficial collaborations that really promote your reseller hosting business.

Offer Special Promotions and Discounts

Using special promotions and discounts can work as a real catalyst when it comes to growing a reseller hosting business. You can attract new customers by giving introductory offers, with examples being discounted pricing plans or packages that are bundled together when they agree to their initial sign-up. This signifies your expectation that theyare going to have a positive experience and also distinguished your reseller hosting services in a competitive market.

You can also be offering loyalty programs to existing customers plus rewards like discounted renewal rates and exclusive features. This is in line with reseller hosting growth because it shows your appreciation for them and it will increase the chances you retain them as reseller hosting clients long term.

You may also want to try creating a sense of urgency through limited-time promotions. This plays on the psychology of consumer decision-making, creating something of an urgency for prospective customers to act swiftly. This should work out to increased sales for your reseller hosting business.


What are the benefits of effective marketing for reseller hosting businesses?

Effective marketing approaches here will mean you are better able to stand out in what is an increasingly competitive market with reseller web hosting. You are going to be more likely to attract and retain customers, build brand awareness, and differentiate the services you offer and why certain ones add better value for people consider reseller hosting.

What is the best way to identify my target audience for reseller hosting?

Narrow your focuses to be looking mor exclusively at the size of their website, technical expertise, and what that specific customer type will need with certain hosting features based on the type of business they plan to bringing online. Conducting market research, surveys, and analyzing customer feedback as well.

What is the difference between reseller hosting and regular hosting?

A standard web hosting arrangement involves a web hosting provider selling a web hosting package to a recipient who then has some measure of the host’s server resources made available to them for hosting / managing their site(s).

Reseller hosting is different in that it is that buyer who is then selling a portion of those resources they now have through the host to a 3rd party who will do the same thing with it for a price.

Monitoring analytics and refining strategies: what should I do?

It’s fair to say that Google Analytics is the consensus best tool to gather insights. There are others, but no matter which one you use you will be best served if you are regularly analyzing metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates to understand campaign effectiveness.