How to view and edit the applications installed by Installatron

After you install an application in Installatron, you can go back and edit the details if need be.

1) Click View/Edit Details for the script you wish to edit.


At the top, we see links to the application's website and admin panel.


This section shows a list of all known information about this script, such as the version, URL and database information.


This section shows the Application Information which was shown during installation.

2) Click Edit These Values & Files.


As you can see, only some of the options can be edited. For example, you cannot change the install ID or script type.

3) Let's change the Title.


Note that changing some of these settings may destroy Installatron's ability to manage the application. Options like the database settings should be left as is unless you know they have changed.


Also note that some of these options may be able to be managed within the application itself.

4) Click Save All.


Our settings have been changed.


That's it! You now know how to view and edit an application's details in Installatron.

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