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Day: November 14, 2022

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Crypto has been talked about more than enough, even though there are plenty of people who don’t know that it has values that go far beyond just financials. At the root of all its capabilities is blockchain, and again most people are at least aware of how the technology of it has so much potential for improving much of everything humans do on larger scales. Yes, cryptocurrency is in a bit of a slum right now but the technology as a whole is going strong and blockchain is doing extremely well in making up the building blocks of Web 3. That’s a term that some may not know as well, but it’s for applications built off distributed, user-owned blockchains and the promise it has for speeding up improvements in all sorts of areas is nearly immeasurable. Healthcare and financial security are front and center there, and the reason this of interest to a good Canadian web hosting provider like 4GoodHosting is also because Web 3 has the potential to factor into what we do as a service provider too. There is a lot to look forward to if Web 3 gets off the ground the way we all want it too. There’s always going to be bugs in any type of new largest-scale digital development though, and when it comes to blockchain the biggest concern is with reliable, consistent performance that is going to be needed if Web 3 is to be leaned on the way people hope to be able to. So this is what we’ll look at with this week’s entry as it is one of those topics that’s worthy of a longer look if you have any sort of interest in getting as much as possible out of your investment in digital. Multi-User Functionality Over the next 10 years or so billions of people are going to begin using applications built off distributed, user-owned blockchains as part of the emergence of Web 3. One the ongoing biggest issues with blockchain networks is the need for an efficient way of detecting and resolving performance problems. Current analytics tools for monitoring websites and apps are right now designed for...

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