OpenDocMan Web Hosting
OpenDocMan Software
OpenDocMan is an opensource document management for the masses.
OpenDocMan is a free document management system (DMS) designed to comply with ISO
17025 and OIE standard for document management. It features web based access, fine grained control of access to files, and automated install and
If you would like to see OpenDocMan in action you can view a demo install at
- It's free with all business web hosting accounts as well get a free domain name.
- It runs on your own domain website that is hosted with us.
Other Features :
- Check-in and Check-out files
- Search Engine
- Multiple Users, Departments, and Categories
- File Moderation
- Email Notification
- Fine Grained Access
- File History
- Admin and Root users
- Multiple Document Versions
- Archiving function for deleted files
- Bookmarkable URL's
- Breakcrumb Navigation
- File Expiration
- And many more...
Screen Shots