PHPWebsite Web Hosting
Content Management System
phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management system. Web-based
administration allows for easy maintenance of interactive, community-driven web sites.
phpWebSite growing number of modules allow for easy site customization without the
need for unwanted or unused features. Client output from phpWebSite is valid XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative
If you would like to see phpwebsite in action you can view a demo install at
- It's free with all business web hosting accounts as well get a free domain name.
- It runs on your own domain website that is hosted with us.
Other Features :
- Easy, step-by-step graphical installer
- Web-based administration panel so there is no need for FTP access for daily site management
- User registration and permissions system, giving webmasters the ability to manage user access to content and features
- Completely extensible through additional modules
- Strong user community providing many third party modules/themes to further extend the core features
- Support for fully HTML templated modules allowing the webmaster to change content display through simple HTML and without modifying the application code
- Site look/feel controlled through a flexible, easy to use theme system. Allowing a site administrator to change the look and arrange the content by changing HTML and not PHP code
- Built in caching increases the speed of your web site
Screen Shots