How to accept PayPal donations on your Joomla site

This tutorial will show you how to use an extension called Easy Paypal Donation to add a PayPal donation button to your Joomla site

As with all extensions we'll be showing you, start by going to Then, navigate to the e-Commerce / Donations category and find the Easy Paypal Donation page

1) Click Download

2) Once you've reached the extension's site, scroll down

3) Right-click on the Download link

4) Copy the link location to your clipboard


5) Now, install the module as you would any other extension


For assistance with finding or installing extensions, watch the first two tutorials in this series


6) Once installation is complete, go to Extensions


7) Click Module Manager


Scroll down and find the module that was automatically created during installation


8) Click here

9) Change the title

10) Turn off Show Title



11) Enable the module

12) Position the module wherever you want; We'll put ours in the right column

13) Move the module down


Scroll right


14) Type your PayPal account

15) Define the purpose of this donation

16) Predefine an amount, if you want

17) Now, open up the Advanced Parameters and scroll down

18) Set Show Description to Yes


19) Describe the donation further

20) Turn off the footer; it's just an ad for the extension


Scroll up


21) Click Save



The module has been saved. Let's view it on the site


22) Click Preview



Scroll down


Success! The donation link shows up where it should be. Wasn't that easy?


This completes the tutorial. You now know how to accept PayPal donations on your Joomla site

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