How to add Google Maps to Joomla

There are several extensions that allow you to easily create Google Maps and display them in Joomla

One aptly named extension, GoogleMap, is fairly new but also pretty popular. It seems to have a variety of useful features that make it stand apart from the rest

1) As with all extensions we'll be showing you, start by going to Then, navigate to the Photos & Images / Maps category and find the GoogleMap page


2) Once there, click Download


3) Click the link for the latest version


We recommend you download the component, mod_google, and both plugins

4) Once you've downloaded them all, install them just as you would any extension


For assistance with finding or installing extensions, watch the first two tutorials in this series


5) When complete, go to Components


6) Then Googlemap


7) And then Configuration


8) First, you must enter the URL(s) on which your site resides, separated by commas. If you leave out a domain name, the Google Maps will not function when viewed from that location


If you want the maps to function on all subdomains of your site, leave off www here


9) Next, it's necessary to get authorization from Google for the domain name(s) entered above. This is done by obtaining an API key from their website. Click this link


You must be registered for and logged in to a Google or Gmail account before proceeding. If you do not have an account, click this link to be given the opportunity to create one


Once you're logged in and have read over the contents of this page, scroll down


10) You must agree to the terms and conditions

11) Type the URL you entered a moment ago

12) Click Generate API Key


Your key has been created

13) Copy it to your clipboard


Return to Joomla


14) Paste the key here


If you have multiple domain names listed above, repeat the process with each of them


15) When finished, scroll up


16) Click Save



Now it's time to start setting up our first map, starting with the destinations


17) Click Manage destinations



Let's edit the sample destination that was created automatically


18) Change the name

19) Type a description


Scroll down


You have the option of finding the coordinates of your destination using a map or by entering the address


20) Click Google by address


21) Type as much information as possible in these three fields

22) When finished, click Transfer Coordinates


Scroll up


Notice -- the latitude and longitude fields have updated to show the new coordinate



Look right


23) Click Save



Let's add another destination


Scroll right


24) Click New


25) Proceed as before

26) Choose the sample category

27) Set both of these to Yes



Scroll down

28) Scroll up and save

29) Create one more destination on your own


30) Once complete, reorder the destinations however you want


Now let's edit the category


31) Click Manage categories


32) Select the category


33) Rename it

34) Supply the coordinates that the map should focus upon by default. Use the data from one of your destinations, if you want

35) Change the zoom level, if you wish, using a value from 1 to 15


Scroll down


36) Type a description to put before the map


Scroll down


37) Type a description to be placed after the map, if you want


38) Make sure this category is Published



Scroll up


Under the Extra Parameters tab here, there are many options you can customize. Read over the hover descriptions for information on each. We're going to leave them all as the defaults

39) Click Save


Now, it's time to add a menu link for our map


40) Go to Menus


41) Choose a menu to contain the link. We'll use the Main Menu


Look to the right


42) Click New



Under Internal Link / Googlemap, there are three options for linking to the GoogleMap component


With Simple, you can display only a single destination


Standard and Advanced both allow you to choose a category of destinations to display on the map. Advanced is nearly identical to Standard, but adds a list of all the destinations below the map


We'll use Advanced


43) Type a title


Scroll down and customize any of the display settings you want. Then, scroll right


The only option under Parameters (Basic) allows you to select a category

44) Open up the next tab


All of these options allow you to override the settings specified by the category


We'll leave these blank and use the category's settings


Next tab


All of these options are also available on the category's page, this time under the Extra parameters tab. Use Global tells this component to use the settings as they're defined there


Again, you can override each of these here


45) When finished, click Save


Finally, we can check out our map on the Joomla frontend


46) Click Preview


47) Click the menu link we just made


Here it is! If all went well for you, yours should work, too


If you get a Google Maps API key error message, you'll need to go back and check your configuration


Scroll down


Notice the list of destinations. As stated, these will only show up in Advanced mode


Now that you have a map, you might want to start using the module and plugins you installed earlier. You can find out more about these on the developer's website


This is the end of the tutorial. You should now know how to use the GoogleMap extension for Joomla

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