This tutorial assumes you are already logged in to your Joomla admin panel
Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to
1) Click Content
2) Then Category Manager
On this page, you can publish, unpublish, move, copy or delete categories or create a new one
3) To publish a category, select the checkbox
4) Then click Publish
5) To unpublish a category, select the box
6) And click Unpublish
Let's see how to move a category to a different section
7) Select the box next to the category you want to move
8) Click Move
9) Select a new section for this category
Scroll right
10) Click Save
11) To copy a category, select it
12) And click Copy
13) Choose the section the category will be copied to
Scroll right
14) Click Save
15) To delete a category, select the box
16) And click Delete
Now we'll edit the category we just copied
17) Select the category
Scroll right
18) Click Edit
19) Make any necessary changes
These options will be covered in more detail in the next step
20) Click Save
Let's create a whole new category now
Scroll right
21) Click New
22) Enter a Title
The Alias is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled
Entering an alias is optional; and, if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen
However, you may manually enter an alias, if desired
By default, Published is set to yes. If you don't want to publish this category just yet, you will need to change it to no
23) Select the Section from the list
The Access Level allows you to set what users can access content in this section
Public allows anyone who visits your site to view the content. Registered allows only registered users access. Special allows only authors and higher
Scroll down
24) You can select an image that will be used for this section
You can upload your own images into the images/stories directory
The Image Position is used to place the image at the left or right of the page
25) Enter a Description for this section
Scroll up
26) Click Save
That's it! You now know how to use the Category Manager in Joomla