Igniting your New Content Posts to Increase Readership

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The goal of generating new content is firstly getting as many eyes as you can get onto. Simply, the more the better. The more popular your content becomes also means more people coming through your website; which means more exposure of your brand, and therefore increasing revenue over time.

Content campaigns typically encounter, at one point or another, a leveling out of visitors per day; even when introducing new topics and consistently good/original material. Basically it is difficult to get as much exposure for your content as you would otherwise like.

If you are recently starting out, the reality is, no matter how much your would like to believe otherwise, original and great content won’t maximize the number of readers all by itself. At some point there needs to be some kind of initial spark, for attracting first rounds of visitors; who can then spread the word on their social media pages. Providing this ignition spark requires extra work on your part.

However, we are outlining a handful of effective methods (below) to help you fast-track on your new content marketing efforts.

If you follow these steps periodically, the greater the compounding effects will be.

Whenever you post a new piece of content, pursue these some of the following ideas to expand its reach and increase your blog (and brand) exposure:


Your content is fresh, which means it doesn’t have much traction or authority on its own. To give it a little extra boost at the beginning of its life, try linking to it from multiple different sources. This will give more direct foot traffic to the page in addition to improving its authority in search engines.

Start by interlinking it with pages of your own site. For example, you might look back to similar posts you’ve written in the past on your blog, and use those as opportunities to link to your new post. Then, look for opportunities in blogs and forums outside your own site—just be sure that those opportunities add value to the visitors who encounter them. Never post a link to your new content just for the sake of adding a link.

B. Submitting your content on “content discovery sites”

There are hundreds of websites out there dedicated to helping good-to-great content surface through all the confusion. Case in point, social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon exist. Such services have the potential to get millions of eyeballs on your content (after many deem it worthy of “liking” or “upvoting”).

More discovery sites include: “ BizSugar, Blog Engage, and Triberr. These sites allow you to upload content for content-community discovery; yet the downside is the participation/competition factor is enormous. There the content be be interpreted on those sites as ‘quite good’.

C. Social media channels: post new content on every one you have opened

Even if your social pages/channels don’t (yet) see much attention, it is still worth the effort of posting to them. It is important to try to post quickly right after your initial publication, and to also the fact that it is a new article; by including language that expresses its current relevancy. So when posting, just don’t post the title or just a link to the new material; attempt to intrigue your audience into taking the time to read it. You can also again after a couple of weeks pass, to remind people to check out the article.

If you do this, then people who see your channel can see that they can expect more content from you. You will gain more lasting followers, and eventually, this syndication process will grow your brand, perhaps slowly, but surely.

Social media can be powerful when effectively cultivated. The more outlets you can use to highlight your content, your will see a better return on your efforts. Also a good idea to summarize your new posts in newsletters to your readers, possibly each month, usually at the start or end of a new month.

D. Asking other outlets for portion of your content

One person or a company’s social network is limited so there is a limit of promoting your content by yourself. If you get some shares/likes from your social network, there is still such a limit to how much exposure your content can gain.

However, there are some people are are seen as “social influencers”; who are recognized as principle authorities in an industry; who typically have 10s of thousands of followers or more. If you are able to befriend these particular people, you maybe be able to get thousands of new eyes to check out your content. The difficulty is that influencers are busy, well-connected people -- and lots of people try to talk to them every day.

However, you can use these techniques to gain an influencer’s attention by: 1) Sharing a piece of their content. 2) Commenting frequently on their posts. 3) Getting involved in a notable discussion. 4) Directly asking them for some help. 5) Find something unique you have in common. 6) Offer them a free sample in exchange for a review.

So if you’re looking for attention for a new product you’re rolling out, perhaps send a free sample to a key influencer -- along with a request that they post their review of the product -- and hopefully they will like it!

The trick is to somehow motivate them to share your content. One of the best strategies is actually to be forthcoming and directly ask them for help (however you will get better results if you offer them something valuable in return). Again, remember, social media influencers are busy people with barely any extra time; so you should offer something, to make it worth their while, to in return help you out.


Remember, following the above techniques alone are not enough by itself. Your new content should be original research, offer some valuable insights, have some unique claims, visual elements, and eloquent, grammatically correct language.

This above serves as content amplification, so if you apply it to well produced content, the best effects will be seem. Be sure your content is of A/A+ grade prior to syndication and a social marketing strategy. For more information, please see our 4GoodHosting SEO services page.