One of the most crucial components for a website is a server where your website’s data is stored and served when someone visits your website—this is what makes web hosting so vital to the running of your site. But have you ever stopped to think about where that server sits? You may believe that hosting your website in another country isn’t a big deal, but that could be putting your business in risk without your knowledge A Canadian based free hosting provider you can trust — With 4GoodHosting you're offered much more than just space on a server, And that's a welcomed piece of mind with great security, superior reliability, and backing for local businesses and the development of Canadian innovation. In this day and age, storing your data in Canada is not only a smart move, but an essential one. Let’s explore why more than ever, you should keep your data within Canada. Here are five key reasons why hosting your website in Canada with 4GoodHosting is the best decision for your business: Incomparable Privacy Control – What’s That? Presumably it is safe to assume we all want privacy and data safety. But did you know that if you host your data in Canada, the level of privacy you will get is unparalleled? This is not the case in every country, as some have a more lenient approach to privacy and use it as a set of guidelines, looking at you places south of the border. This is why Canada is viewed as one of the top countries that ensures privacy protection for it’s citizens. In this regard, Canada has implemented the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act PIPEDA to make sure all sensitive data is well governed and companies are held responsible for any mishandling. This entails that your email, payment information, and personal records are protected under privacy laws in Canada, therefore these records do not fall into the wrong hands. Additionally, if you store your information in Canadian data centers, there is nearly zero likelihood of being subjected to foreign laws that may endanger the privacy of your business. In simple terms, Canada understands the...
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