How to create and restore a cPanel Backup

Backup of servers are done nightly and kept for 7 days. However you may decide to backup your data yourself.


1. Introduction to Backup

Backup is a service that helps you protect the irreplaceable data on your computer. It refers to the copying of data for the purpose of having a second copy of an original source, in case of damage to the original data. We can use magnetic tapes, floppy disketts, had disks and optical disks as backup devices.

2. How do I backup my website and hosting account?

Login to your CPanel Control Panel and choose "Backup" from the system menu. Click the link which reads "Download Today's Home Backup." Your computer will then prompt you for a place to save your backup files locally for safekeeping.

3. How do I restore a backup created with CPanel?

If you've previously downloaded a backup copy of your website through your CPanel Control Panel, restoring your site is a simple process.

Login to your CPanel Control Panel and choose "Backup" from the system menu. Once inside the Backup menu, you'll be prompted to perform three separate types of backup restorations, including "Restore a Home Backup," "Restore an SQL Database," and/or "Restore an Alias/Filter Backup." Choose the type of backup you wish to restore, click the "Browse" button next to your backup option, and direct your hosting account server to the file on your computer which you'd like to restore.

After the file has been located, click the "Upload" button and your hosting account will begin to restore your backup automatically for you.

4. What is CPanel Backup?

The Backup area of your CPanel Control Panel allows you to backup your current hosting account, settings and files.

You should always keep your own backups of your hosting account, on your local computer, to provide for easy recovery in the event of a problem.
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