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Tag: cloud analytics

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Here at 4GoodHosting, we’re a reputable web hosting service provider in Canada and we like to think we’ve got our thumbs sufficiently on the pulse of what’s new in the digital marketing world too. The ‘stack’ we’re going to talk about today is all about computing and the new way in which cloud computing, in particular, has revolutionized the way people access and utilize resources made available through the internet. We always have tips for improving your online marketing presence, but this blog post is really more about some of the more notable developments in cloud computing as they pertain to business. The Cloud is a broad collection of services, and these days there’s plenty of options in regards to the way you can optimize them for the benefit of your company and organization. The stack is the broad range of services built on top of one another - thus the stack. Each one owes much of its stability and practicality to the one underneath it, as we’ll highlight shortly. Unparalleled Network Access Services make the grade as ‘Cloud’ worthy when they feature: On-demand self service - any time and anywhere you want it, sign up and receive service without delay Broad and uninhibited network access across varied devices (desktop, laptop, AND mobile) Extensive resource pooling Rapid elasticity - able to flex upwards and downwards in relation to demand surges and sags Measured service that is billed accordingly, and with transparency The Stack Itself Alright, picture a pyramid divided into 3 sections. The pointed top is SaaS (software as a service). The middle section is Paas (platform as a service) and the base is IaaS (infrastructure as a service). SaaS applications are intended for delivery to end users, and that delivery occurs immediately via the web (analogy - think passengers) PaaS encompasses all of the tools and services that make coding and deploying those services occur smoothly, reliably, and relatively understandably (analogy - think vehicles) IaaS is the groundwork - the hardware and software powering it all along. This can be servers, storage, networks, operating systems (analogy - think roadways) SaaS is software that’s deployed over the internet. To put...

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Taking a critical look at big data gives companies valuable insights that allow them to make better-informed strategic decisions. Looking at these insights - and then making smart strategic moves based on your deductions - gives you the edge over your competitors and provides a more complete picture of your business. Undertaking big data analytics isn’t the simplest of processes though. You need the computing resources in place for it to be done effectively, and here at 4GoodHosting we like to share what we know as a Canadian web hosting provider who understands Internet marketing as well. So, What Exactly is Cloud Analytics? Cloud analytics is a cloud-based solution which enables businesses to carry out analyses and related intelligence procedures through integrated cloud models, whether that’s with hosted data warehouses, SaaS business intelligence (BI) or cloud-powered social media analytics. A whole range of analytical tools and techniques are put to work to help companies extract information from massive data and then present it in a way that is easily categorized, readily available via a web browser, and - most importantly - digestible and comprehensible for those who have interests in it. A Unified Vision For The Business Many companies face problems when different elements within the organization do not share the same perception of what is going well for the company - and what isn’t. Often, they are all working from their own data sets without a collectively agreed-upon ‘big picture.’ Cloud analytics makes it easier to identify and firmly define what that big picture should be. One of the crucial advantages of using cloud analytics is its ability to consolidate big data from all sources and communication channels that a company employs. The capacity that cloud computing offers allows everything to feed in in a linear and timely manner: you can gather large-scale data from all your internal apps, devices, social networks and data subscriptions. Needless to say, that would be difficult to do in-house and on a single network. Using a cloud-based data management platform lets you easily blend data from a range of sources, enabling it to be matched, merged and cleansed – with the collective volume...

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