How to manage users in Drupal

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to Drupal

1) Click the Administer link


Now let's learn how to manage users


2) Click the Users link here

3) Let's add a user now...  click Add user


4) Enter a Username for the new user here

5) Then enter the new user's Email address


6) Enter and confirm a password for the new user

7) When finished, click Create new account


8) That's it!  A new user account has been created. Click the List link here


Here is the user we just created. From here we can edit the user, including changing their password


Or we can delete the user... which we're going to do now


9) Select Delete the selected users


10) Then click Update


11) Click here to confirm you want to delete the account


The user we created has now been deleted

12) Click the User management link

13) Then click the Roles link


A role is a way of giving selected permissions to a group of users... which you can do from here

14) Click the User settings link


... and from here you can change many settings for the users of your site


This is the end of the tutorial.  You now know how to manage users in Drupal

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