How to manage modules in Joomla

This tutorial assumes you are already logged in to your Joomla admin panel

The Module Manager is where you can add and edit modules, which are used to display content and media around the main content

1) Click Extensions


2) Then Module Manager


On this page, you can enable, disable, copy, delete, edit or create modules


Disabled modules are indicated by a red X

3) To enable a module, select the checkbox next to the item

4) Then click Enable


5) To disable a module, select it

6) And click Disable


7) To make a copy of an existing module, select the box

8) Then click Copy


Let's delete the old module that we just copied


9) Select the module

10) Click Delete


Now we'll edit the new module


11) Select the copy


Scroll right


12) Click Edit


13) Make any necessary changes


Copied modules are automatically disabled, so you will need to enable it before you can use it


14) Select Yes next to Enabled


15) Click Save


Let's create a whole new module now


Scroll right


16) Click New



On this page, you can choose the type of module you would like to create

17) Select a module type


Scroll right


18) Click Next



Each module type has different options you can set


19) Fill out any necessary information

20) Click Save


Scroll down


The last thing we'll do is see how to re-order the modules


21) Click the green arrows to move an item up or down


That's it! You now know how to use the Module Manager in Joomla

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