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Month: May 2024

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reading time Reading Time: 14 minutes

Those who are taking a small business, venture, or personal interest / hobby online will often be the furthest thing from webmasters. This means simplicity will be a priority when it comes to operating a website and that’s where a WordPress site will get the highest marks for these people. Not only is putting together a WordPress website especially straightforward, but there’s also next to nothing required of you to have it hosted when you have Managed WordPress hosting Canada. Managed is the key word there, because it means that every aspect of having the site hosted and optimally serviced for you is taken care of by the web hosting provider. Of course there’s an increased cost for that, but if you want be entirely hands-off for your website and instead focus only on creating content and the like then it is something you will want to consider. Also keep in mind that when you have Managed WordPress hosting in Canada you will have better SEO for your website included. That is going to be a big part of the appeal if your WordPress website needs to be more visible, whether that’s for business interests or more simply because the reason you created the site is you want to be more competitive with whatever it is you’re doing. Most web hosting providers in Canada provide uptime guarantees for websites hosted through them, and this is another part of the advantages that come with managed WordPress hosting. You can also expect to have a faster and better performing site, better website security, quicker access to WordPress development tools if you do decide to be proactive in site management along with one-click staging sites and local environments. There is much more to the advantages of Managed WordPress hosting Canada and one of the ways a user can improve their website if they do decide to be involved with it is make more efficient use of their disk space. That’s what we’ll look at with this blog entry, so let’s get right to it. Be Selective With Space Effective management of disk space goes a long way towards the optimal functioning of a...

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reading time Reading Time: 13 minutes

Buying a home with an unfinished business presents the opportunity to create a mortgage helper, and of course what we’re talking about is having a secondary suite in your home that you’re able to rent out. That’s especially common here in Vancouver, although the astronomical costs people pay to carry a mortgage here has nothing to do with why 4GoodHosting is always tops for Vancouver hosting. There’s also no connection to reseller hosting marketing with that, but that’s going to be our focus here for this blog entry. Now if you’re someone who is a regular reader here it is likely that there aren’t many if any terms related to web hosting you’re not familiar with. Reseller hosting may be one of them though, so before we go any further with this let’s provide a definition for those of you who might need it. It is also called white label hosting, meaning that it’s hosting that is owned by one but has another’s name on it. So to speak, but as a more functional definition it is when someone rents server space, software, and bandwidth from another individual or entity at wholesale prices, and then resell the resources for profit to someone looking to build a website. It essentially works in much the same way as the rental suite analogy we provided earlier – they’ve got more space than they need included in their web hosting package, but moving down to a lower one would mean they wouldn’t have enough. The additional unneeded space is then made available for resale, and there you have it – reseller hosting. Reseller hosting sales can become its own business when an entity will have several web hosting arrangements being paid for every month and most of them will be for separate sites, apps, or other internet-based ventures. When you’ve got plenty of bandwidth to spare, you start focusing on reseller business promotion. What we’re going to do here is tailor this communication to individuals or companies that are in that position, and lay out 7 strategies to market your reseller hosting business. Let’s get right into it. More All the Time Over recent...

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reading time Reading Time: 14 minutes

Nearly everyone has something to say. But when what you have to say has some degree of value to it and others might benefit from the shared knowledge then this is when it becomes worthy of a web log. The abbreviated version of that is blog of course, and it’s very much a household term now in the digital world. There are so many of them on the web for people to peruse, and what’s nice about them is that even the most average of people can share their expertise, opinion, or simple observations on the web. You can do the same if you’re inclined, so what we’ll have here is a blogging platform comparison. The two ones that are most frequently used to create and publish blogs quickly and easily are WordPress and Medium, and overall they’re both excellent resources for doing so. Some people are going to tout one or the other as the best blogging platform, and for either one that insistence could be legit depending on what they’re doing with it and the type of blog they’re writing and publishing on the web. WordPress blogging benefits have been covered extensively in our blog here at 4GoodHosting, but we know we can be giving Medium the same props for many reasons. If you take some time to look through a Medium publishing guide you’ll see that both platforms are functionally similar, but there are some specific differences between them. That’s to be expected, but when they make it so that one or the other may definitively be a better fit for your blog then it makes much more sense to have a deeper and more evaluative look into which one that is. So let’s get right into what should go into choosing a blogging platform here. Choosing a Stage What you’re essentially doing here is picking a stage for your online diary, and it’s not a decision that should be made so lightly. Your blogging platform is where you will be creating and showcasing your content. The right one will make it easy for people to find your stuff, determine how good your blog looks to viewers,...

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reading time Reading Time: 13 minutes

WordPress may have got its start as an online content publishing platform, but since then it’s become the quick and easy means of creating a basic functional website. That ease of construction and the appeal of having something that’s still reasonably attractive despite not asking much of your time is the reason WordPress grew in popularity for blogging in the first place. Fast forward to today and it is a CMS that is the foundation for upwards of 800 million websites around the world. This has many people looking for the best WordPress hosting Canada. It's almost always going to be the right fit for anyone who doesn’t need the snazziest of sites, and wouldn’t be inclined to take on the cost that comes with them even if they did. You can build a WordPress website on your own, or at least the majority of people will be able to. And if all that’s needed to promote yourself is something basic then you can’t go wrong going with one, and again especially considering it will cost you next to nothing to put one together and WordPress always has so many free plug-ins that will allow you to customize and achieve optimal WordPress performance. Among the types of people that will be just fine with a WordPress website are going to be small business owners and artists who need a simple website to promote themselves and their art. These types of sites are going to be the logical choice for advocacy groups too, and the same will go for service providers of any sort that only operate locally in a specific city or town in Canada. Secure WordPress Hosting All the bells and whistles may be needed for bigtime business players and others who need a ‘superb’ site, but if that’s not you and you know you can get by with something that’s simple yet functional and reasonably attractive then you’re going to be just fine with a WordPress website. But there’s another aspect of making that happen and taking yourself and your interests online, and that’s having secure WordPress hosting that ensures your site will always be accessible for the...

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