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Tag: “SEO made simple”

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This is a primer for most of you who are interested in but maybe still unfamiliar of what is meant by the the three letter acronym, SEO, which is short for "Search Engine Optimization"; its history and current day evolution. Over the past 25 years, the way we live and work has been utterly transformed by the creation and evolution of the world wide web or "internet". As the volume of online content has soared, search engines have become central and essential and critical to an infinite number of our online "web surfing" searches & experiences. SEO is an Internet marketing strategy, and takes into account how search engines are programmed (and updated) to function, what people are most likely to search for, the actual search phrases or keywords entered into search engines - and specific for each target audience. So let's quickly travel back a quarter-of-a-century to a time before tags, keywords, “backlinks”. clickthrus, and content optimization - to explore how SEO has changed and developed over time -> and what those changes now appear to tell us about the future! read_more 1991 : The first “website “goes live in a European research lab. The first webmaster goes down in history as “Tim Berners Lee”. With an immediate explosion in the number of websites, there's an increasingly pressing need to organize and index them. The earliest services to do this were “Archie” and “Gopher” — they were most primitive in how they worked, but both of those services are widely regarded as the first search engines. The “evolution” of Search Engines became: Altavista, LYCOS, Infoseek, , Excite, Ask Jeeves, Google, Yahoo Search, MSN, and Bing... There were various others such as search.com, but much less visible than the main group. As getting top or “1st page” listings has proven to be vitally important for any company marketing its products and services on the internet, SEO companies began to take root. A group at Search Engine Watch launched the Search Engine Strategies Conference (SES in 1996-1997). SES is still going strong today, with events all over the world frequently attended by thought leaders and industry experts. Now onto Google: Google...

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