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4GoodHosting supplies over 300 website application scripts at no additional charge, and all come standard with all our hosting plans. No need for a programmer, as the provided softaculous 1-click auto-installer is easy to use. Each application has full administration instructions and we also have example videos in our knowledge-base, but if you do need help we will solve it for you via our support department. Click below to order now.

PHP-Dev-Shell Hosting
PHP-Dev-Shell Software
PHPDevShell as the name suggests provides a shell for your code to run in. PHPDevShell would typically be used to develop general web based applications or administration interfaces. PHPDevShell is essentially a ready made GUI application where you can immediately start with the development work that matters most, your application. PHPDevShell is released under the GNU/LGPL LICENSE.
If you would like to see PHP-Dev-Shell in action you can view a demo install at PHP-Dev-Shell
  • It's free with all business web hosting accounts as well get a free domain name.
  • It runs on your own domain website that is hosted with us.
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