phpWCMS Web Hosting
Content Management System
phpWCMS is an open source web content management system.
It works on any web server platform that supports PHP with MySQL, having been successfully tested on Windows XP and 2000,Mac OS X and Linux.
phpWCMS can be set up by novices in relatively short time, as the learning curve is not very steep compared to other systems.
If you would like to see phpWCMS in action you can view a demo install at
- It's free with all business web hosting accounts as well get a free domain name.
- It runs on your own domain website that is hosted with us.
Other Features :
- platform independent - tested on Linux, Windows 2000/XP/2003, MacOS X
- Install/setup GUI (creates database, config file)
- Backend translated into 13 languages (English, German, Danish, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Finnish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Lithuanian)
- W3C conform frontend rendering
- Unlimited pagelayouts - pagelayout wizard supports content rendering as table, div or custom
- Alias for every structure level possible, hidden level
- File manager
- Backend messages
- Backend chat
- And many more...
Screen Shots