Four old-school SEO methods that still work if you do it right

Reading Time: 2 minutes

With Google’s recent updates, there has been constant doubts, uncertainty and fear among webmasters. They are not sure which tactics to use to build backlinks to your site and which tactics should be avoided? But, there are some old-school SEO tactics that still work if done in the right way.

1. Forum backlinks

How not to do it: Backlinks that are created automatically from forum will get you penalized by Google. To get automatic forum accounts that have keyword rich links, there are many tools and services that point to the sites of the visitors. But these links are of no use because they no longer work.
How to do it right: If a good quality forum is related to the topic of your site, then a link from that forum can be of a positive influence for your web pages on the search engine positions.