“Halow” is a new wifi-frequency that offers double range

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HaLow There!

“Halow” (pronounced “halo”) is a new wifi-frequency that offers double range, and uses half as much power; or succinctly “low-power, long-range wifi”.
( 802.11ah standard )

The WiFi alliance has finally approved the frantically-anticipated 802.11ah wifi standard and nicknamed it ‘HaLow’; which uses less power and has better wall penetration. It can be thought of much like a long-range Bluetooth signal. Basically HaLow is all about connecting low-power & long-range wifi; which is critical to the production of small, affordable smart devices.

“Halow” enabled devices will operate at a lower and much less dangerous “less-microwaving” frequency, in the unlicensed 900MHz band (incorporating IEEE 802.11ah protocol standards). Coincidentally this also extends the range of a typical router or device of the current 2.4GHz standard, uses less power and provides better wall penetration.

The new wifi standard is seen as essential for the Internet of Things (IoT) and various futuristic connected home devices. The biggest obstacle has been gadgets like home-security sensors, smartbulbs, cameras, smart-watches, connected cars, digital healthcare products, and wearables; as well as industrial and retail sectors. These devices have had to supply enough power to send data long distances, constantly, to remote hubs or routers. However, today most prevalent wifi-standard in the 2.4Ghz spectrum doesn’t allow for long battery usage and transmission distances.