How to use the User Manager in Joomla

This tutorial assumes you are already logged in to your Joomla admin panel

1) Click Site


2) Then User Manager


Here is the list of all the users that have registered for your site. Let's see how to add a new user

Scroll right


3) Click New


4) Type in a name for the new user

5) Enter a username


6) Type the user's email address


7) Enter a password and verify it

8) Set the back-end and front-end default languages

9) Click Save



Once a user has been created, you can edit it if needed


10) Click on the user's name

11) Let's change the user's group

12) Click Save


Now let's delete the user we just created


13) Click the checkbox next to the user

14) Click Delete


The last thing we'll do is see how to force a user to logout


15) Select the user

16) Click Logout



That's it! You now know how to use the User Manager in Joomla

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