Cyber security is certainly turning out to be one of the buzzwords of the 21st century, or at least so far and depending on whether you’re in certain circles. It is also certainly something that anyone running a business would have never even heard of or had to consider in the days before businesses started to up shop along the Information Superhighway. But nowadays nearly all of them who have taken their business online will be all to familiar with terms like malware, ransomware, and the like. There’s always going to be bad actors but nowadays they’re a whole lot more inconspicuous in the digital space. There’s been plenty of documented cases where big businesses have taken big hits because of cyber attacks, but fortunately cloud computing technology has really stepped up to be a valuable and powerful ally in the fight against cyber crime. The reason this is noteworthy for us here at 4GoodHosting is the nature of what we do lends itself to taking an interest in something that will definitely be a forefront issue for those websites hosted and in operation because of e-commerce interests. We imagine this would be true for any good Canadian web hosting provider. So we figured this would be an excellent topic to delve into for this week’s entry, and explain in more detail how having the benefits of cloud computing on the side of Enterprise security is such a big plus for anyone who has reasons to be concerned about how air-tight their website and data related to their business operation is or is not depending on the circumstance. New Rules Enterprise organisations today have no choice but to play by a new set of cyber and physical security rules. There’s not stopping the advances hackers are making, and they will continue to find new and faster ways to get past security protocols. It’s fair to say now that traditional models where cybersecurity and physical security teams operate as separate entities can no longer ensure being defended against the most recent and revamped threats. Converged cyber and physical security teams are great, but a key piece of a successful security strategy...