How to use the Menu Manager in Joomla

This tutorial assumes you are already logged in to your Joomla admin panel


The Menu Manager allows you to create custom menus for your Joomla site

1) Click Menus


2) Then Menu Manager


Let's create a new menu


Scroll right


3) Click New


The Unique Name is what Joomla uses to identify this module within the code

4) Enter a Title


5) Type a Description


The Module Title is what will display on the front-end. If this field is left blank, the module will not be created

Scroll right


6) Click Save


7) Click this icon to edit the menu contents


Scroll right


8) Click New


9) Select the Menu Item Type from the list

10) Enter a Title



The Alias is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled


Entering an alias is optional; and, if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen


However, you may manually enter an alias, if desired


11) Click Save


The last thing to do after creating a new menu is to enable it in the module list


12) Click Extensions


13) Click Module Manager


14) Click the red X icon next to the menu item


The new menu can now be viewed on the front-end. Let's go there now


Here it is


That's it! You now know how to use the Menu Manager in Joomla

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