Paywall systems. How to market and sell your content on your website.

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The Internet is wide open, but sometimes your proprietary content that has value should she sold for a certain amount of money. This is where Paywall systems come into play.

This creates a membership or customer or client base for you as well, giving you email addresses where you may be able to sell similar content to the same previous customers.

For paying subscribers, they then get access to say your gallery, video, mp3s books, articles, or any other kind of files. Again to keep things under control, you will need a paywall system.

Paywalls have received a bad reputation because content people think should be free isn’t always free. However, that is the proper nature of things, that your works should have some sort of monetary value. You just need to make sure you publish interesting content that others can easily find for free anywhere else; that is the other half of things.