How to use File Manager in WebsitePanel

This tutorial assumes you are already logged in to WebsitePanel

Now let's learn how to use the file manager

1) Click on the plan for which you would like to access the file manager

2) Click File Manager



This interface allows you to manage all of your files you have uploaded

3) You can upload files by clicking the Upload button


4) Click Choose File to find the file you want to upload

5) Click the file you want to upload then click Open

6) Click Upload



Your file now shows up in the list and you can see the file name, size and date it was last modified


You can also create files


7) Enter a name for your file including the file extension


You can also enter optional content for your file


8) Click Create when you are ready


The new file now shows up in the list as well


You can also create a new folder to organize your files


9) Enter a name for your folder and click Create



You can edit the name of the folder you just added


10) Enter a new name for your folder and click Rename



The folder has been renamed


The file manager also allows you to create a Microsoft Access database


11) Enter a name for your database and click Create



Success! Our database now shows up in the file list


File manager allows you to zip a folder for easy storage or downloading


12) Select the folder you want to zip

13) Now click Zip


14) Enter a name for your archive and click Zip



Success! You can download your new zip file by clicking on the file name


15) You can also Unzip your file by selecting it...

16) ...and clicking Unzip


17) To copy a file, first select it...

18) ...then choose Copy


19) To choose a destination folder, click in the text box

20) You can now browse for the folder you want to copy the file to

21) Click Copy


22) You can view the copied file by clicking on the folder


We can see that it appears in the list

23) If you decide you don't want the file here after all, you can select it...

24) ...and click Delete


25) Click Delete to confirm file deletion

26) Click Home to go to the top directory

27) You can move the file instead by selecting it...

28) ...and clicking Move


29) You will need to browse for the destination folder as before

30) Click Move



You can go to the folder to view the moved file


The file can now be seen in the file list

31) Click Home to return to the top directory


32) You can edit the permissions of any file or folder by clicking this icon

33) You can allow read and write permissions for the file or folder

34) Selecting this box automatically changes all the items in the folder to these settings

35) Click Set Permissions


You can also edit any file with this icon next to it

36) Scroll down to see your disk space


You will need to calculate diskspace if you've made any recent changes which haven't been updated yet

37) Click OK



Your disk space now shows up. Note that it may take some time to appear depending on the number of files you have uploaded


This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the file manager in WebsitePanel

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