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4GoodHosting supplies over 300 website application scripts at no additional charge, and all come standard with all our hosting plans. No need for a programmer, as the provided softaculous 1-click auto-installer is easy to use. Each application has full administration instructions and we also have example videos in our knowledge-base, but if you do need help we will solve it for you via our support department. Click below to order now.

Omeka Hosting
Omeka Software
Omeka is a free website builder designed with a simple drag-and-drop interface so that absolutely no programming skills are required. You can build your website for completely free within just a couple hours! You can build your website in any language you want! Omeka is an international software used by people in nearly every nation for building high quality, professional websites on the fly! Omeka is free, open, and available to anyone under the GNU/GPL license.
If you would like to see Omeka in action you can view a demo install at Omeka
  • It's free with all business web hosting accounts as well get a free domain name.
  • It runs on your own domain website that is hosted with us.
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